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"Hello, Central!" A Symphony of Truth!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: A&CM

To: "bellringer" <>

Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 11:02 AM

Subject: Statement From 2 Witnesses

Dear Patrick, Anne, and Fourwinds Family,

We view Fourwinds10 as a clearing house, an instrument and vehicle involved in this last sorting out of Truth and Lie. If it appears on this site, the energy of the messages will be shared and dealt with. This is not our only view of Fourwinds10 and the purposes served in the desire for the upliftment of Humanity. What we witness occurring, here, is a symphony of Truth, a place where people who care can share and merge contributions, given from their stations and window of view. The snapshots of actions of the Dark, this "negative film", being exposed to Light, in the alchemy of combined effort from people of integrity, is a "due process" of The Law of Balance in action. Many of these snapshots give us a good, hard , view of how evil the Dark energy has become on this planet. The snapshots from Casper's station show this and also show the fortitude , patience, and endurance required to not give up. The snapshots from S show us how tangled the tangle web of human law really is. This work is an "audit of the Lie", in our view, and a confirmation of the Truth presented in the Phoenix Journals, bringing to mind, especially Satan's Drummers #9, Cry of the Phoenix #11, R.R.P.P. #14, and the Tangled Web series #43-#46. The unseen level of all the work of the "auditors of the Lie", combined, is a force of the Light , a "Ray of due process", the Dark players cannot and will not withstand for it dissolves their "negative film".

Hatonn and the Ascended Masters have made many things quite clear to us in the Journals. Among these things is the reality of the mess, our obligations to clean up our own mess, and that it will not be done for us. Many step forward now in combined effort applied to this clean up. At hand, also, is the parallel reality and timeline of Mother Earth's birth into the 5th dimension, which requires our absence from her physical surface. This will be the final cleansing of any and all negative energy debris in this zone. Yes, the Dark players are our teachers and have been quite good at their teaching positions. We of the Lighted Realms are also their teachers. They are not good at keeping contracts or agreements of any kind, and prefer to laugh, mock, and puff up in their costumes at how many they can break at any given point in time. Their contract with Creator Source is broken. This is their demise. The closure of the play is at hand.

In the One Light of Creator Source,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 31, 2008


Dear A&CM:

For all the Fourwinds Family, we thank you for your tribute to Truth. Much Darkness has covered Earth Shan, and much Light is needed to remove it. Many are the Lightworkers, the Returned Masters/martyrs, the Truthbringers and Teachers of Wisdom, who have gone before us, and blazed a trail of Light through the Darkness to the very heart of the Beast!

We now build upon their work of bringing the Light of Truth to the four corners of our planet. The people are awakening to their spiritual connections and remembering their missions. Now is the time to end all Darkness in our world. Now is the time for Victory of the Light of Truth. Know that the Beast is falling! The Lie can be no more!

Anne and I are humbled to be a part of this great mission. We honor those, who are assisting Fourwinds, and we honor all, who have answered the call to assist in the metamorphosis of Earth Shan into her true "berthing" in her harbor of fifth dimension.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer