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"Hello, Central!" "Toast" (Updated 4/21\9/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: K

To: <>

Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 12:45 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Would you notify "S", "Casper", and "PIZZA" and whoever else that they should no longer use the word \"Tommorrow\" in reference to "Deliveries"  All of you have gone waaaay past wearing out the word 'tommorrow' on your postings.  Please, for the sake of sanity do not ever write again that (anybody) is expecting any 'deliveries' 'tommorrow\'.  You have run out of any legitimacy in reference to this subject.  WHy must you continue to announce the same thing when your tommorrow never gets here?While we are on the subject of NESARA/WANTA would you refrain from daily reporting?  You are wearing us out with the endless list of details.  I agree with the posting from days ago which said, I could tell you about all of these details, but the bottom line is such and such.  Thank you for the information but do not drag us through all of the delays from all of the Bush's.  STOP SAYING TOMMORROW.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  K

DATE:  April 18, 2008


Dear Pizza Boy:

    Quit slamming the news reporters, Buddy Pizza, or you will be "toasted"

by the Forces of Light and will not make the ships!

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer




----- Original Message -----
From: M
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 1:23 PM
Subject: Couldn't resist
LOVED  your reply to pizza boy . . . . . . .    last Hello Central
Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 3:01 PM
Subject: "Hello Central" "Toast"
Thank you for setting Pizza Boy straight.
The rest of us appreciate very much all that You, Casper, Poof, "S", and all the others posting on Four Winds.  Granted when things do not go as planned we just take it in stride and eagerly look forward to another one because one day everything WILL happen!
----- Original Message -----

From: GR


Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 3:04 PM

Subject: trying again


I for one value the magnificent intel and updates that you Casper and Story post here as I have lost touch with those that gave me first hand info as it happened. You see I was one of those wrote about in Doves report of May 2005 "unsung heros". I think she wrote that as a special message to let me know that we who participated in the basis for the NESARA (farm claims) and what we did to secure their validity would not be forgotten. I feel my calling to be based on 2Timothy 2:2 so I continue to educate, inform and share with those with ears to hear and eyes to see those things of critical importance about the end of this age that prophets of old would adore seeing with their human eyes as their visions come to pass. I am sure John would love seeing Rev 17 and 18 come to pass as I will Psalms 94. They (the dark) continues to persicute us to this day as they take their last breath don't they. To hear the details of what is going on behind the public eye gives me a joy to share with those conditioned to accept mainline news as gospel and the real story behind major situations that would be suppressed otherwize. I am smart enough to know by now that deliveries are "anticipated" based on current info as I have anticipated my farm laim package sinse I submited it in early 1993 before becomeing actively involved with the process in Colorado along with direct participation with Stanley Meyer and the Water Fuel Cell. I realize there is much disinformation but it soes not take a rocket scientist to discern the good intel as the dark would never post anything as embarasing and eyeopening as has been found here in the last few weeks.

I am in costa rica where I feel safer than the states and wonder how my package will get to me as I was told ours would be of the first ones (naturally after original claimants like Fosters family as I understand he is passed back home now along with other warriors.

Please keep it all comming.


----- Original Message -----
From: EW
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: "Hello, Central!" "Toast"

Re: "Hello, Central!" "Toast"

Maybe you should direct "K" to this YouTube video:

And reminf him or her that "Now" is always here.


----- Original Message -----
From: PW
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 2:04 PM
Subject: 'Toast' and news...
Dear Mr. Bellringer,

While I can understand the frustration of K/Pizza Boy, "tomorrow" is the day that never comes.  Yes, it is frustrating for those of us that are in desperate need to continually here "tomorrow;" hopefully, that day will come SOON!  And, while all the 'gory' details aren't always needed or helpful, it is a real blessing to be able to hear that something is going on, and that yes, the programs are still 'alive' after all these years (I have been waiting for about 12 years now, and truly had thought this was all dead years ago!)  If you have any further details that might be helpful to us, I would appreciate them, as I have sustained losses over the last 9 months that are putting me into foreclosure on the 28th of this month, unless something actually comes to me before then!

Thank you very much again for keeping this website up and running.  Even though things may sound a little crazy at times, the info is appreciated.



----- Original Message -----
From: DDR
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 3:11 PM
Subject: "tommorrow"
I don't ever remember seeing the word "tommorrow" used by Casper et  al.  I have seen  "tomorrow" used on the other hand.


Please continue to keep us informed and send that miscreant back to   our woeful educational system.



----- Original Message -----
From: JVM
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 3:25 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


They can say it all they want. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love it and them.  Thanks for everything. jvm


----- Original Message -----
From: JS
To: "Patrick Bellringer" <>
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 5:19 PM
Subject: Keep the Updates coming!!
I just wanted to thank Casper and his team/contacts, Mr. Story and his team/contacts, "S", and all others I am leaving out for their tireless work in exposing the truth in this most dire time.  Please keep them coming!  Knowledge is power and our side needs all it can get!  I look for them daily(sometimes more), and while the delays are most trying, I still have NO DOUBT we will be victorious!  The money stuff aside, I am especially desirous for sooner rather than later because so many are suffering from war, hunger, and curable diseases - and I want it to end!  It's so senseless when we've had the means to do so for decades! 

I think people are just anxious, and that's why people write what that other person did.

 Keep it up!!



----- Original Message -----
From: REC
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 4:36 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Dear Patrick and Anne,

Thanks for your efforts. I check them several times a day and I am usually discombobulated when there is nothing new from Casper.

It's not the deliveries so much, although I wait and pray the same as everyone else, it's the fact that he fills us in on SOMETHING happening.

Down with the bad guys. Wave the light in their faces and if they don't join us--- into the void!!

