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"Hello, Central!" How Do I Deal With My Anger Toward Negative Family Members? (Updated 4/3/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: T
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 1:22 AM
Subject: I think i'm not okay =(
Namaste Patrick,
  I'm Terry and I need help with some advices and I wonder if you can help me out on this. Recently I have been feeling an anger overcome me and i'm not sure if i'm wrong to be angry toward negative family members. I feel like all of my family member are against me, don't appraciate what I do for them and nor try to understand how I feel. My husband don't seem to love me or care about me and I truely don't know what is going on with me. Everything turned out so weird for me and it just so hard for me to fight it to the right direction of not having that anger problem. Anger was never a habit for me but just recently everybody disagreed on me, don't believe about anything I have shared with them about the-end is here and how everything going to happen from the dream I had dreamt about and told my family but they think i'm just off in a weird world right now. Please give me a little advice of what should I do and for myself to relax and be calm. Would meditation work for me? I've been doing meditation sometimes though but not everyday and everytime I do meditation I feel an air going out my foot and somewhat out my arm or hand. Around 6 months ago I felt an air like somekind of heat shooting out my foot even though while i'm walking around the house. Do you know why i'm having that? okay, I think i'm asking too much for advices hehehe...
Have a wonderful week*
----- Original Message -----

From: Bellringer

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  April Fool!
DATE  April 1, 2008
Dear April Fool !
    May you recover soon!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: I think i'm not okay =(
Dear Patrick, 
Thank you for the adviced and I hope I will recover soon.
Love to you,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  T
DATE:  April 2, 2008
Dear T:
    Forgive me for misunderstanding, but I never know about April Fool's Day email.
    You are experiencing what we all have gone through when family and friends reject the Truth, and also you as the Truthbringer.  You want so badly for them to understand, but they do not and then reject you.
    Please understand that everyone has a freewill, and you can not make anyone believe anything, unless they choose to do so.  You can drag the old donkey to the water trough, but you cannot drink it for him.  Hatonn tells us to present the Truth to people, and then let it go.  It is their decision what they will do with it.  They reject it at their own peril.
    The feeling of anger comes from the rejection.  You have now lost credibility and validity in others eyes, and you stand alone and unaccepted.  What you must do when you have anger is to forgive yourself for being angry.  Then forgive these ones for turning against you, and finally ask Creator God Aton of Light to forgive you. Ask that your anger be replaced with Love and peace within.  Then simply dump the garbage of the past and move one.
    You cannot change people, but you can change yourself to see things in a different and wiser perspective.  As a caring, giving and loving person you can crack wide open the hardest heart.  Your life speaks far more loudly than your words.  Harden not your heart with anger, but allow compassion to replace the anger.  Remember the song.  "What the world needs now is Love, sweet Love".
    Whatever energy you send out, whether negative or positive, comes back to you in multiple amount.  Figure out what energy you want coming to you and send it out into the ethers.  You will be amazed at what happens.  You can never out give, "out care" or out Love Creator God.  Here are the words to "Love is a Circle".
            LOVE IS A CIRCLE
            He drew a circle
            That shut me out.
            Heretic, rebel,
            A thing to flout.
            But Love and I,
            Had the wit to win.
            We drew a circle
            That took him in.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 ----- Original Message -----
From: PB
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 12:50 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dearest Patrick and Anne,


When I was 18 (39 now) I grew up in a violent household and luckily filled with the same intensity of love. I hated my older brother at the time and I certainly didn\'t want him to ever be smarter than me so after noticing him reading books consistently, I took the TV that I saved for and bought and put it in the closet and never took it out. That was 21 yrs ago.

Since then I have pretty much educated myself on the subjects of life I was interested in and gave myself the life I wanted for me. I was always curious about the world we lived in and knew from a very very early age that something wasn\'t right but of course I was able to be aware of that only until the last few years.

Since the early \'90\'s I started reading books on conspiracies (None Dare Call it Treason was my first book. I had to go to a library to get it) and as usual water rises to its own level and little by little I met a couple of people over the years that introduced me to spirit beyond religion (I was baptized, catholic, alter boy and literally at the age of 18 consciously braved the thought of \'not believing\' and abandonment of \"God\" because I knew that paradigm did not serve me). I was exposed to sincere full and part body channels that exuded a love beyond words, so much so that an overwhelming state of tears and love would rise in me. It was an eye opener for me and a start of an adventure really, an adventure in the mind and soul.


I must say that with your website and the ferocity at which the information is coming down the pike has greatly enabled me to see a more clearer picture of the lies, corruption, abuse and terribly sad yet beautiful plight of the Homo Sapien Sapien.


I have taken in so much information over the years that I can\'t help but spread it around as much as possible. I am truly amazed everyday at how so many people have no clue about the world they live in and I don\'t mean knowing your job well, knowing how to \'make\' it in this world, understanding principles of right living, etc. I mean what we are about and that we should do no less than demand from the universe and ourselves the truth of existence and what we REALLY ARE.

Some days I feel hopeful that we will get it together and start taking responsibility and others I feel humanity is doomed to an eternity of enslavement. But through it all I must say I am not afraid of what comes and the heavens know my intent and deep willingness and need for real truth.


I thank you guys for disseminating this information and allow people to do as they will at their own sake.


I know in the fiber of my being that existence is way more magical and absolute than the silly games we play here on 3d Earth Shan.


Thank you for allowing me to grow that much more. I feel the simple exposure to truth is an elixir and heinous as truth can be in this world. I tend to think when people say, \"I don\'t wanna know because it scares me\" is the work of the devil. I would think that any highly evolved being is aware of all the heinousness that happens in 3D.

