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"Hello, Central!" Why Has This Evil Scenario Not Ended? The Victory Would've Been Much Sweeter If----

Patrick H. Bellringer

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: JS
To: "Patrick Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 5:42 PM
Subject: Bittersweet Victory...

Dear Patrick,

I just wanted to express how unfortunate it is that we can't fix what we've done to Mother Earth.  I've been reading your site for 2 years, and have read about the new technologies that will help repair the damage we've caused, and it seems for naught if the Earth must cleanse herself anyway. I had really hoped that we would get the chance to make it right - while preserving the surface/oceans/lfeforms intact (it seems such a waste to destroy them - they are soo beautiful - even in their damaged conditions) and restoring the planet to it's original condition ourselves, to re-assume our role, properly, as Mother Earth's guardians and caretakers.  I had hoped to join that effort when it began.

I also don't understand why, if Satan returned to God already, why has this scenario not ended.  Why the freewill of so few has overridden so many, especially the freewill of clones and evil-doers who, until recenty, have had all the resources, money, power and guidance from negative off-world entities they could ever need. While the good side had sneak, toil, suffer, and work under threat of death to self or family.

I just think the victory would've been MUCH sweeter had God's original plan went through.  Afterall, it's not our fault the Darkside reneged on their part of the bargain.

Thank You for the service you provide!



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JS
DATE:  April 1, 2008
Dear JS:
    The time we have to bring any balance to our planet depends upon the time we are allowed by Mother Earth.  The original plan was to do what you suggest, but the Darkside refused to honor their agreements with Creator God, so things have changed and you are disappointed.
    In spite of what you think, our planet is dying, and has passed the point of us saving her.  She shall soon begin her self-healing, and we will need to leave.  There is no point in whining about what could have been.  We must deal with what is.  What are you doing to bring goodness?
    By the way, Satan has not yet gone anywhere.  Where ever did you get that idea?  That is why "so few have overridden so many" by their freewill evil choices.  Do not try to out-guess Creator God with your sweet and sour scenarios. We are here for our lessons in soul growth, however difficult the journey may be.  May we pass every test in our schoolroom, Earth Shan!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer