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"Hello, Central!" Of Rainbow Energies and Meeting the Masters and Loneliness!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: GW


Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 9:05 PM

Subject: Correct Colors of the Esoteric Rays, etc.

Greetings Truth-Giver! BLESS YOU BEYOND BELIEF!!!

I'd like to point out to you that at the end of the MISSION STATEMENT, in the wonderful letter to fourwinds10 from Joseph, he mentions that the PINK ray expresses best through LADY NADA, and that she is the twin flame of SANANDA, and that the GREEN ray is mastered by PAUL THE VENETIAN, which leaves the INDIGO ray for HILARION.

I've asked you, now, on more than a couple of occasions, "What are the Correct Colors as matching to the Rainbow Masters" and the last thing you told me, which, by the way, is what I'm basing my practice visualizations on and which I consider very important to my Spiritual Growth right now, is that Emerald Green is the most proper ray to utilize for Healing, that Lady Nada is of the Indigo Light, being the twin flame of Sananda in THAT color, not the Rose color, and that Paul was master of the Rose colored LIGHT.

I ask you the questions of: "Why not have consistent personality traits shown, of these masters, throughout the website?" and "WHAT REALLY HAPPENED?"

In one really cool article you explain your "CUP OF TEA WITH CREATOR SOURCE" and I do believe you wrote that you saw all the masters there... have you not? Have you not seen them with your own eyes, in a more direct, tangible form than imagination visualization? I seem to be only processing visualizations that border on guesses, instead of meeting with them such as you have. Just tell me what the deal is with the Joseph message not aligning in factual information with your own, yet you posting it on one of the basic foundations of intent for your site.

Now that I delved into the subject, I also feel like asking you how come, even though I've asked them to meet with me in my thoughts, in such a more tangible form as you have seen and remember consciously, they seem to (DARE I SAY) ignore my honest request? Isn't that against their mandate of helping us when we ask them to? Or must it simply be that the vessel I am in is not living in balance with all Law yet? I guess, Patrick, that I am crying to you for support or something... else?

My closest "friends" and "family" shut down this Truth of starships and Phoenix Journals, even though I explain to them that I've seen Venus fly around!

I work my most talented at an inventory job, and the money is never enough to even feed myself all the time, let alone GET THE HECK OUTTA DODGE!!!

I pray you may relinquish some of your comfort unto my tired faith, HELD STRONG!!! DON'T YOU DOUBT THAT!!! -- but because I just feel lonely today. I see all this evil around me, and for around five years I've been praying for communion, within myself, between God and I -- and so, I've had it, but only in my head!!! Do you at least understand that, maybe? I am compelled to ask you for advice on how to achieve that wisdom to a refined enough level to actually meet with people like us. People who know the Truth of these SUBJECTS OF IMPORTANCE...

I feel an ambiguous link in our destinies... something undefinable through this message, maybe...

I am hoping you will use that AFFIRMED discernment of yours to enlighten me to what it could be which is troubling my focus and drawing it toward you... I know you might tell me, "more meditation" "it's up to you to discover what to do in your life" "keep practicing" or other things like that already... SO WHAT COULD IT BE THAT I AM LOOKING FOR? I think, wise One, that it is something NEW that YOU may help me with.


I dearly, thank you, for ANY AND ALL effort, so graciously given to us Lightworkers, toward co-processing Truth.

Honest... sincere... grateful... LOVE TO YOU!


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  GW
DATE:  May 20, 2008
Dear GW:
    Thank you for your letter and kind words.  You again ask about the colors of the Rainbow Maters.  I have struggled with an understanding of these colors from what I have both read and seen, and have been told that the Masters do not reflect only one energy color, but often choose to work within more than one energy color, though they represent the dominant color assigned to them.
    These are as follows:
    1.  Red---------------------------El Morya
    2.  Yellow-----------------------Serapis Bey
    3.  Green------------------------Paul the Venetian
    4.  Light Blue------------------Lanto the Sage
    5.  Indigo(Dark blue)--------Hilarion the Healer
    6.  Rose(pink)-----------------Lady Nada
    7.  Violet------------------------Violinio Germain
    We all have the same potential but our lessons and missions vary, thus our exposure to the Ascended Masters and other Higher Beings is allowed based upon our need for such experience.  I cannot order any Lighted Being to have an audience with me in the physical, but I can connect energetically with any of them through my God Spirit within at any time.  I believe physical contact is based upon desire and need in your Mission to do so.
    All true Lightworkers feel very much alone at times, for few travel the Lighted Path with us.  Hatonn said that we work mostly alone by design, so that we accomplish our Mission and learn our lessons without distraction or interference from others.  Evil can be overwhelming at times, thus the need to focus on goodness and Love to maintain balance.  Just be sure to walk in the Light, for the Light wins, always.
    The quickest way I know to lose the feeling of loneliness is to do something to help others.  By helping you are creating positive energy, which is returned to you in ever greater amount.  Thus, you have no room for the feeling of loneliness, as it is replaced by compassion, love and thankfulness.
    Have you read the basic Phoenix Journals (2, 3, 5, 7, 27, 47) ?  Assuming that you have read them, then you need to re-read them a second and even a third time.  Why so?  These journals are written in such a manner that each time you read them, your level of understanding is raised to a higher level.
    In a second reading you may have the reaction of "not having read this before".  As your enlightenment increases, your wisdom grows and your vision increases.  It's like climbing a mountain.  The higher you climb the more you can see.
    May you climb high and see far, my friend.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer