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"Hello, Central!" What Do The Phoenix Journals Say About Planet X (Nibiru?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: JH
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 9:04 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Good afternoon Patrick, Can you tell me what The Phoenix Journals say about the comming of planet X, Nibiru. Will it destroy the world, and will all the ritchies be comfy cozy in their underground bunkers, while the rest of us parish or beam up?


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO: JM
DATE:  March 26, 2008
Dear JM:
    Thank you for your most important question.  There has been much speculation, prophesy and nonsense spread on the Internet about the return of our retro-grade twelfth planet, Nibiru or Planet X.  This has caused much fear and confusion, as people are told of the coming catastrophe and what they must do for survival, because the gravitational pull on Earth Shan by the larger Nibiru, as it passes by, would cause grave destruction to our planet and her people.
    Hatonn's response to this is "Barf!"  Nibiru is still 1600 years away in her return orbit to again pass by Earth Shan.  If, indeed, we were at the point of Nibiru passing by Earth Shan again, destruction can be avoided by re-directing Nibiru in her orbit and by raising the frequencies of Shan to match those of Nibiru.  The Darkside is using the return of Nibiru to cause fear among the people.  Our real "Nibiru" is our evil government.
    Simply put, Nibiru is a moot issue!  Be in peace, my friend.  Nibiru is not a problem for us.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer