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"Hello, Central!" Can We Do An Enmass Resignation From The "System"?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: M
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 10:23 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Greetings and Best Wishes,

Years ago, I read about a family that resigned from the 'Corporation of the United States' with the end result of loosing the 'right to vote' and no longer paying Social-Security or Federal Taxes. I'm sure this loophole has been plugged or re-written to make it so complicated that it is impossible to do - my question is IF this is still a viable option for 'recipients' can not an enmasse resignation occur and if so does anyone know if the outcome would be beneficial for the individuals as well as the Constitutional U.S. Any response either private or in the open is appreciated.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  S
DATE:  Jan. 27, 2008
SUBJECT:  Your Comments on attached article
Dear S:
    I forward this question to you for your thoughts.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message ----- From: S
To: "'Bellringer'" <>
From:  S
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:59 PM
Subject: Response to Enmass Resignation
All very good points. Good questions. It shows that someone out there reading this material is looking down the rabbit hole and can see the necessity to 'dis-enfranchise'. There are a number of websites that have very good educational material on the subject of 'emancipation' and/or 'cancellation'. It takes time to do any process. Some are more detailed and more comprehensive, more steps, more pages, more notary work, more parties to serve, more for a 'third party' mail acceptor-server to do for you. New information is emerging as we speak, which may actually be more effective and require less time and work. This is not for those who have not studied, don’t know the issues, and the conditions precedent to the time we are now in. All new processes are experimental, based upon a certain new and preliminary understanding of how the whole damn thing has been woven together. I mean to tell you, it could not have been woven more tightly and seamlessly. So, some folks want a 'how to' version and don't want to study up. I'm not trying to give history lessons. I'm trying to tell everyone who is a recipient, that their status, standing, and capacity in re: the 'federal corporation' is that of an 'indentured' slave and property. Secondarily they are fiduciaries for the UNITED STATES acting at all times, "from cradle to the grave", for the UNITED STATES, and they do not even have the slightest clue, because NO ONE EVER EXPLAINED IT TO THEM, AND NO ONE EVER GAVE THEM A FREE WILL CHOICE.
I'm not 'writing a book' as someone has just characterized..... I'm being too wordy. OK, I said I'm not a writer. My head is full of this information, the CABAL is out of credit funds and has set up Wanta and all other 'payee recipients' Levels 1-10, to be their victims, or their pack mules, so whatever they have not directly diverted and hypothecated, will be converted upon acceptance, deposit, activation......whatever. I will be in the same position as everyone else, even though I have been doing my 'home work' on this and have done a great deal to make my status, standing, capacity, and political-legal domicile clear and certain to the U.S. and FRB. It/they are a machine, like Agent Smith in the movie MATRIX. They just keep on coming, and it is all about CONTROL.
I do not believe that the processes developed and used to-date are going to be effective. If anything, they may cause one to become more of a target. The IRS, TREASURY, DoJ-FBI are working much more closely now than ever before, and they are coming after people like me and those others that are 'out there' developing new information from new research, new processes and procedures for getting the thing done that need be done. Just being able to know what needs to be done, yet alone how and by what means to do it, is a majore break-thru.
If I put you into some of the websites or in contact with some of the people that are the 'educators' that are quite on point and excellent for educating anyone on 'emancipation', it would take most people quite a long time to get through just the basics. Doing the actual process takes months. There is no time for that under the current rolling crisis. The emerging information may or may not be something that can be shared. It works like this. Every time we have a break-thru in their courts, which is the only place where it really matters, it is on their networks within minutes or hours and it is put out all over the country. The really major break-thru's are 'sealed', or people are threatened, or some have accidents. The judges, prosecutors, agents, etc. etc. are all working 24/7 against us breaking-thru. They are in/out of meetings, strategy sessions, planning, scheming, setting new 'policies', and creating new 'programs' like FBI "COINTEL PRO" etc.
There is not time for us to do anything more prior to funding, except to perhaps give some boiler plate for doing a 'reservation of rights' and 'conditional acceptance' with a few terms and conditions that might help to protect. I don't know. I never intended to be teaching this to anyone, especially at a distance to persons that are unseen and unknown to me. Even for those of us who have 'resigned' and severed legal relations, rescinded all signatures, 'withdrawn' from SS, given notice to IRS of 'change in fiduciary relations' etc., we are aware 'they' are still trying to compel us to return to the plantation. There's simply no time left, my friend. Not unless there is intervention and an announcement. In that case, someone else, or some much greater and far superior complex of interrelated forces will have come into the situation and saved all of our 'ass_ets'.
I'm sorry I don't have a more favorable response. I am an optimist most of the time, but I am also a realist. The System must break, or it will break us. We have been fighting this thing all the way back in time. It is no different now than when the colonies 'broke' with the Monarchy. Fact is, we never really broke. We only thought we did.