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"Hello, Central!" Most People Treat Me As If I Were Invisible! (Updated 4/14/08)

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From: D

To: <>

Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 7:05 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Hello, Patrick. Thank you for your site. I read it daily and look forward to all the updates. I hope you don\'t mind a question in your busy schedule. I consider myself to be a starseed or lightworker. I\'ve  read

much about the traits of such people. Most are very lonely, isolated and feel out of place. One thing that constantly annoys me is that most people treat me as if I were invisible. I find this confusing since I\'m here to help. I'm very knowledgeable and intuitive, but still they send hostile energies toward me or act as if I simply were not there. I\'m confused and wonder what you think about this plight I seem to be in.  Am I doing something wrong? Any insights would be greatly appreciated. You may contact me by email if you wish to do so.

Thank you,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  D

DATE:  April 11, 2008


Dear D:

    Thank you for your letter.  Lightworkers everywhere are in similar situations as you are.  My wife and I are no exception.  Most people are spiritually asleep and simply have no way to connect to your higher energies, or they are clones with no soul or God-connection.  They cannot relate to you in any meaningful way.

    The Truth you present and represent is foreign to them, and they think you are from the "nut house" or another planet, which you are.  Another thing to consider is your aura or electrical frequencies you project from your body.  People of similar high frequencies are drawn to you, but those of low frequencies are repelled.  Very often people of these low frequencies will actually feel physical pain, when exposed to your higher frequencies. Thus, they react negatively to you or stay well outside your aura.  These people do not understand what is happening, but they know they do not like you and do not want to be near you.

    Therefore, Lightworkers tend to have few friends, because few people are at the same level of enlightenment.  This often makes for a lonely life, but not an unhappy life.  Present Truth where and to whom you can and let it be. We plant the seed and Creator allows for the growth in this lifestream or the next ones.

    Sometimes you are physically invisible for your own safety, but the feeling of being invisible when around people is really all about the repelling negative energies.  Go with the flow.  Let your Light shine, and there will be some, who will respond to the Light.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer




----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 11:10 PM

Subject: Invisible comments...

I can certainly relate to that. Most of my life I've said I am very well camoflaged, and that is pretty much what is going on. Lightworkers, Starseeds, etc. need to be able to do their job, quietly, without fuss, and stick to it to the end. You might feel like you are disconnected from everyone down here, but a select few, but you are connecting every night to your people up on the starships. They help you every single day, stand by you through thick and thin, and have vowed to take care of you no matter what. If evacuation becomes necessary, they do it for you.

You can trust them.

That is what family does, at least up there!!!



----- Original Message -----
From: V
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 3:16 AM
Subject: a note to D
Dear Patrick and Anne,

I would like to offer a little something for D please.

Firstly D, remember, you're not alone. We have all (lightworkers/starseeds/grown up indigo children) lived through and continue to live through the energies of the current times with levels of

pain that most people don't understand. At this point, we can't change the social environment too easily, but we can navigate through it and find a safe place to rest while we ready ourselves for the real missions in the future.

Patrick is completely right when he says we project a high frequency of energy with our Auras. Many of the social problems we encounter come from a basic universal rule of energy, white light reflects colour. This basic law underpins things like the laws of attraction but it can also help us to make sense of how people treat us sometimes.

In simplest terms, coloured light makes up the life energy and consciousness; the thoughts; of most people. Light Workers project white light which is a mixture of all the colours. This means we will naturally most often use the same colours another is using to communicate with us, in our communication back to them. We Reflect them like a mirror (Etznab would be our Mayan Glyph). The problem is, some people don't use particularly nice thoughts and when they sense someone else who appears to think in the same way they do by reflecting their life energy choices back to them, they of course don't like it and they've taught themselves to avoid negative energy like most people do. We can't help it. We are designed to attempt to resonate with everyone we encounter, that means we appear to be using the same energy in the moment as they are using. If they were open friendly people, this wouldn't be a problem.

Reflecting can also be a problem with some longer term encounters (workplace perhaps). When people first meet us and we naturally Reflect, we both experience the effects of resonation - we are on the same wavelength - the person will feel wonderful for meeting us, especially if they don't experience much resonation in their normal lives. They will feel that they have finally found someone who understands them and must be 'just like them'. The encounter is often remembered favourably by them and as just another nice enough encounter, by us. The problem soon comes however, when they observe us interacting with someone else, someone who they feel is not like them. They quickly realize that we aren't like them at all, because they would 'never' choose to think agreeably with the new person. Fear sets in as they feel misled or even betrayed and become confused. They think things like 'we must have been tricking them' and we must be something 'evil' that they don't understand. They decide very quickly to stay right away from what they are now judging as a deceptive, dishonest or just plain 'weird' person. We then quickly become the topic for 'gossip' and the social network joins together to avoid us with fear - we become invisible. We suffer terribly during situations like thisbecause those opinions could not be further from the truth.

It's true that many of us suffer greatly and in silence because of the current ways of thinking; the current energy; in our world. The best we can do is learn to become smart about the suffering and construct our lives at this time to avoid too much interaction with low vibrating energies (negative attitudes). This is of course very hard, and we truly aren't clever or cunning enough in these negative levels to make it work safely (positive light energy is our forte). We are the meek. It is however much less of a problem for our friends of the spiritual realm. Make friends with your spirit guides and ask them to help you find a life that will keep you safe during this time. Don't think that they won't lead you towards socially unacceptable things like bankruptcy if need be because the ways of our social system mean little to them, but they will find you a safe way in which to comfortably prepare for the duties that lay ahead for us.

