"Hello, Central!" Would We Be Evacuated To Safety, If We Are Under Martial Law And The One World Order Control?
Patrick H. Bellringer
{sorry if you already got this, but I sent it through gmail and I wasn\'t sure if it went through}
Subject: RE: Portrait of America\'s Immediate Future
I realize the eminence of this outcome, and I have to say its the version of America I solely fear. I can live in this country with ease, as it is currently. But I doubt I would be able to handle such an environment as this article alludes. That is why I am asking if light-beam evacuations will be used in this case, or are they only for natural-disaster cases? Will I have to endure my share of suffering before I am released, only to be saved at the last second before my physical death? Or will I be lifted-up before any such suffering ensues? The higher my frequency, the easier the beaming; suffering gives-way to negativity, thus lowers my frequency. Am I wrong when I answer myself, by saying that the Beings of Light in charge of evacuation hold my well-being/frequency in interest, and would take me out of that situation, because that situation would only cause my own falling, and eventual death?