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"Hello, Central!" What Are Your Views On The Occasional, Recreational Use Of Cannabis?(Updated March 26, 2008)

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From: RW
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 1:59 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Dear Patrick,

 What are your views on the occasional, recreational use of cannabis?

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RW
DATE:  March 25, 2008
Dear RW:
    Thank you for your question.
    Do you understand what half-life means and that cannabis/marijuana contains THC, the main drug found in cannabis?  THC has a half-life of seven days or half of it leaves the body every seven days.  Therefore, once used THC remains in the body for a long time.  If used once a week, you are accumulating it big time.
    THC affects both the brain and thus the entire nervous system and especially the reproductive system in negative ways.  I have both taught drug education for many years and have worked with marijuana users of all types in my counseling ministry.
    I have never used any mind-altering drug in my life, including alcohol, and neither has my wife, and I certainly do not recommend such.  Hatonn in the Phoenix Journals makes the same statement.  It is most unwise to do anything that would alter your thinking abilities or your body functioning, such as reproduction, and thus pass problems on to your off-spring or affect your health in negative ways.  We do not need drugs.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----

From: RW

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 1:32 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Dear Patrick,

I definately would not want to affect my healh in such a negative way, for  my health determines my difficulty for entering a beam of light. Thank you for your answer, and much support to your\'s and Anne\'s100% clean life.  I wish I could easily deny material desires as you do. I have a problem, and I ask of your assistance once more. Currently, I have 2-3 cigarettes a day, out of addiction or just dependency. I do not drink often, I cannot be dependent on that garbage. When I am at my Highest, when I am straightly on the Right Path, is when I have the leastwanting for a smoke, but I always end up returning to my old habits.

What can I do, using the power thought, to erase all need of physical desires, and in the end become more Christ-Conscience?

 I want to bear the Light!

 I want to act out my greatest potential!

Thank you for always being there; you are regarded as a Brother of mine in this reality and all others to come.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  RW

DATE:  March 26, 2008


Dear RW:

    I honor you for your desire to fulfill our first and most important responsibility, that of taking good care of our physical body, for that houses our soul and is our only means to experience and to carry out our mission in third dimension.  What people do not know about addiction to cigarette smoking is that the cigarette paper is purposely rolled in heroin to create the heroin addiction that is far stronger than addiction to nicotine.

    To quit smoking you must be serious about it and go "cold turkey". Dispose of all cigarettes, ash trays and anything that reminds you ofsmoking at home, at work, in your car, etc.  Clean out your car ash tray, label it trash tray and fill it with paper, so you will burn your car up if you use it.  Tell everyone that you have quit smoking, and allow no one to smoke around you, in your car, at home, work place, etc.  Friends and family can be a big help.

    Tell your Guardian Angels you have quit smoking forever and ask them to remove your desire to smoke.  When you get the urge, tell yourself, "I'll smoke later", and of course, you never do, or take a sniff of black pepper. That will take your mind off of smoking!

    It takes time to create a "new you".  Take it one step at a time.  When you have met your goals in one area, move on to the next.  Making any change requires will power or determination and making the right choices every time.  We can do the 'impossible", when we choose to do so and ask for the assistance of our Angels.  They are there to help us.  That is their mission, and they are only a thought away.

    Mark Twain said, "It is easy to quit smoking.  I quit 200 times!"  The problem is to stay  quit.  I know people, who laid down their cigarette and totally quit smoking, when they realized they had health problems from it. I know people, who set down their liquor bottle and totally quit using alcohol, and the same for other drug users.

    We can change our life-style any time we truly choose to do so.  You are right.  Your health determines your frequencies and your ability to pass through a beam of Light to board the evacuation ships.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer