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"Hello, Central!" What Are Your Thoughts On Drinking Wine?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: BG
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 1:32 AM
   Greetings Patrick/Anne, Thank you for the positive information your site provides.  We are indebted.
  Could I please have your take on the question of alcohol.   An Adventist friend of mine suggests that the
mention of Sananda and his disciples drinking wine, was in reality grape juice, as this juice was known as
wine in those days.  Therefore drinking wine as we know it would not be endorsed by the Masters.
  What are your thoughts on this ?      In gratitude     BG
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  BG
DATE:  March 9, 2008
Dear BG:
    Thank you for your letter and question on the drinking of alcohol.  This is both an important and a controversial subject today, as nearly  ninety percent of adults in "developed" countries use beverage alcohol in one form or another.
    Your Seventh Day Adventist friend is quite right.  The wine used by Esu Immanuel and his disciples 2000 years ago was grape juice, or it was fermented grape juice, which contained a very low percentage of alcohol.  They did not distill their "wine", as is done today, to get a high level of alcohol, which leads to intoxication.
    Modern civilization has taken the distillation of alcohol to its' limits to create very high alcoholic content wines and hard liquors.  The use of such beverage alcohol has been the root cause of most of the family and societal problems today, though many involved are in denial of such.
    In the Phoenix Journals Creator God is very direct in His instructions to us about the use of beverage alcohol.  Quoting from Phoenix Journal #5, p. 85 Ascended Master Ashtar says, "When one takes alcohol into the system, in any form, an access opens at the back of the head, through which the darker forces, if they put enough effort into it, can gain access."   Further on Ashtar says, "You must command the (Dark) energy to withdraw and depart, in the name of the Christ.  It will go for it is obligated to do so.  It does not mean it will go willingly, without a struggle or instantly.  However, if attended diligently it will depart--every time".
    I am not here to argue with anyone about how much alcohol is o.k., or how much it takes to allow the Dark energies and entities to enter the brain and affect the mind.  Everyone is held accountable for their own behavior and for the Darkness they allow into their life.
    You are right in your thinking that the Ascended Masters most certainly do not endorse the use of distilled wines, beers and liquors of any kind.  May we always be wise in our choices, my friend, as we walk the Lighted Path.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer