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"Hello, Central!" Thanks and Prayers for the Messengers! (Updated Jan. 20, 2008)


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From: TW

To: bellringer

Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 10:47 PM

Subject: Hello Central Please let Story be alright!

Hello again Patrick, and all of those out there that have been risking MUCH to keep us all informed! "S" are very well spoken, observant, and write well. Casper, Poof, and Branden- (many others not mentioned) We all need to be able to add our unique personal energy to the mix in order to have God's Plan 2000 to work swiftly as planned-knowing day to day the who, what, and where to direct distinct energies really helps us ALL win. I am ONE person-not connected to any money program....except THE program of Human Ascension from 3D on Earth Shan. To say that appreciation comes from my heart is not simply enough...we all owe you much and most of us can only pray for you.

I have not heard anything from Christopher Story in quite some time. I know he has had say the least. I hope that the powers that be have not been able to cause harm to him-but I know also that he knew what was at stake and the risks as well. More prayers for that one. All of us knew the risks well before we came here. ALL of you mentioned above have my prayers and those of my family-and you must believe me IT IS A VERY LARGE FAMILY INDEED! Our power comes from something far greater than all the money ever minted and it can be directed to assist YOU! Please continue to find within your selves the energy, courage, and faith in The Plan and the drive for The Cause to continue. Success can be closer than it is at any day given to us.

Those of the Dark have no such courage, no divine Drive. They have no faith in the power of prayer. The darkness has little in the way of connectedness, little in the way of Family ( As I define it) and little in the way of energy as God has defined it for us to use together in unity. They simply want to survive and will only work together for money and profit. We have but to stick together, be aware, and continue to drive forward hand in hand this last few yards to defeat them and get on with the rest of the Plan 2000. I am one, but very well connected in a very different way from the message bringers, and way showers, and the openly known journalists on the front lines of change. If there is ANYTHING we 'little people' can do together to help you...please ask us! Directed energy is UNSTOPPABLE and free! Last time I heard, not even the best laid plans by darkness, nor all the threats, rocks through windows, nor any other forceful bullying will ever stop it. Ask us, any of us and ask us ALL-"What can we do right now?" Patrick knows me...perhaps not in person. This time/place. He knows me for the message behind the writing here. I make connections to my family even as I write-they ALL want to help but at times they need only a DIRECTION in which to point the collective energy. Together we are victorious!




----- Original Message -----
From: S
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 4:45 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear Patrick and Fourwinds Group:

I would like to thank everyone who has read anything that I have posted and has responded in any way on any level.  I honor all at whatever place one is at in this process of awakening.  We all have gifts and abilities to be shared.  There is no offering that is too little to be made and received. 

TW has just spoken to that point quite well, and I am most grateful for your and his words of appreciation.  Prayerful protection is needed for all right now.  To all of US, I say it is reciprocaated and returned a thousand fold.

