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"Hello, Central! How Do I Know, If I Am At The Required Frequency For Evacuation?(Updated Jan. 26, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: RW - Age 17

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:21 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear Patrick,

What can I do, in these short times, to ensure that my frequencies are at a proper level? I continue to see the message that there is not much time left to come to the light. Rushing enlightenment isn't an idea that appeals to me. Basically what I am asking is How do I know if I am at the required frequency for evac?

Infinite gratitude for your wonderful deeds,


age: 17


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: RW Age 17

DATE: Jan. 23, 2008


Dear RW -  Age 17:

I honor you for being so young and asking such a wise question.

I am not sure, if I should thank you for this very important, but most difficult question. Only you can truly know the answer to this question for yourself. I can give you suggestions and guidelines, but I have no definitive answer for anyone. Only through your own God Spirit within can you have the knowing you seek.

Sananda says that when Earth Shan begins her cleansing in earnest and it becomes unsafe for us to remain on her surface, the starships shall commence evacuation of the Lightworkers. Hatonn says He has come "to take His flock home." Those, who have frequencies high enough to make it safely through a beam of Light, shall arrive aboard the starships with no physical harm. Because they have chosen to board the ships to go to safety, they shall have gained much in soul growth.

Those, who choose to evacuate, who have frequencies too low to pass safely though the tractor beam of Light, shall suffer physical harm, some of which can be corrected by the medical teams aboard the ships. Others will die, but their soul shall advance to the Astral Plane for their next assignments in their lessons in soul growth. There they judge themselves before Creator God against the Laws of God and Creation and determine their next lessons and placement in third dimension.

Those, whose frequencies allow them to board the ships in safety, shall go on in their physical Light Body to their assignments in 5D and higher dimensions. Some may choose to return to Earth Shan, when she is restored to her 5D pristine state, while others shall have missions to accomplish on other planets of the Cosmos, or return to their home planets for rest and renewal.

Hatonn has told us that every souled being on Earth Shan at this time is a Returned Master, who has come in our past lifestream from the fifth and higher dimensions. We both volunteered and were selected from these volunteers to come in this lifestream to assist with the transiting of Earth Shan and Her people into the fifth dimension. Only a few of the Returned Masters have awakened to Truth and to their mission, and are now Lightworkers. The rest are still spiritually asleep.

When you awaken to Truth, and realize the plight of our world and her people, and have compassion for them and desire to be of help to bring goodness, your frequencies rise automatically. When you remember the Laws of God and Creation and strive faithfully to live them, your body's frequencies rise to match the Light of your God Spirit within, which knows all Truth. At this level you shall have no difficulty whatsoever in passing through the evacuation beam of Light. The Laws of God and Creation are recorded in Phoenix Journal #27.

No evil is allowed aboard any of the starships orbiting Earth Shan at this time. They are the Hosts of Heaven come from the higher dimensions in answer to our call to Creator God for help. No evil is allowed in fifth and all higher dimensions but exists in 3D and lower 4D. Because our planet is moving into 5D and no 3D/4D entities, energies, mass or material things shall exist as such, everyone must leave.

Therefore, evacuation at this time of Earth Shan's final cleansing shall be the final sorting of the souls on this planet. Those, who so choose, shall be taken to safety. Those, who remain, cannot possibly survive the dramatic earth changes, nor could they match the 5D frequencies, as Earth Shan makes her transition into 5D. Their souls shall advance to the Astral Plane for "processing", while the clones recycle to the elements from which they came.

So, my friend, you are quite right. There is little time left to grow in enlightenment. You cannot "rush" the process. One awakens to Truth at their own speed, at their own "teachable moment". Many may not awaken in this lifestream and will have to repeat their lessons, before they can graduate into the fifth dimension.

Once one opens to the Truth, the Light comes pouring in, and enlightenment and frequencies can grow exponentially. You would not even be asking about your level of enlightenment, if you were not already at a high level with the wisdom to be concerned.

Do you care about the welfare of your family? Do you feel the pain of another? Do you have compassion for the sick and dying? Do you have the desire to help, and do you do so where you can? Do you feel righteous anger at violence and injustice? Do you desire a peaceful world? When you have sincerely helped another, do you have a good feeling within? At the end of your day when you sit to meditate, to recall, do you have the "gut" feeling that you have done the right thing, that all is right in "your" world"? These are some of the signs that you shall have no problem boarding the ships, because you are part of "Sananda's Flock!" See you aboard the ships!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


------ Original Message -----

From: V

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 7:56 PM

Subject: RW: lifting vibration idea

I would like to offer a little bit of advice for RW and the many many others who feel just the same way. The same question became the foundation for a style of research we've called Life Energy Philosophy.

Using biofeedback technology, we have been trying to discover just what does control the frequency of our vibration; our life energy. The shortest possible answer is our Core Attitude. The core attitude of what we are thinking controls the frequency of our Perception which is also known as the colour of our Aura.

Every attitude our human selves can refine creates a different amplitude and frequency of life energy. The way we use our attitudes in the consciousness we create every moment, controls the amplitude (colour) of the perception life energy we use to sense the energy environment, every moment. The life energy we are refining is of course the energy created with each heartbeat.

As we grow through life we learn to use more and more attitudes to contribute the energy activity of our consciousness and we learn to perceive our environment with energy of smaller and smaller amplitude.

It seems that the energy of the new world will only allow consciousness to be created with life energy we now create with both Intellectual and Spiritual Attitudes. The attitudes which refine our energy to the longer amplitudes of the physical channel and the emotional channel simply won't work.

The first attitude that refines life energy of the Intellectual Channel is Grace. If you can learn to live comfortably with a graceful attitude underpinning all of the consciousness you create, even during testing times when the environment is volatile and your emotional self does not agree with the idea of being graceful, then you are ready to try some more difficult (to begin with) attitudes. My favorite suggestion for helping people understand exactly what Grace is, is to carefully listen to U2's song. "Grace, she takes the blame. She covers the shame. Removes the stain." When you have experienced what it is like to create consciousness that can be like that indefinitely, you've mastered true grace and the frequency of you're vibration will be upwards of 800,000Hz. That's high enough frequency to be remembered during an evacuation.

I hope this idea is helpful. If anyone is ever interested in some of the work we've done, it is at

In love and light,



----- Original Message -----
From: RW
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 9:14 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Thank you very much! Yes, the answer is within me but you surely shined some Light on it, both of you, Patrick and V.

At this point in time, I can honestly say I am happy; content with reality. I\'ve come to realize that there is still some loose ends to tie up. I live with Truth, I recognize it when it reveals itself to me, but what I think I need to work on is \"grace\" for one thing, but mainly getting to know my higher-self. I\'ve conquered my 3D-self, mostly, but I don\'t feel quite acquainted with my soul, and my connections to the higher dimensions.

(The real Truth cannot be expressed in language, it is like describing light to a blind man, you have to experience it to KNOW it. The blind man can become an expert in the science of it, he can know what it consists of, and he can know how it affects him, but he  doesn\'t KNOW it!)

If Patrick or someone could give me helpful hints on meditation, and overall help me in my growth, I thank you, and reserve a special place in my heart for you,


p.s. sorry for the length


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  Robert Wolverton
DATE:  Jan. 26, 2008
Dear Robert Wolverton:
    For direction on meditation I recommend that you read Phoenix Journal #34 entitled, "Phone Home, E.T.:  Reach Out And Touch someone--Like God!"  ( ).  This was authored by both Violinio Germain and Hatonn/Aton.  I have, also, written a People of the Lie article by this same title. ( ).  May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer