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"Hello, Central!" I Am Deeply Disturbed By The Article By Frosty Wooldrige, "Destroying American Culture: Multiculturalism". (Updated March 15, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:59 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

   As a long time reader of fourwinds, I rely on your website for much of the news that I cannot get in the mainstream media. However, I must address one of your recent postings which deeply disturbed me."Destroying American Culture: Multiculturalism" by Frosty Wooldridge.

   Before I go on, I want to say that I was born an American and proud of it. While I am of mixed ethnicity (Japanese, Hawaiian, German, Irish, and French), I have always considered myself first and foremost an American patriot. I acknowledge my roots but accept that this is a nation of immigrants and there will always be "new" people being assimilated into our society.

   The disrepancies and irony in Mr. Wooldridge's essay are so glaring that I wonder if he really understands what he is talking about. He bemoans the state of immigration in this country but fails to recognize that this is simply a symptom of a much bigger problem and in doing so, only reinforces the hate and bigotry which is currently dividing this nation.

   Yes, many immigrants in this country have chosen not to integrate themselves into "mainstream" America and crime and poverty run rampant in their neighborhoods. But this is a result of the provocations that the United States and the Western world have unleashed on lesser-developed countries over the past 60 years. America's political and corporate ambitions have laid waste to the social fabric of many nations, especially Mexico, South America, Asia, and the Middle East. WE, yes America, have played a pivotal role in disrupting not only their culture, but their ability to advance as we have done. In doing so, many non-Americans despise what this country stands for because of the greed, narcissism, disrespect, and total lack of consideration for the well-being of the rest of the world. Corporations, as demonstrated in Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine", have played a significant role in undermining the welfare of third world countries so it is not hard to acknowledge why an immigrant would not want to adhere to our ways or lifestyle. 

   Most immigrants came to this country with the hope of starting a new life and achieving the "American dream" just as our forefathers did several centuries ago. They didn't intend to come here to start gangs, sell drugs, or commit violence; these are just the result of a neglectful educational system, a welfare state that teaches them to rely on others for their sustinence, and the constant feeling of subordination because they are not "white". 

   When people of an ethnic background are not welcomed openly as a part of the new society, they feel the need to hold onto the idea of belonging to something and that usually means their home culture. They will fight integration as long as it is forced upon them and this only aids the process of division among "indigenous" (I use this word losely because the only indigenous people are Native Americans) people and immigrants. Our government, in their bid to create the North-American Union, intentionally allows illegal immigrants over the border to speed up the process of destroying our economy while at the same time, using fear tactics upon the citizens so that they keep immigrants and citizens divided. Mr. Wooldridge seems to be biting it hook, line, and sinker.

   I completely acknowledge that there is a problem with immigration in this country but hate and bigotry will not solve the problem. We are living in a time when powerful elite are intentionally trying to destroy this great nation to create a one-world government. Attitudes such as Mr. Wooldridge's support that goal as well as rationalizing the need for conflict and segregation. Being "American" is just a label and nothing more. First and foremost, we are HUMANS and we need to learn to treat all other humans with decency and respect if we are ever to find balance and achieve world peace. Multiculturalism is the basis on which America was founded and we survived over 400 years by espousing ideals of equality. The only way to maintain a status as role-model for the rest of the world is by setting an example based on acceptance, tolerance, and compassion. 

   Most immigrants are not going anywhere. So we have two primary choices: we can add to the conflict and hate by keeping them outcast from mainstream America or we can show them the beauty and pride that Americans have in our multi-faceted culture.

 The problems that we are facing as a species will continue to strenghten in magnitude and one day soon, it will not matter what country you are from, what your religion is, or how much money you have. These are all deceptions of the New World Order meant to manipulate our emotions and actions to their own goals. The only way true peace can ever be achieved is by emulating the lifestyle of the great Ghandi and by treating others with respect and dignity even in the fact of great conflict and suffering.

   I hope that this is not indicative of where fourwinds is headed with its content. Articles like this do nothing positive and I have come to expect nothing less from a site that seems intent on waking the world up to reality. 


 K T

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  KT
DATE:  March 14, 2008
Dear KT:
    Thank you for your letter.
    Every society needs laws to maintain order, whether it be in 3D or of the Higher Realms.  Creation is ordered by Cosmic Law.  So, too, nations, such as Mexico and the United States, need laws for the good of all.
    The U.S. is being over-run with illegal aliens coming from Mexico.  Are you saying that this is alright, because Americans have a "big heart" and must remember that America is the "melting pot" for all the outcasts of the world?  Would it be alright for Americans to swarm over the borders into Canada and Mexico, because we needed their land to grow food for our masses, and we needed their services, oil and other resources for our needs?
    Would you welcome with an open heart a thief, who was stealing the tools you used in your job to provide food for your children?  Are you saying that it is alright for someone to deliberately take your job from you, who has come illegally and broken the laws to get into your country, and even the laws to take your job?
    Is it alright for the children of this thief to take the place of your children in school and in the medical clinic and for your children to go without, even when this thief has paid nothing to build the school or the clinic?  Are you saying that unless we respond with true Christian benevolence to this thief, we are only "reinforcing the hate and bigotry which is dividing this nation?"
    It is interesting that at the end of your letter you include a little "barb", a little "incentive" for Fourwinds to accept your way of thinking.  "I hope that this is not indicative of where Fourwinds is headed with its content".  Hate and bigotry, my friend, result when the rule of law is set aside, and selfishness and greed run ramped.
    Creator God Aton of Light has designed the Laws of God and Creation for the right living of all people in a balanced society.  These laws apply equally to an individual, a family and a nation.  Each individual, family and nation are sovereign in their own right.  Each is responsible for their own well-being and their own actions.  The parents are held responsible for their children and for themselves as a sovereign entity.  A nation's leaders are held accountable for themselves and for that of their nation as a sovereign state.
    Granted, the U.S. Government and Military-Industrial Complex has done a "chutzpah" on the whole world, but two wrongs do not make a right.  Allowing others, who have been mistreated by your government in their country to flood into your country to take what you as an individual, a family and a nation have created for your welfare, does not bring justice.  We are to be compassionate and help where we can, but we are held responsible first to ourselves and our own family.
    America is/was great only because it became a "melting pot", where cultures, creeds, races and languages merged into one accepted and unique pattern, where English was the common language and where freedom, justice, tolerance, compassion and the rule of law became the basic tenets of society.
    Under God's Law for any society to survive and progress to a state of balance and harmony the people:
    1.  Must not steal materiall;or emotionally from anyone.
    2.  Must not murder your fellow man
    3.  Must not commit adultery
    4.  Must not covet or envy that which belongs to your neighbor.
    5.  Must not impose nor force your freewill upon the freewill of another.
    6.  Must not condemn others, but must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of God and Creation.
    7.  Must reap what you sow, must deal with the consequences of your actions.
    8.  Must do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    9.  Must not commit the act of slavery (physically or psychologically) upon any other human being.
    NOTE:  See Phoenix Journal #27 for the rest of the eighteen Laws of God and Creation.
    These Laws apply equally to everyone, to those who live within the U.S. and within Mexico, and to those, who illegally cross a nation's borders into another nation.  Decency and respect go both ways.  No sovereign nation will ever have balance and harmony, when it allows the "Rule of Law" of both God and man to be infringed.  Two wrongs do not a right, make!
    Would it not seem reasonable that, if you lived behind a dyke and the dyke began to leak and flooded your house, your town and your crops, that you would immediately repair the leak in the dyke and then deal with the water in your town, your flooded fields and your house to again restore harmony and balance in your community?
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
Original Message -----
From: KT
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 8:55 PM
Subject: RE: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Hi Patrick,


I completely agree with what you have said. My point was that Mr. Wooldridge seems to focus all of his attention on Mexican immigrants and not enough on the politicians who have allowed this travesty to happen. I firmly believe that immigration has been allowed to run rampant and out of control in order to facilitate the destruction of our nation. The underworld that exists in our government are slowly destroying the fabric of America in order to create the North-American Union and then a One-world government. Americans and Mexicans alike are being used as pawns in this game to instigate an emotional response that prevents people from focusing their attention on the real issue of corruption by our elected officials.


I fully understand that people are responsible for their behaviors and many immigrants, as demonstrated by groups like MS-13, have taken it upon themselves to create an environment of chaos. But had our elected leaders, intelligence agencies, corporations, and the military-industrial complex not waged secret wars and black-flag operations on the governments and people of other nations, especially those in Mexico and South America, and then failed to seal and protect our borders, we would not be in this mess. The rule of law was broken by our leaders and the banking cabals LONG before immigration turned into the crisis we now face.


Now that we are faced with finding a solution to the problem, spreading hate and bigotry is not going to be the solution. I wholeheartedly support immigration reform and the securing of our borders but no matter what happens, every single person living in the United States is affected by the nefarious actions that the NWO, Illuminati, Jesuits, Vatican, or whoever is behind the curtain commits. The only way we will find true peace is if we unite together to find common ground and fight these evil people who care nothing about our well-being; only power and control. As long as we separate ourselves into ethnic, social, economic, sexual, or class barriers, these barriers will pose distractions from the root cause of all our problems including war, famine, disease, and every other issue our government creates.


As a nation of laws, we cannot expect to impose our laws on ANYONE unless our elected leaders uphold their oaths to do so first. If our leaders care not about our laws, what good will it do each individual to talk about what is right and what is wrong? I am in now way abdicating what immigrants are doing or have done but they are products of their environments; environments that our nation helped create. This must be a major consideration in our interactions with people not from this country.


I thank you for taking the time to respond and hope that I did not offend. Your site has come to be one of my primary sources for information and guidance. I look forward to "first contact" and hope that this event will show ALL humans that we share a common unifying trait and that all of the petty squabbling and fighting has been done in the name of people who would subjugate us. I look forward to guidance from the creator Aton and hope that he will show us the way to light and enlightenment.

