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"Hello, Central!" I Have More Patience, More Happiness and a True Me! (Updated May 5, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: Sa

To: <>

Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2008 7:11 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


you people who are giving so much of an effort to making this world better. ive only read 1 and 31 of the phoenix journals but i have had more patience more happiness and a true me!  it has made a big change i used to be programmed soo much that i would probabaly be one of those ignorant people that tell you off. im only 14 but i have noticed all the lies that we live by now that nobody even cares to notice, my own mother won''t even believe me. but it doesn\'t make me mad. its there opinion and nothings going to stop me and what i believe is true :]]you guys are amazing keep working hard on the nesara we need it to go threw!!  stay strong :]


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  Sa

DATE:  May 4, 2008


Dear Sa:

    Thank you for your letter and your kind words of encouragement for our work.  We honor you for your willingness to read the Phoenix Journals at your young age.  Gaining knowledge and learning the lies in your world now will allow you to gain much wisdom, through which you can do much good.

    Like so many parents, your mother is probably in survival mode and chooses not to allow time to observe or question what is.  She doesn't hear what you are saying because the noise in her world is drowning you out. Generally, people are spiritually asleep today, and know not their inner connections to the Angels and the huge world of the Spirit/Cosmos.

    Take time to think, my friend, and to listen to your inner voice of your God Spirit, who will guide you.  Try reading Phoenix Journal three, "Space Gate" and twenty-seven on the Laws of God.  May you find the Truth you seek, and yes, NESARA shall be here soon.  Be patient, be happy and be truly you!

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----
From: CS
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 3:31 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Your posting on 5/4/08 could not of been stated more concisely, or precisely, well done. I will say only one thing in their defense, that is 99.99 percent of the American people, haven\'t not even a small clue as to the function of our government. They still believe what they are basically told, and then when a point of view is present, to them, that is contrary to their believe system, then that statement is a bold face lie.

Again I say to you "well Done"

I send you "God's Blessing" for all you and other have done.

Your Light Is Shining Bright.