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"Hello, Central!" Why Won't People Wake Up and Stop The Crazyness?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: DS
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 1:57 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Dear Patrick  In the recent article "apocalypse" the author describes the plans of our out-of-control  government.  The sleeping people of America don't seem to know or care , that we are destroying ourselves. It seems that a revolt or rebellion of some sort would be warrented, yet we go along with this ride to hell. Is this because most people are clones that don't have compassion or respect for human life or is it because we have been fed lies about armagedon for so long that people are accepting of that senario. If I were in the military I would put down my weapon and walk away. I would refuse to light the fuse to WWlll. What is to prevent ,say Russia or China from seeing ,this next attack on Iran , as an opportunity or opening to invade  the USA. You would think that Russia could see this as an opportunity to hit us while we are vunerable. I think of it like the board game "RISK" where if you get greedy and spread your pieces all around the world, you end up getting crushed by the countries with overwhelming numbers. With this out-of-control Bush regime , I would think other countries would join forces to stop the genicidal actions of the USA. I am no longer proud to be an American and if I could afford to , I would pack up my bags and family, and move to a Country that has respect for human life as well as civil liberties. I have tried to inform people of the corruption but they prefer to believe the main stream media. I have signed petitions to stop the wars, impeach Bush-Cheney, return our civil liberties,etc. yet they have been ignored. I never thought that America could turn into the evil satanic killers that we have become. If I did move to another Country I would have to lie about what Country I was from because I haven't supported one thing that Amerika has done,to the world, since 911. I've only realized how bad our Govt. has become , over the last few years, mostly by reading your fourwinds10 website. It\'s a shame that people won\'t wake up and put a stop to the crazyness. I think I know how mother earth feels right now and I prey every day that she begin removing the darkness of her surface. I try to be happy and spread all the love that I can but every day it gets harder to watch the death and evil our govt. spreads on a daily basis. If we attack Iran I don't know what I will do. I love the people of Iran and Iraq . It really sucks that there seems to be nothing that I can do to defend the innocent people . In the movie "Bruce Almighty" Bruce can only think of himself . If I had that chance I would anounce NESARA today. I would make people like Bush switch lives with someone that has been persecuted by him. I would make all men see all other men as their brothers. I guess I'm just ancious for the golden age to begin. I love you and thank you for presenting the truth . 

    In love and light DS


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  DS
DATE:  April 3, 2008
Dear DS:
    Thank you for your letter.
    There are two basic reasons why people do not care about our very Dark future planned for us by the One World Order.  First, a majority of the population, according to Hatonn, are clones, and as you say, have no compassion, because they have no God connection, no soul.  The second reason is the high tech of mind-control being used against the people to create apathy.
    All you can do to help these people is to present the Truth, where you can, and they must decide what they will do with it.  Our first task is to live the Laws of God and the Creation (Phoenix Journal #27) and create positive energy by helping others.  If we have our own "house in order", the Darkness has no power over us.  Then we have a base from which to help others.
    It is not possible for you and me to physically help the many innocent people, who suffer, but we have compassion for them and pray for their needs to be met.  Creator God measures the intent of the heart, as being equal to actually providing for the physical needs of those, who suffer.  By caring we create positive energy that the Angels use to create miracles for these people. 
    Yes, we would be courageous and step-up and announce NESARA today without question, but that is not our mission.  We have been there and done that, and have learned our lessons.  Now, it is another's responsibility to make the decisions and give the orders and make the changes to goodness happen, as they learn their lessons, while we support them with our prayer power.
    Miracles are happening, and Patrick John Fitzgerald is one of them.  Stay hopeful, for the Light is on our side.  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer