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"Hello, Central!" deBunker (Updated March 22, 2008)

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From: de Bunker


Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:28 PM

Subject: Your Clapper is missing from your bell housing.

Patrick, whatever your real name is, your Easter Lie piece is Blasphemy!

Are your credentials and educational background comparable to untold religious Scholars dating back centuries, or do you simply delve in make-believe to a hearty group of clueless souls? Try looking up information on the Dead Sea Scrolls, for starters. Best bet, read the Bible.

May God have mercy on your soul! There is only one God, who created the heavens and the earth, its water, atmosphere, trees, animals, birds, fish, and yes, human man-kind, beginning with Adam, and subsequently with Eve. "Seek, and Ye shall find."

Your “bunk” that you pitifully pour out to this website, in a vain attempt to “reveal” what you call “truth,” is nothing short of a mindless wanderer and psychopathic day-dreamer. Are you suffering from ADD, and using Ridilin?

How dare you compare the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus as a satanic lie?

I could go on, and on, debunking your pitiful epitaphs, but frankly you are simply not worth the energy. Your blatherings are psychotic.

Why don’t you just simply start a new dialogue, say, that there is no yoke in an egg, and start a whole new school of thought on that subject, and tell your disciples that inside that egg there is only “white mass” – lending credence to how scrambled your mind truly works?

Maybe you can even start with a reptile egg, and go on, and on, about how those little critters are born with “slanted” and “blinking” eyes, and by all likelihood, arrived here upon this planet via “starship" from your galactic circle of equally slanted friends.

And as for your Casper friend, who claims to have an “inside” track on this feigned NESARA payola scheme, replete with its associated fraud, and almost daily recantations of “any day now” diatribe, designed only to perpetuate the furtherance of the fraud, for the unerring and egomaniac hopefuls, to say its disgusting would be an understatement.

And, oh, the only “cloning” going on is a nonsensical attempt to clone a false belief system upon many (certainly not all) within your readership.(Thank goodness I'm not a regular reader here, but when others point out to me what you say about our Loving God, and calling Him and Jesus a liar, expect a swift response.) "Know the truth and it shall set ye free."

In short, your website is among the top 10 on the internet as truly not only a bigoted platform, but that of extreme outpourings of disingenuousness, contemptuous statements, falsehoods, deceit, and outright lies.

Too bad you cannot perceive the real “hot button” issues, of our times, but then, apparently you thrive on simply being a spook to your readership, with a "woooshhh there it goes" mentality.

Why not change your name to Bartholomeu Dias (the navigator)? At least this explorer had a true mission.

Your website shenanigans does not go unnoticed.



Somerset, KY

(Bellringer's Response)

You poor soul!  I send you much Love and Light!

                            Patrick H. Bellringer




----- Original Message -----
From: KJ
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 11:38 AM
Subject: Easter
Patrick, Thank you for your repost about easter. I find that at this time of year more people look at other info about Spiritual things. If there were no truth in what you posted, there would be no responses as from debunker. Truth always makes a Soul cry, especially if that soul is suffering from the "lie" and hears Truth.I must agree with Hatonn/Aton when He tells us that He would send no other than Himself to give TRUTH to His children. As an avid reader of the "Journals", I find that because of the lies, most truth would look negative as any exposure of this much evil would also do. I can see all things happening for good. Thank you for your continued input. KJ
----- Original Message -----
From: DA
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 11:52 AM
Subject: "Hello, Central!" deBunker
Patrick; I was a poor student when I was in school, or should I say the school was a poor educator. Any way I learned how to read and so forth on my own. The one thing about doing this is you need something really intersting to read! Mine was history, this person should read about Rome and all of there happy holidays and Constantine and his band of merry men.
If he did he would not be so lost. Funny thing the whole world has said it many times.
HISTORY REPEATS ITS SELF!!! And the only way that happens is we the people give up our God and our self's for there faults god, fools gold, and there destructive way of life.
Please edit and post so he/her can read it tell him/her to look at history before openning mouth.
Thanks DA
----- Original Message -----
From: WW
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 1:02 PM
Subject: I agree with you on this one . . . about easter!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Patrick -- "or who ever you are" --
    For goodness sakes please do not pay any attention to this guy:

Debunker101   JFD     Somerset, KY       I didn't even finish his bull!!!

