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"Hello, Central!" What Do You Think Of The Issue Of Fossil Fuels and Global Warming?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: MLS


Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 4:27 PM

Subject: question about NESARA.

Dear Patrick:

As you are one of the experts on what's happenign with NESARA I thought I would ask you this. I assume you must keep up with the Dove of Oneness's status reports on NESARA, as I do. Every day I pray for the announcement of this law and the prosperity that will result from the corrupt systems being swept away. I've had my own difficulties dealing with things as we're waiting for this to be implemented but I've never given up hope.

On Dove's 1/30/08 report she warned us about the involvement of the Illuminati in brainwashing plans to manipulate people about the environment. In her report she says we should be sceptical of Al Gore and the claims in his movie about global warming because Al Gore is a member of the Illuminati power structure. She had this to say about it.

The Illuminati are planning to force people to keep using fossil fuels; there are other energy sources already developed, but suppressed by the Illuminati

But then in the very next sentence the report says this.

The Illuminati's plan is to brainwash people and restrict people's travel by claiming they are damaging the environment if they travel using fossil fuels

But these things cant both be true can they? Either the Illuminati want people to keep u sing fossil fuels, or they want to brainwash people into thinking fossil fuels are hurting the enviroment. But they can't be doing both. It doesn't make sense?

I emailed the Dove about this question and have not heard back from her. So I am curious what is your take on this? I don't doubt that the Illuminati are controlling the enviroment, but do they want people to use fossil fuels, or do they want to scare people away from using fossil fuels? Maybe I have just misunderstood? There is a lot of confusion about the issue of global warming so I just want to know where we stand with it.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Feb. 10, 2008


Dear MLS:

Thank you for your letter. There is no question but that the Illuminati want us to continue to use fossil fuels. That is a main way of both controlling the people and taking away their financial resources. For more then a hundred years the controllers have stopped the technology of free energy, which could have made our world energy self-sufficient on free energy in the 1920's without the use of fossil fuels.

The Illuminati do not care about the environment. Their goal is to reduce the population by whatever means necessary. It is the corporations that are pushing global warming, because they make big money on whatever method we choose to deal with the "fake" global warming problem.

Our new more intense sun and the 30,000 under sea volcanoes, that are now active, are causing the heating of our earth. This is necessary and part of the natural process to return our planet to its original pristine conditions of balance and harmony, where the temperatures are about 72 degrees F. the world over. Global warming is a non-issue, as it is all part of Creator's Plan for our planet's future.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer