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"Hello, Central!" What Should I Eat To Keep My Body In The Cleanest State Possible? (Updated March 21, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: FB
To: Bellringer
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 1:04 PM
Subject: "Hello, Central!" Question about eating correctly?


First thank you for not publishing my last message I realized soon afterwards how wrong I was!

For the moment sleeping less is achievable, but not eating was a mistake!

Here's a question I would really like an answer to if possible, because me not wanting to eat was based on an idea to keep my body as clean as possible?

Hi Patrick,

Based on the fact that nowadays one cannot even trust the fruits and vegetables that one buys, even the biological ones can be modified or not even come from biological productions. I wanted to stop eating to be sure to not ingest anything bad, but it is not possible, at least I tried but it doesn't work for now. Anyway I want to not be polluted by anything unsafe that might be put in or out of these fruits and vegetables.

I stopped eating meat and any big productions food since 2-3 years now to try to keep my body as clean as possible by only eating simple cooked vegetables, salads, fruits and anything that comes straight from nature.

I would really would like to know what would be best to eat to keep the body in the cleanest state possible as I don't even know if I can trust the vegetables and fruits from this world anymore? Or how to purify bought products?

I try as much as I can to get fruits and vegetables from relatives and friends who have apple trees, orange trees, kiwis, olives, potatoes, cherries, nuts, tomatoes, go in the forest to pick my own mushrooms, etc

But it's not enough as food for a whole year, should I just keep buying products in biological shops and just trust my intuition on which ones to choose?

Also is it totally forbidden to eat meat, or can I eat a bit of fish once a month or one or two eggs as my mum feels bad about me not eating any meat at all!

I would appreciate any suggestions you have?

Or phoenix journals that talk of the matter?

Or any truth you might shine on this subject!

Thank you in advance

in Love and Light



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  FB
DATE:  March 21, 2008

Dear FB:
    Thank you for your question about what to eat to be healthy.   On our polluted and abused planet it is nearly impossible to find foods that are free of harmful chemicals, parasites, microbes, etc.  Books have been written on this subject with no definitive answer.  For many years I taught Health Education including the area of nutrition, and have come to certain conclusions about food and diet for good health.  Added to this is the wisdom of Hatonn in the Phoenix Journals.
    I shall give you two simple guidelines to follow for eating for good health.
    1.  Your body needs protein, and it is very difficult to get the protein you need, as a vegetarian.  Therefore, some meat, eggs, milk, cheese, etc. are needed in our diet.  Hatonn says that on our third dimensional planet eating meat in moderation is acceptable, for until we are in a higher dimension will we be able to utilize only plants and sunlight for food.
    2.  Chemicals, toxins, microbes etc. are in everything that is available as food today.  We need to use wisdom in the foods we choose to eat, and avoid as much as possible those we know are a problem for our good health.  Beyond that we simply use our power within and petition our Guardian Angels to assist us to be healthy by removing or rendering harmless any and all things in our food that may cause us harm.
    As enlightened people, we eat what is made available to us that we know is good for us.  We trust our intuition and we trust our Guardian Angels.  We do not need special or expensive foods, unless we have special needs.
    In addition to this there are certain holistic health practices we can do to remove heavy metals from our body, increase our blood-oxygen content to destroy anaerobic pathogens, and remove parasites from various organs.  Harmful things enter our body not just through the food we eat, but also through the water and other liquids we drink, the air we breath, and our total exposure to our chemicalized environment.  My motto is:  Do what you can to help yourself, and let the Angels take care of the rest!
    Our total lifestyle is involved in being and staying healthy.  This includes the physical, the mental/emotional and the spiritual aspects of our living.  Know that you will be only as healthy a person, as you choose to be.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 8:35 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

 Hi Patrick,

   Regarding the message from FB at the following link:

If I may make several suggestions that you could pass along to him/her as well as anyone else interested.


I have been using Bentonite Clay and Diatomaceous Earth now for about a year and have had wonderful results in removing toxins and heavy metals from my system. Both of these products are inexpensive and extremely easy to use.


Another product that I have not taken but been researching and finding a lot of positive information on is something called MMS (miracle mineral supplement). I believe it\'s a form of sodium chloride that is non-toxic to the body but works in a very similar manner to Bentonite and Diatomaceous Earth in that it has a positive charge and attracts toxins, chemicals, and viruses which have a negative charge. MMS requires an activator solution so if anyone takes this, they should really do their homework and read up before starting a regimine.


As for what foods to eat, I think it is relatively safe to eat anything that is labeled 100% organic. I subsidize my protein intake with a 100% organic whey protein supplement since I work out 6 days a week and need the protein and I eat lots of organic nuts and cereals, fruits and veggies, whole foods from a company called wholefoodsfarmacy, and taking various supplements. I feel healthier than at any point in my life.

Hopefully FB can benefit from these simple recommendations. Best of all, I eat less and spend less money on food than ever before. Imagine how healthy our society could be and how much more food we would have available if it didn\'t go toward feeding cattle, pigs, and chickens.

