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"Hello, Central!" The People Need Help Waking Up!

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From: T

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:37 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


"Hello Central", THE PEOPLE NEED HELP WAKING UP.Please tell me why they do not do a Continental flyby with a couple of mother ships so many millions of people will see that we are not alone in this Universe and finally wake up to the realization that the Gov. is screwing with us in every instance.  If the boss says there are approximately 60% clones on the planet, how are they going to help us when they are obviously totally controlled with no idea or concern about what's really going on.  We are told that we will not get help from above until we realize what is actually happening and take responsibility for what's been done to us.  If we have been dumbed down and maipulated for the last 13 millenia, would it not seem appropriate that the Galactic Federation, being ONE with all that is, including us, is as responsible for this happening as we are. 

I for one, feel that the Gal. Fed. has let  this get right out of hand and the control that is in place will be very hard to remove.  From what I hear Alex Jones saying, we are an inch away from America being totally ruined and the people being inslaved as they are in many places around the world.  I thought that humans were considered very special in the big picture, and yet so many suffer and are tortured and die at the hands of other humans.  When is this going to stop.  If the Chinese are so concerned about the money they are owed, where are the so called 6000 trained assassins  or is it 6,000,000.  Why are some of these ruthless SOB\'s not being killed as they kill the people who actually stand up and say something.  Where have all the Micro-biologists gone.  How many people have the Clinton'sreally killed. There is a good reason why people do not want to get involved, it's called death.  The idea of free will as being the reason they will not intervine is a little lame when all our free will has been taken away from us.  Nothing we know from cradle to grave is considered worthwhile as lie after lie is allowed to perpetuate our reality and make us think we are free.  If something is not done in short order we will see how free we really are. 

Please, I speak for many people who will not speak out, that we need intervention now, not after they do something really stupid, like Martial law, kill a billion or two, maybe more.  I am sure that the Lord is a little tired of hearing people cry out for assistance in stopping these meglomaniacs, but the machine still keeps marching on as if there is no stopping what they have planned.  Some, or should I say all of the Media should be lined up and shot for the betrayal they have put the people through.  This debate is getting a little old and I feel for the many people all over the world that are having to deal with the same old/old/old shit they keep feeding us, many will just cash out and not bother anymore because it really is not much fun being alive right now.

Thank you for listening and allowing me to vent, as my existence is becoming more and more precarious by the minute not days.  Keep up the good work and know we appreciate everything you guys are trying to do to help the situation.  I would say \"God help us\" but I am losing faith that he can.

Sincerely, T.


----- Original Message -----

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  T

DATE:  April 10, 2008


Dear T:

    Thank you for your letter and comments about our present condition.

    On October 30, 1938 Orsen Wells' radio show "War of the Worlds" was presented in New York City depicting an alien invasion of N.Y.C.  People, believing it was true, panicked and jumped out of windows to their death to escape the little green men.  Do you think it would be any different today, if we had a "continental fly by", as you suggest?  Can you imagine the mass hysteria, panic, chaos and human tragedy?

    Such Galactic intervention would most assuredly be against the freewill of the masses on our planet.  If it were not, it would have already been done.  Since the 1930's the starships have been here, and Esu Immanuel Sananda returned in 1954 aboard the Phoenix.  Since then there have been starships visible all over the skies day and night to wake up people to their presence in a more gentle way.  Many have done so.

    You say, "The idea of freewill as being the reason they (Galactic Federation) will not intervene is a little lame, when all our freewill has been taken away from us".  How so?  Not until you are physically dead and your brain stops functioning are you without freewill.  The people may have chosen not to exercise their freewill to take action to change the conditions on our planet, but their freewill still remains.

    It is not the responsibility of the Galactic Federation to change our world to goodness, to do it for us.  They will only help when asked, and, yes, they are helping.  Since 1998 they have prevented World War III from happening.  They neutralized the Columbia shuttle craft which was making one last pass to drop a hydrogen bomb on Iraq.  They have stopped G.W. Bush from nuking more then twelve American cities during his presidency, are neutralizing biological warfare, chemtrail and depleted uranium genocide of the people.

    I assure you that Creator God shall not allow this civilization to spiral down into a deep dark hole of evil and doom.  As I have said before, Creator God has a Plan of Goodness that is coming into fulfillment.Intervention is happening, but not as you may think.  Many Lightworkers are deeply involved in bringing Truth to the world at this time.

    Our task is to hold positive energy that neutralized the negativity, which allows the Light to prevail.  To focus only on 3D is to miss the signs and the unfolding of Creator's Plan, for it is first a spiritual one.  Be hopeful and be in peace, and let the "good times" roll in.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer