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"Hello, Central!" Can I Trust My Guardian Angels?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: K

To: <>

Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 11:45 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


my question is re guardian angels and regular angels!,i was reading an article awhile back that was very disturbing,it said not to trust your gurarding& reg angels as they are most likely dark et,s that is hard for me to get a hold of[can,t remember the source,what is true and not. THANKS THIS WOULD BE IMP TO MANY,PS HOW MANY GUARDING ANGLES DO WE HAVE?


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Feb. 2, 2008


Dear K:

Thank you for your question about Angels. Everyone at birth is given at least two Guardian Angels of Light that remain with you until death. They are there to help you, but because they are not allowed by Cosmic Law to influence your freewill, they help only when asked.

Creator God Aton of Light has given you these Angels, so why would you not trust them? Someone from the Darkside is telling lies to confuse you and create fear about Angels. Ask your Guardian Angels to help you in whatever way you need help. Your call compels their answer. They are only a breath away.

My wife, Anne and other people have seen at least two of my Guardian Angels standing at least eight feet tall on either side of me, while I was speaking to larger audiences. I have had innumerable occasions where my Guardian Angels have provided protection, directions, insight and wisdom to me.

It is sad that so few people realize they have Guardian Angels, and fewer still ever ask for their help. The Hosts of Heaven are also at our disposal. There are millions of Angels with many skills, such as the Healing Angels and the Warrior Angels. They come to our aid, when we sincerely request their assistance.

There are many Angels of Darkness that try to pull you off your path, but you need not fear them.. The Angels of Light have great power over all Angels of Darkness, and will keep them at a distance, if you but ask. Also, you have the same power, the power of Creator Source through you God Spirit within to help yourself.

Just know that help is only a thought away. Seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given to you, and knock and the door shall be opened to you. Believe, and miracles happen! Doubt, and they do not!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer