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"Hello,Central!" You Have Lost All Credibility! (Udated March 20, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: TM
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 1:42 PM
Subject: messgae from 3/17/08

Your asking for dependable news? That is exactly what I wish you people would put out. I am NOT a Bush backer but what you people continue to accuse him and his of, is so blatantly false you have lost all credibility. We all could use any news but certainly not this nonsense.

Thank You, Im sure you will disagree, and even might be upset with my request, but is something I have been bothred with for quite some time and just have to get it off of my mind.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  TM
DATE:  March 19, 2008
Dear Mr. Butt-in-Skies:
    No, I am not "upset" with your request for Fourwinds to present "dependable news".  That is a reasonable request from someone, who has his head stuck in the sand to his navel.  You are one of many, who accept the mainstream media news, as gospel Truth, refusing to believe it possible that such "news" is screened by the Pentagon and the White House to be nothing but lies to feed the mind-controlled public.
    If you are not a "Bush backer", what are you?  On what basis, pray tell, do you judge our credibility?  Do you base it upon the "Truth" from CNN or FOX or the New York Times, or maybe the "rag sheets" in your local grocery store?
    From your view of the landscape it would seem reasonable that you would find one credible, who steals the oil belonging to his neighbors, who makes his living on war, drugs, sex slaves, and illegal arms sales, who stole his presidential office, who kills anyone who gets in his way, who has lied and stolen and cheated his way through his entire adult life, and who now declares himself "God of the World".
    No, I am not, "upset", just amazed at what a fool you are.  You are one of the many "walking dead and cement people", that we seldom see on Fourwinds, because they are not into the Truth.
    Good luck, and do get some Vizine.  It takes the red out.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: SK
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 1:56 PM
Subject: --from S
I had to comment...on your response to Mr. Butt in the Sky.
Well done my friend!
You get the Gold Star for the day!
The last line...RE: Vizine.  
 I laughed so cheeks hurt!
Thanks for everything..including this response to Mr. Butt in the Sky.
It was priceless!!!!!!
----- Original Message -----

From: JD

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 5:05 PM

Subject: Butt in the Sky reply!!!

I have seen a lot of people turn on Bush who at one time actually supported him after 9/11, but after all this time, after all the solid proof presented here and elsewhere that he has done these horrible things, how can there be someone who supports him now??!!! I swear, now I have seen everything!!!

Patrick, from your answer, it is clear that you feel pretty much the same way I do about this person's capability of seeing the truth of this matter. I cannot begin to imagine how this person will feel when all this truth comes out.


----- Original Message -----
From: AKT
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 7:08 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

May God bless you, and I am sure HE does.  Praise God for folks like you and yours.

Keep up the honest great work you always do.

This is in response to the Buttinsky who wrote to you today.

In love and light,



----- Original Message -----
From: TJM
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 4:30 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

I feel inclined to say something due to your reaction to the gentleman who said you lost your credibility. Now as far as all that wanta gate stuff, I don't care for it either way. But, from what I have learned about this stuff is that 2 wrongs don\'t make a right.  He was not in control of his ego at that time and I understand his fustration as well as yours with the prosperity packets and Bush's antics. I have been coming here since July and since this year, every other day it seems like the packets are coming tomorrow. I\'m not getting a packet and I am fine. I know how to create wealth and prosperity for myself without having to fight along side this or any other side of this game. I felt alot of negativity coming from that guy and felt sorry for him as he is lashing out because he is waiting for changes that don\'t seem to happen. He can see if he wants to see them but, he's not allowing himself to see them. "Forgive them for they know not what they do". Your last remark showed me on what grounds you stand on as well. Like attracts like. If you are only thinking about your enemy you will become him. Patrick, I hope you find the love in this message and know that I love this site but, it has started to post almost all negative things lately. Even you have started posting negative comments to people just like Fox news does. I beg you to take a step back and take a breath and recenter yourself. Your fighting the good fight but, like attracts like. If you are constantly veiwing the negative, you will become negative. It amazes me that you post some of the most uplifting things a person can know, and then lash out at someone who obviously doen\'t get it. Maybe for one day, you could post more spiritual uplifting things instead of all the negative political stuff as we may cool our ego's down per say.....

I love this site, I check it many times durring the day. I haven\'t been able to read alot of posts because of the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. There are alot of negative posts lately.  Take this message as you wish. I will continue to come here for information regardless of what you think of me because we are one from the same. You may not know me personaly but we are brothers all. If we were not in the what you would call, "Gods Mind" we would not exist at all. And there exists but one law. Like attracts Like. So just think about that everytime you post something. If you post something negative, its gonna come back to you. Your attracting it. And if you keep attracting it, well thats what you get, more of it.

