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"Hello, Central!" Why Would Dr. Neruda Avoid The Quesetion Of National Sovereignty In The New Role Of The U.N.?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Sent:   Friday, March 07, 2008 10:34 AM
Subject:  Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Hello Mr. and Mrs. Bellringer.
I love your site, I come to it often.
I came upon the article posted March 6th titled "Neruda Interviews".  I found this to be a really interesting read for many reasons.  However I was somewhat concerned about Dr. Neruda's position when the interview strayed upon the subject of World governance.  He clearly implies that the Wingmakers intend for a One World Government through the digitalization of our economy, which they say is supposed to be a good thing.
"Sarah:  "What would make the world's people decide to unify under one governing body, or for that matter, create a global culture--whatever that means?  I just can't envision it happening--not in my lifetime".
Dr. Neruda:  "According to the Wingmakers it will happen through the digital economy and then through the Internet's OILIN technology platform.  And through this global network, entertainment and educational content will be globalized.  This is the basis of a global culture with unified commerce, content, and communities.  Once these piece of the infrastructure are in place, then the need to govern this infrastructure will loom as the preeminent issue of the day.  And the United Nations is the logical ruling body for such an endeavor.  As long as the World's people allow the digitization of the economy and embrace the OLIN technology platform, a global government and culture is virtually assured to emerge."
Sarah:  "And as you said last night, this is supposed to occur in 2018?"
Dr. Neruda:  "According to prophecy, that's when the United Nations will hold initial elections for a unified world government.  And it won't be an all powerful, centralized authority, but rather a global public policy decision and enforcement organization for issues that effect the world at large.  Issues like pollution, global warming, border disputes, space travel, terrorism, trade, commerce, OILIN technology upgrades, and general technology transfer programs."
Sarah:  "So what will happen to National sovereignty in this new role of the United Nations::
Dr. Neruda:  "I'm willing to answer your question in the form of a speculative response, but I'm also aware that you had asked me at the outset of this interview to remind you if you got off course.  What would you like--"
Sarah:  "No, you're absolutely right.  Sorry.  Let's go back to the artifacts..."  - End quote
I think the way the interviewee dodged the question at the end about the outcome of our sovereignty is also quite suspicious.  One might speculate that the amount of information Dr. Neruda claims to have on government and elitist organizations, I think the question of what would happen to our sovereignty would be something he would have knowledge about, and find such a question a very relevant one to answer, if he indeed did care about the well-being and spiritual evolution of the world.
I do not wish to waste any more of your time, however I believe the information of "Dr. Neruda" is enigmatic in nature, but also might contain small 'distortions' on certain topics that are of significant importance today, (in a negative aspect), but may not have been in the public eye as much in 1997, when these interviews were conducted.  (I was only 11 yrs in 97, so I do not remember!) if I were to put it bluntly, it reminds me of the old truth-lie-truth formula practiced in so many modern religions and disinformation programs today!  It may seem a far fetch notion, until one would look at the amount of influence the website may be having on truth-seekers like you and I.
I will thank you again for the amazing and up-to-date website, and I wish to apologize if I have come across as critical in any way, as that is not my intent.  Your site is great.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  M
DATE:  March 7, 2008
Dear M:
    Thank you for your wise questions about the future of our planet.  Yes, Dr. Neruda is very informed about the 3D plan to restore balance and harmony to Earth Shan over the next many years.  The United Nations, as an organization re-configured to one of integrity and benevolent coordination and cooperation sitting above the sovereign nations of the world is the plan.  National sovereignty of every nation is the first requirement in establishing a union of nations.
    Why Dr. Neruda would have avoided such a question is a mystery to me.  The present United Nations is only a tool for the One World Order, but behind the scenes, there exists an organization that is to morph into the true UN of the future.  Please understand that this is all part of what I call "Plan A".  Creator God Aton of Light gave us twenty-five years (from 1987-2012) to "pull off" Plan A, but because the Darkside refused to keep their agreement to return to the Light at the end of the Third Grand Experiment on August 17, 1987, we have not been able to accomplish that Plan.  We are running out of time, because our planet is dying due to our inability to restore her and to reduce the negative energies on her.
    At this point in time Earth Shan has already started self-cleansing and birthing into her destiny of 5D.   Therefore, Plan A with all its good intentions is moot.  Dr. Neruda talks about what was to be, and it is good to know this information for our own discernment and learning of wisdom, but we must now concern ourselves with what is, and how to be of service in the moment.
    The Lightworkers have done a magnificent job of holding the Light during these twenty-one years of over-time, and many have awakened, and the Darkness has not over-come the Light!  Our journey in this present 3D lifestream is nearly over.  Know it and find peace and joy within.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer