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"Hello, Central!" Ignorance of the Law of God Is Excusable!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: V V

To: <>

Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 10:46 AM

Subject: Question concerning Journal #2, divorce and old versus new


 Dear Mr. Bellringer,

I'm having a hard time with my spouse since after having read in Phoenix Journal #2 that "He who marries a man or woman who was divorced, is guilty and should be sterilized for they are unworthy of life and its laws and both should be expelled and banned before the people." she thinks that we shouldn't be together anymore by the law.

I previously had a relationship before she came into my life and it ended in a way that I was not the one who caused it to break. Also, it was not a case of adultery or anything that would have legally justified it.

I was also ignorant of the Laws and the Journals, until I discovered them while being in the middle of this new relationship. Aton said in Journal #27 that "I judge not that which you DID; I judge that which you DO after learning Truth."

So I said to her that what was previously, was done in ignorance and what we do now after learning the law, is what matters. But she thinks that because we now learned the law, we ain't supposed to be together. My view is that there is no reason for divorce, since I don't see any lawful justification to do so according to the Laws presented.

I believe that many couples could be in a same situation, so I would deeply appreciate and thank you for your helpful insight and wisdom concening this dire issue.

I pray for the better tomorrow and love and light for all of us, at the dawn of the golden age.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  V V

DATE:  March 28, 2008


Dear V V:

    Thank you, my friend, for your letter and most important question.  You have interpreted the Laws of God and Creation, as found in the Phoenix Journals, correctly.  The errors you have committed in ignorance of the Law are excusable, but once you know the Law, you are held accountable and responsible should you then break the Law.

    In our third dimensional society the Darkside has reversed that concept. We are told that there is no excuse for not knowing man's laws, and we are condemned even when we were ignorant of the law.  "Ignorance of the law is no excuse".  Creator God Aton of Light say, "I judge not that which you did before you knew Truth, but I judge that which you do after learning the Truth".

    You are totally correct in that you acted in ignorance.  Now, if you truly love each other, there is no cause to break your relationship and cause further pain and loneliness in separation.  That is not the purpose of Creator's Laws.

    All God requires is that you forgive yourself of your past errors, forgive others (each other) and ask God to forgive you.  Having done this you drop all the baggage and move on in the freedom and joy of a forgiven person, and begin anew.  You can then build a relationship of much happiness with your spouse and create your future into whatever you both desire it to be.

    May you walk in wisdom, in peace and in joy  into a better tomorrow.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer