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"Hello, Central!" Just Be Love! (Updated Feb. 1, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: A

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 11:28 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Doesn't anyone realize that as long as we keep focusing on the problems that The Universe will obey and just give us more problems to deal with? We know the federal Reserve has to go. We know that the IRS has to go. We know that our political system has to go. But so long as we keep hashing this crap over and over and over it will never go away. It's time to just be love. Drop the complaining and just be glad to be alive. All is on Divine course anyway so why must we prolong our agony by dwelling on problems? Time for "solution think" init?


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 31, 2008


Dear A:

You preach New Age nonsense! You say that by focusing on problems The Universe will obey and give us more problems. So, you are content to sit on your rock in the sunshine and just be love, just be glad to be alive.

How do you tell the kid in Iraq, who just had his legs blown off by the "good army" that came to save him, to just be love? How do you tell the mother in Darfur, whose children have died and are dying from starvation, to just be glad to be alive?

You call that "Divine Order"? Do you think that is what Creator Aton of Light planned and wants for His Creation? How silly! Such mean-spirited thinking! I'm o.k.! I'm happy on my rock in the sunshine to be alive!

Guess what? Many people do not have sunshine or even a rock to sit on, because too many others are sitting on rocks and thinking "love". Apparently, you have not remembered the Laws of the Cosmos, namely, that we have created the mess we are in, and that it is our responsibility to clean it up. Neither Creator God nor the Forces of Light are going to clean up our mess and change our world to goodness. That is our task, but they will assist us, if we ask them to do so.

In case you have not yet figured it out, Love is far more than sitting on a rock and humming a tune about loving everything, and loving my life. Love in action is what changes our world to goodness. Giving clothes to the naked, food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, comfort to the dying, healing to the sick, mercy to the wayward, compassion to those who suffer, Truth to the seeker, love to the unloved is what Agape Love (God's Love) is all about. " As you have done it to the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me".

You say that by focusing on the problems, we continue the problems. How so? If we do not know the problems, how can we change things to the better? Love in action is learning of the problem, and then finding a solution, and applying it fully to solve the problem. That is how we change our world and her people to goodness.

I shall keep dumping out all the problems we have with all their negativity, as a Truthbringer, until you get so fed up with it, that you finally get off your rock and put your "love" to action to make a difference. Others are doing it, my friend, and only through their action in Love with the Divine Assistance they have requested, will the Federal Reserve be gone and the IRS abolished.

Whether it be positive or negative, Truth is! People complain that so much of the Phoenix Journals are so negative. They present the negative Truth of the Lie, the mess we have made of our Beloved Planet, and about which we do not like to read. So be it. It is Truth, and unless we know the whole story, we cannot act wisely to change it to goodness. Unless we know the problem, we cannot solve it.

Let us give thanks for the Lightworkers, who see the problems and are in the trenches finding a better way. Let us give thanks for the White Knights, who have put love into action, and are risking their very lives to bring us a better day.

There is a place for those, who sit on their rock and send Love and Light to those in action. They help to create a powerful force to neutralize the Dark energy. If that is what you are really doing , my friend, may you be blessed.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----
From: CB
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:04 PM
Subject: "Hello, Central!" Just Be Love!

Hello Patrick,

BRAVO ! That's all I need to say to you. Thank you. They needed to hear that kind of message from you like that. Keep up good work as you always do! Thanks, again. CB


----- Original Message -----
From: M
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 2:16 PM
Subject: Good reply for that 'new-ager'
Your site is NOT negative, I find it very informative news worthy on how to 'channel' my  love toward making this world a better place....many have this concept, "bass-ackward" with sugar coated  thoughts that just 'thinkin'  love will save the world....
Many, fortunately are waking up to "love in action" to change this world.......keep all that great negative info coming!
Onward into the Truth & Light....& more LOVE

----- Original Message -----
From: "S"
To: "'Bellringer'" <>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 1:44 PM
Subject: Emailing:

Dear Anne and Patrick:

I very much appreciated your comments to the writer about "Just Be Love".

If we all just sat on rocks in the sun, there'd be no one kicking butt, and

we'd all be 'in love' while being taken away to summer camps in the sun.

Right on.