 I hope I have gotten spoken to your true conscious self and not been stopped by your ego for my heart is really with you in your purpose of this site. I will say it again, I LOVE THIS SITE! But, saying someone is a Fool is really negative. He may be acting foolish but, we all are from one in the same.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  TJM
DATE:  March 19, 2008
SUBJECT:  Reply 
Dear TJM:
    Thank you for your response to the "Hello, Central!" on credibility.
    First, TM said nothing whatsoever about any bank packets, and deliveries or being in any of the prosperity programs.  His focus was solely on our reporting of the actions of G.W. Bush and that our accusations were "blatantly false".  That is only your assumption.  He, as you, gave no basis for saying that Fourwinds had "lost all credibility".  That is only your opinion with nothing to support it.
    Do you really believe that G.W. Bush is a good guy and that it is unfair to report wrong doing?  You have done a New Age twist of words by saying "like attracts like", leaving the reader to guess as to your meaning.  Like energy attracts like energy, negative to negative, positive to positive, but even if that is what you mean, you still have it wrong.
    Truth is both negative and positive in content.  Truth is!  We have posted many negative articles recently on Fourwinds, but that does not make me a negative person for posting them, nor you for reading them.  It is all about intent.  Anne and I post these negative articles with good intent to inform you of the Darkness, so that you would wake-up to this "Dark Truth" and take action to bring goodness.
    Creator God Aton says, and I quote:  "Truth reveals the Lie.  Truth hurts those, who do not want to know the Truth, but would rather swim in the Lie and keep on their easy path of living to destruction.  Even though an article is very negative in content to reveal the lies, deceit and shenanigans of the Darkside, if it is given with good intent to those to read and know the Truth, then the energy going forth from that "negative article" is positive energy.  It is the energy whether positive or negative that attracts same.
    The Phoenix Journals contain much negative information, for they tell the TRUTH of what the Dark Ones have done to the people on Shan for millennia.  They are written with positive energy by MYSELF, and therefore, are positive in energy, giving positive energy and enlightenment to those, who read them with good intent.
    If a person reads these Phoenix Journals seeking to destroy or negate the information and to tell others not to read them, because they are so negative, then negativity shall follow that one, because he/she was intent on discovering and or creating negativity.  Do you understand?"
    Yes, we understand!  Our intent of the heart determines the resulting energy, whether negative or positive, and we have complete control over what energy we attract by what energy we send out.
    You have made another point about money.  You say, "I am not getting a packet and I am fine.  I know how to create wealth and prosperity for myself".  Are you then saying that those working to bring the Prosperity Programs and NESARA to fulfillment are less enlightened than are you, because they do not "know how to create wealth?"  Do you not understand that these noble people are in the process of creating wealth for all mankind, and not just for themselves?  Creation happens in many ways, my friend.
    I make a final point about your false thinking.  You say "If you are only thinking about your enemy, you will become him."  How so?  Thinking and intent are inseparable.  Aton knows, I have many enemies, but I have not yet become them!  Why?  It is, again, all about intent.  I do not wish them harm or evil, but send them Love and Light.  Therein is my protection, for the energy of Love and Light are returned to me in multiple amount.  This is the Cosmic Law of Returns to which you gave the New Age twist.
    We live in a world of much Darkness, and we rub against evil people daily, but that evil does not rub off on us.  Evil energy does not penetrate our aura unless we allow it. It is a matter of the heart and the Light we allow to shine from within.  Cannot you sense the Light shining through all the negative articles we post daily on Fourwinds----just for you?
    Thank you for "loving" Fourwinds.  May you find the Truth you seek!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer     
----- Original Message -----
From: DF
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 12:46 PM
Subject: "Hello,Central!" You Have Lost All Credibility! (Udated March 19, 2008)

Bless You Patrick,

You truly are a amazing person that stands as well as responds (not react) in the Light of the Most Radiant One. You are such an inspiration for knowing the most appropriate and helpful response.  Of course you know that any response to a question or comment is not only to the name (or initials) to whom it is address, but each and every one of us, reminding us with each response, that it is our personal responsibility to seek and know the TRUTH.

When I was reading your last response of the above subject matter, I couldn't help but smile and think about how I would tell my children that they would get into more trouble if they told a lie, than telling the truth of what ever was the issue.  As you have so graciously stated, "Truth Is" whether it is good, bad or ugly..  The beauty of Truth is that it only reveals the ugliness of the lies it uncovers.  The ugliness is not in the TRUTH (Light) but in the LIE (darkness).  Children understand this when taught to them, how is it that most adults loose this capability?  Oh yea, I remember, we as a society have been guilty of preaching to our children "do as I say do, not as I do", instead of Teaching by example.  You dear soul, teach by example, and I am grateful to be in the Light and Love of a most radiant one, you Patrick.  You are fulfilling your contract of this life's experience in being the "I AM Truth and Light" to a world where most feel comfortable asleep in the dark.

These words I pass along to you are from the IAM that IAM and are not intended for the ego.  That is another observation, in the 7 years I have been educating myself at Fourwinds, I have not felt your ego in any response you make. I have always felt your intent to "let go and let God/Aton" be in each of your responses.  I thank you for being such a shining Light and example to all of us and look forward to the day that we could meet in person.

In Love & Light