Talk about being out in left field. This guy couldn't find his way home in the daylight. And I must say -- I completely agreed with your story about the sins of easter.  You just have to look at who makes THE MOST MONEY out of easter -- all those thousands of churches we have in this country. That's the day that everyone thinks they have to attend church and make their donations to the pot.

    Hang in there -- we might win it all some day ................................ WW


----- Original Message -----
From: DS
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Dear Patrick :
This response is to debunker.   At first I had a hard time accepting the truth. I thought that it would be impossible for the churches to decieve the people for so long but i had so many questions that the church and the bible couldn't explain that i kept searching.  Questions like "If god is a loving god then why would he let jesus be crusified or why would he cause a great flood to kill all the people"?   I also had a hard time believing that only those who believe in jesus as your savior would go to heaven because that would mean people of all the other religions would go to hell , even if they lived a life of love and integridy. So how is it that a good person can go to hell and a murderous person can go to heaven , just by believing in jesus or not? It didn't make sense to me.  Once I found fourwinds and started reading the truth it opened my eyes to the reality of the deceptions. Then I started reading the phoenix journals and knew that the truth was a bitter pill to swallow.  Just like the Matrix movie, once you know it you can never go back to the lie. As a jesus following church goer I drank heavily,did drugs,cheated,smoked,stole and lied and believed i was giong to heaven because i believed jesus died on the cross. Since i found the truth on fourwinds and in the Phoenix Journals I have quit drinking, doing drugs,smoking etc. I have made amends with those that i have harmed and am constantly working to improve on myself. If your beliefs enable you to do harm to others,is it not likely that your beliefs might be wrong. If the Jews were the chosen people then why is it that they can't turn the other cheek?  They call themselves the chosen yet they kill more people on the planet than all other races combined. Not to mention all the harm they do through banking,hollywood,porn,etc. I have learned to judge a man by his actions more than his words and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  I'm not claiming to be perfecft but thanks to Patrick and Anne i am a better person.  So Mr. debuhker have you looked in the mirror lately?   Do you ever cause harm to others even though you know it is wrong?  I hope you will think on these things and maybe read a few of the Phoenix Journals to see the real truth.  In love and light.



----- Original Message -----
From: BA
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:38 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Re: Debunker

I am not going to discuss this uninformed, mindless diatribe, but simply your response Patrick - "You poor soul, I send you much love and light"!

 If only those who belong to the various religious bodies that all CLAIM to practice brotherly love would take a leaf out of your book, the World would be a much better place.

I agree with nothing that "Debunker" said, but, like you, I wish him, and all other souls on our little planet at this time, much love and light - whatever their religious or personal beliefs

May the truth set us all free.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 11:33 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Namaste Patrick,

I hav't contacted you for some time, however, after reading the comment from the Americanus Boobus  Bible Thumper - De Bunker  - I felt that I should supply you with information on the actual forged information that comprises the New testament.

When you consider the fact that all Christian Religions are essentially based on the original New Testament that came out of the Catholic Church  and were carried into the Protestant religions, for the most part, after the catholic Cleric Martin Luther, justifiably, split from the corrupt Satanically controlled Catholic church, certainly, This document that I reference below is a bombshell.

I would  like to see this in depth research posted in its entirety on Fourwinds for all the bible thumpers that come after De Bunker


The Forged Origins of The New Testament

In the fourth century, the Roman Emperor Constantine united all religious factions under one composite deity, and ordered the compilation of new and old writings into a uniform collection that became the New Testament.


Many thanks for you and your wifes efforts,  in outputting truth to a Matrix world steeped in lies.

All the best to you and yours.



[NOTE:   The article at that NFD mentioned is entitled "The Forged Origins of the New Testament".  This article has been posted on Fourwinds for many months.  It is located at:        --PHB]