Your co-respondents, Aton, Sananda,St.Germaine et al are MOST important to us on a daily basis. therefore please advise the PIZZABOY to address himself to the study of terminal kite flying.

My very best wishes,



Dear Brother Patrick,

    Thank you so very MUCH for your inspired response to "K" also known now as "Pizza Boy" and "Buddy Pizza".  I LOVE it!!!

     I sat here for a good five minutes alternatively LAUGHING, CLAPPING, and CRYING from release, and than back again to LAUGHING as I re-read it again and again.  It was just SOOO good!


so many have been purposely mis-educated on the truth and are therefore waaaay out of line, and have forgotten how long it takes or just simply DON'T KNOW.  It "ain't" easy to help reorient 265 million Americans, as you know.  It takes awhile.

I applaud you for your patience, and once in awhile "knocking someone

up side of de head" verbally, so to speak, with the facts of life to bring them around.

    Thank you for being who you are and you and your wife Anne for bringing us Fourwinds10, a centering point of TRUTH without which it would be MUCH harder to create REAL LIFE in America.  Many blessings and THANK YOUs to all of the great reporters and great co-respondants too!!!!, including that of The Phoenix Journals.  A special thanks to Casper for letting us know as much as he can, on what is going on behind the scenes from his vantage point, and to Poof too for the same.

I am back and forth to Fourwinds10 all day long, so that should tell you how much I enjoy it.

In love and light,


----- Original Message -----
From: TJH
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 7:47 AM
Subject: Hello, Central! "Toast!"
    Dear Brother Patrick,

    Thank you so very MUCH for your inspired response to "K" also known now as "Pizza Boy" and "Buddy Pizza".  I LOVE it!!!

     I sat here for a good five minutes alternatively LAUGHING, CLAPPING, and CRYING from release, and than back again to LAUGHING as I re-read it again and again.  It was just SOOO good!


so many have been purposely mis-educated on the truth and are therefore waaaay out of line, and have forgotten how long it takes or just simply DON'T KNOW.  It "ain't" easy to help reorient 265 million Americans, as you know.  It takes awhile.

I applaud you for your patience, and once in awhile "knocking someone

up side of de head" verbally, so to speak, with the facts of life to bring them around.

    Thank you for being who you are and you and your wife Anne for bringing us Fourwinds10, a centering point of TRUTH without which it would be MUCH harder to create REAL LIFE in America.  Many blessings and THANK YOUs to all of the great reporters and great co-respondants too!!!!, including that of The Phoenix Journals.  A special thanks to Casper for letting us know as much as he can, on what is going on behind the scenes from his vantage point, and to Poof too for the same.

I am back and forth to Fourwinds10 all day long, so that should tell you how much I enjoy it.

In love and light,



----- Original Message -----

From: JB


Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 10:53 AM

Subject: Casper

You did a really nice job in posting from those so beaten down they are more than happy to keep receiving continued casper let downs. Too bad you don't have a live blog that would allow the majority of us who are tired of the lies and convoluted stories to air our views as well. I know, we don't want to bring down all the tin foil hat waring light workers. Your site is a complete waste of internet space if you don't allow other voices negative or not to be heard as painful as that may be.

The only reason you continue to believe that this is going to happen is because the thought of all the time you have put into this knowing it would never happen, would be too much to bare. Just disappear into the wood work Patrick and save yourslef the ultimate embarassment that you and your followers were wrong and call it a day. But knowing you, we can all tune in for another week of let downs. Yep, there is nothing likegoing down with the Titanic!


----- Original Message -----
From: "DR" 
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 11:41 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Hi Patrick,

With regard to \"Toast\" and his demanding that the word \"tomorrow\" is never again used, all I have to say is \"don\'t kill the messenger\"!

However, from another standpoint, it might not be wise to use the specific word \"tomorrow\".  I read once from a spiritual master that, if we continually use the word \"tomorrow\", the subconscious will always keep our goal (dream) in the tomorrow -- which will never come.  He suggested always expressing our goals in the present \"NOW\" or \"I AM\".

I always appreciate the way Casper often says \"Deliveries Wednesday\" or \"Deliveries Friday\", etc.  That wording doesn\'t put it EVER in the \"tomorrow\".  But, I think we can ALL use a reminder to always claim NESARA NOW!

Thanks to all the very hard work the reporters do in an attempt to keep us informed.  I know they are as disappointed as we are when the dark thwarts the Light and thereby makes lies out of their reports.  But, I very much appreciate both the reports as well as the work the messengers put in to bring us those reports.  Keep up the good work!

But, let\'s ALL remember NESARA NOW!

In love and light,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Aj"
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Pizza Boy......What are you doing to create positive energy to save the planet? Even to save the economy?Go sit down and think about it!    Mom


----- Original Message -----
From: AM
To: "bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 12:21 AM
Subject: Response To JB/Hello Central "Toast"
Dear JB

Your negative demeaning point of view well  represents the other side of the coin.  Your point of view is presented on Fourwinds10 for our discernment, perhaps even for our entertainment,  for those of us who are quite serious in being about Our Father's business.  Patrick is much to wise to waiste valuable internet space with the garbage of blogs.

Apparently you are not quite astute enough, yet, to realize Fourwinds10 consistently places both sides of the coin on the front page at every turn, for discernment.  If you require a "blog" to relieve yourself of emotional and mental constipation, then do so, elswhere.  It ain't gonna happen here, Amigo!

 In Love and Light,



----- Original Message -----
From: SJ
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 12:16 PM
Subject: "Hello Central" "Toast"
JB if you think you are beaten down by all the postings on Four Winds, I suggest you not visit the site.  There are more of us who are grateful for all that Patrick, Anne, Casper, S and the others do than there are of the thinking calibur of you and K.  I suggest you look within and see who you are aligning with--God Aton or Satan!