At this time, the best we can really do is add quiet effort to our conscious connection with the Creator. I like the advice from the Hopi elders which describes us as being in a flooding river. If we struggle too

much, we will be pushed along the edges of the river and be hurt. If we can patiently float in the middle of the river and allow the flow to take us to where ever it's going, we will be strong and healthy when we arrive and able to put the best efforts towards building a new life.

Never forget how important you are going to be in the future. We serve God, not people, and we are never invisible to Him. We will be needed in the future. It's our responsibility to keep ourselves balanced and healthy in preparation for that mission.

I hope this helps. Good Luck!

In love and light



 ----- Original Message -----
From: D
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Dear Patrick,

Thank you for your email and your post of it on your site. I also would like to thank "T" for his/her update to my question. I hope you don't mind a  follow-up question.

I have felt a contact to my star family for a long time now, and I have sensed that I go to their ship nightly as "T" explained. Mornings I wake up exhausted as if I had worked all night long. But I don't have a definite memory of it and it all seems so vague . It could be just wishful thinking and a vivid imagination on my part. How can I make a more direct contact and remember it?

Any insights from you and others will be most appreciated.

Thanks again,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  D
DATE:  April 12, 2008
Dear D:
    You ask a difficult question, and one that Lightworkers have struggled with over time.  The saying that "we are spiritual beings having a physical experience" here in 3D is totally true.  We agreed to come into 3D for our specific missions and lessons in soul growth, but without memory.  Why?
    Hatonn says that, if we had memory of our past and the good times from which we came in the Higher Dimensions, we would not want to be here, now.  We would not want to do our mission or learn our lessons, but would whine and pout and want to leave.  I know some people like that even now.
    We are aboard the starships in our sleep state and do much work.  We travel to other worlds and dimensions, and return exhausted.  I believe our memory is gradually restored to us, as our frequencies more closely align with 5D.  The veil becomes thinner the higher are our frequencies.  Also, I believe, we are allowed bits and pieces of memory of "higher work" on a need to know basis.  It is selective and dependent upon each individual's pathway.
    How would increased memory enhance your mission or speed your lessons?  Mediate and get answers, and request more memory, if you so desire.  There are answers that I cannot give you.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 11:59 AM

Subject: Invisible...2

D, (I'm a her!)

It's pretty much like Patrick says, if we had our memories of what goes on when we are not here, we would miss them so much, we'd be unable to come back here and be effective, or even any good down here. It can mess me up to not remember as well, so they have allowed me to recall a few things that are going on. In my case, I have family up there, because they cannot be down here because of the danger to them. So they let me know some of that, but not much.

It's hard on all of us, especially since things seem to be dragging on and on. I've been here 57 years in just this lifetime, and haven't been in the best of health. So connecting with my family up there has saved me, kept me hanging on. That wouldn't work for most of us down here. You might say I have extreme extenuating circumstances. So they allowed it.

One thing you can do is know that you are connecting with them EVERY night!!! You aren't alone!!! You never have been!!! That in itself is such a help!!! Yes, it can feel like wishful thinking on your part, but remember we did agree to do this. Up there you understood the logic. We had to become earth Shan people to understand all the problems down here. We had to live it, be Earthlings!! So that we could understand it all!!!

I suspect that quite a few didn't expect this to drag on so long!!! I know I didn't. We have been pushed to the limits, for sure. Tuella said that this wasn't supposed to go past 1986!!!! The shift was to happen then, and that is over 20 years in 'overtime' for us. Many have died, not seeing the end of this, but I'm sure they are still working on it from where they are. We need all the help that we can get!!!

All I can say is, hang in there. It has to get done pretty soon, the planet can't be on 'hold' much longer. If they don't get NESARA done real soon, she is going to shift!!! The signs are all around. So we don't have much longer to wait. We really don't. We will not see Christmas here. I can't give dates, we aren't allowed to. But the signs are clear. They are literally all around us now, even those that don't have 'the eyes to see', are seeing that!!! Scientists are alarmed, because they know it is just a matter of time before all hell breaks loose. And they are right. They just are not thinking that the 'hell' is going to be a pole shift! They are not thinking we can be evacuated!

Schoolhouse earth Shan is about to be closed for massive renovations. For about 3,000 years. We have graduated, it's time to move on.

I hope this has helped you. We need to stick together to get through these trying times.



----- Original Message -----
From: M
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 2:17 AM
Subject: re: "Hello, Central!" Most People Treat Me As If I Were Invisible!(Updated 4/13/08

I thought I would write about D and their problem with invisibility.

I have had this problem for a long time. I get walked into, stood on  top of, pushed into windws etc... all say "oh, sorry, didn't see you".  I have had people stand right next to me and ask where I am. I know  when my invisibility 'powers' seem to be at full strength when I start  getting severe electrical shocks from the foil wrapping paper around a  bar of chocolate!

It is not as though you can miss me.. I am 5'10", black hair and white  skinned, 37 year old, size 26 gothic!

This really makes for a lonely life. I have only a handful of friends  and get stuck in low paid, meaningless jobs.

Being invisible really does make life a living hell.