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"Hello, Central!" I'm Pretty Depressed and Fed Up! Nothing Ever Happens! (Updated 4/3/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: RD
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 10:04 PM
Subject: Caspers 4/01 (April Fool???) update


Worked a long tedious day, looked forward to getting 'home'.  NO delivery notice on MY door, or anybody else in the programs....Just another bad ride on the coaster?  I don't know how many more of these waves I can take.  The euphoria, and then the letdown...about 15 years now, it's starting to take its toll on me.  How much longer will this 'mini series' go ON?  It's ALWAYS the same.  Get us pumped up, and then drop us into the dumps.  This has got to END!  NESARA NOW, or never...I'm pretty depressed and fed up of buying all this BS and seeing nothing more than the reality of reality. The REALITY is...NOTHING ever happens (in reality)...



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  RD
DATE:  April 2, 2008
Dear RD:
    I find it interesting that for five years people have daily watched the blow by blow drama on T.V. of the Iraqi War and do not react to it, yet they tie their emotions to the money trail and the NESARA Mission.
    Daily the blow by blow drama is played out of the antics in Washington, D.C., and you hook your life to this rollercoaster up and down, up and down ride.  Why?  So you get pumped up and fall into the dumps.  Is it because you love it so much, the excitement, the thrill, the anticipation, that you do it all over again?  The depression is worth it!  The "ride" keeps your mundane day from becoming boring.
    What makes you think this NESARA Mission would be easy, or short or magic or anything?  The beast we are fighting is huge!  The Dark Forces circle the globe, and many in this Mission to bring change to the Light have been slaughtered, trampled under foot or have fallen from exhaustion, while so many have watched from the sidelines, chaffing under the delays.
    I tire of all the negativity that the would-be recipients of the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims and other by-standers keep dumping on Casper, and those others working to keep you informed of the battle status.  Where is your faith, your positive energy in  your account, that you would merit any return in the final accounting whatsoever?
    This Mission is not about money or fame or material possessions, but about restoring this nation, the Republic of the U.S. of A. and the whole world to goodness.  It is about defeating the Darkness of Government and the web of lies and deceit that has infiltrated every aspect of our society and our lives.
    Be positive, be patient, be prayerful and be hopeful, my friend, for this War of all Worlds shall be won by the Light.  In the meantime let go, and let God guide us all through the maze.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence/conviction of things not seen. 
    This whole experience is like riding a raft through the white water rapids.  We must trust both the raft and our guide for a safe and successful journey, and keep paddling.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: CS
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 3:57 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear Patrick:

I am sorry for MD in their torment regarding prosperity progams, however they have missed the entire point, regarding programs. I have been in these programs, since 1983, if I recall correctly. I wish to say to all that are in any program, it is not about the money and it never was. It is God\'s money to save the entire World. Anyone who doesn\'t understand the impact of the dark world (elite of this world)doesn\'t know how the world works. It is like cornering a wild amimal, they fight to the death of one. The dark side is how in the death mote, I believe. Most of these people in various program have no idea of the huge task, that has been undertaken. The dark side has been developing plans of controling all on Mother Earth since the beginning. We the little people are nothing more then slaves to them, but they attempt to make us feel important by having elections and other so called freedoms. Please relay to MD that this is about saving our Country and the World as we know it, so please relax.

Patrick, I am 71 years of age and have the use of only my left eye, so if I\'ve make mistakes in this writing, please forgive me