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"Hello, Central!" Let's Get It Right! There Will Be No Need For Evacuation!(Updated Feb. 28, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: RM

To: "Bellringer" <>

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 9:08 AM

Subject: Lets get it right.......

Dear Patrick and Anne,

May I please draw your attention to the information here from 'Matthew'

recently posted:

"..We are aware of the false information the Internet offers along with the truth, and one example is channeled material claiming that extraterrestrial craft will evacuate the populace before Earth changes increase to the extent that no surface life can survive. There will be NO need for evacuation! The persons receiving those transmissions don’t realize that their sources are not the spiritually evolved beings they claim to be, but exactly the opposite, and that their purpose is to instill fear.. "


With Love and Light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Feb. 28, 2008


Dear RM:

Thank you for writing, but why are you sending me this nonsense from Suzie Ward/Matthew? Do you think that I am not informed of all the Internet trash, or do you think that you could somehow cause me to change my mind about the Truth given to us by Creator God in the Phoenix Journals?

The Darkside knows that their end is here. They know they are going down with the ship, and they are determined to take, as many as possible, with them to a watery grave. Thus, you are finding Darkside propaganda everywhere and coming from anyone willing to cooperate with them and broadcast it in the churches, the mass media and on the Internet.

My task, as in the time of Noah and the Ark, is to speak Truth to the people, not to tell them what to believe. For a hundred years they scoffed and laughed at Noah, but that did not stop him from his mission. What greater statement to get people's attention could he have made, then to build this great ship in the middle of a desert?

The Phoenix Journals are just such a great ship today in our desert of lies. Creator God Aton has provided us Truth today, one last time before the end of the play, just as Esu Immanuel Sananda 2000 years ago said would happen. Our task at Fourwinds is to present that Truth today to the entire world, "one last time". That we have done! Your task is to choose what it is that you will believe, and to prepare your soul accordingly.

Yet, you take the Truth given to you by Creator God, that there most certainly will be an evacuation of Earth Shan very soon, and throw it back into my face, and tell me "Let's get it right....", like somehow you will convince me to believe the lies by SW/M. I am used to the bashing and stones and arrows of the Darkside. Nothing can cause me to stray from my mission of presenting to you and the whole world the Truth from Creator God Aton of Light, and no one can refute that Truth, ever. The age-old trick is, if you do not like the message, attack the messenger. So be it.

The choice still remains to either accept the message and act in wisdom or not. If you choose to believe the naysayers that there will not be any evacuation of Earth Shan, so be it, but please do not bother me further with your prattling.

You would be most wise to seriously read Phoenix Journal #5 Chapter 5 ( ) and Phoenix Journal #4, Chapters 9 and 10 - .

The Truth is that there shall most certainly be an evacuation of Earth Shan in the very near future, as she flips on her axis in her need to cleanse herself of all pollution, damage and negativity we have created on her. The only safety will be with Creator God aboard His starships, that He has sent to reclaim His flock, the Remnant, and bring them home. No one in 3D shall survive these earth changes, as Earth Shan moves into the fifth dimension.

The choice is to board the ships to safety or not. There will be no beating on the door of the Ark this time to get to safety. There will be a beam of Light from a starship, and you will choose to board the ships to safety or you will not. Let's get it right! There shall be an evacuation!

May you act in wisdom, my friend, and join the "remnant", the Lightworkers of Creator God Aton of Light aboard the ships. The "Homecoming" shall be magnificent!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 4:07 PM

Subject: There will be an evacuation, I'm on the evacuation crew, I know!!!

There will be an evacuation of this planet before the upcoming, imminent polar shift. The people have only to look at the news to see that the climate is drastically changing, and she is ready to go now. (And let me remind you that you do not get the whole news from the USA media, they lie to us. Check the world news!) Watch the Inconvenient Truth movie. That should do pretty well. There are well over 5,000 volcanoes underwater, heating up the oceans. That is an unprecedented amount ever!!! The largest volcanoe on land is heating up, and it is in the USA. Yellowstone. I, for one, do not want to be here when she decides to blow!!!

I cannot list all the ways you can die from just the volcanoes!!! And that is only one part of the whole picture. OK? The planet is screaming at us to get ready!!! Get off the planet!!! If you don't want to listen, so be it. I'm not going to be here. I'm not that ignorant.