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"Hello, Central!" I Live In Fear Of Aliens! (Updated Jan. 20, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JE

To: <>

Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 11:35 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


I don't know where to begin. My life has been very unexplainable for the past few years. My story is long but the shorter version is that out of fear of an ex-lover I started setting out voice activated recorders and video surveilence cameras, at night when I went to sleep. What I recorded has bewildered me and others. I have some very strange recordings, which haunt me. I would like to share them with someone who is able to make sense of them.

I gave up my company and moved to M to get away from this wierdness, yet the recordings and events still persist. They consist of male voices, while I am gone even, and my watch speeding up, which I have documentation of. Prior to moving here I had what sounds like aliens on my recordings. A man says "...puter. Infect the computer then" (in a very broken speech) and I then had to have my hard drive replaced. The list goes on and on.

My question is, are you interested in listening to my story and tapes? I live in K and I'd really like to connect with you.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 19, 2008


Dear JE:

Thank you for your letter. In what you have briefly explained to me, I believe you are under surveillance and electronic attack by those of the Mossad/CIA/MI-5 etc., who work for our World Controllers and secret government. Others have reported similar Dark activities against them.

Is your ex-lover a military person with electronic knowledge? He may be the one doing these electronic attacks. The government has electronic technology and mind-control programming beyond belief, that they are using against the people to control them and to cause fear. Obviously, these actions against you are being done to harass you, to create fear and to disrupt your life. Listening to your story and tapes would probably not help me more to understand your problem.

I have some very strong advice for you, though I do not know your level of understanding of spiritual things. You are being attacked by both the entities (demons) and the negative energies of the Darkside. This is very common today. You have the power within you to stop this Darkside attack against you, if you so desire. You do not have to run from it or allow it to disrupt your life anymore.

Your God Spirit within you is your soul. It is a fragment of Light given to you by Creator Source. This God Spirit is connected to the power of Creator and knows all Truth, and has the same power as does Creator God. So, what I am saying is that you have the power to protect yourself against these electronic attacks being made against you.

Through your thoughts direct your God Spirit within to protect you from all evil, and ask Creator God and the Forces of Light to also protect you. Ask for the White Light of Creator God, the Golden Light of Esu Immanuel Sananda (Jesus), and the Violet Light of St. Germain to surround you, giving you immediate and complete and permanent protection from these evil attacks and surveillance against you. Send all Dark energies back to their source, and request that your space be filled with Light and Love.

Once you have done this, believe that you are protected, and you are. Doubt, and your protection leaves. It is all that simple. I speak from experience.

Walk not in fear, but in peace and joy, knowing that you are protected and that the Darkside has no power against you.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: D

To: <>

Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:18 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Hi, Patrick, I have had experience of weird stuff happening when we bought our property. I planted big chunks of calcite at each corner. I placed big chunks IN the four corners of the house and I have a large chunk under my computer. It is raised on 2x4s. I have |Holy Hand Grenades in my car. The activity stopped and things are pretty calm. Just one approach. You are right, fear makes everything worse. I also talked to any and all entities who live here telling them of my love for them.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 20, 2008


Dear D:

Thank you for writing. You can also remove those spirits of people, who have passed on, by lighting a candle in each room and telling them they have permission to leave and to go the Light. Also, you can exorcise or order out all Dark entities and energies in the name of Esu Immanuel Sananda (Jesus) to be gone forever, and then fill the space with the energies of Light and Love. As I have said, you can also order through your God Spirit and your Mighty I AM Presence all evil/harmful technologies against you be stopped and neutralized forever. Once done, believe it, and you have protection. Doubt and you do not.

We have the power within to stop all Darkside attacks against us, our family, our work place, our property, etc. Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----


To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 6:45 PM

Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Hello Patrick,

I have to say that you have mentioned things that I have wondered about, especially in regards to this being government related. It does appear that I have been under extremely high tech surveillence. I have even wondered if it had to do with Illuminati. This man was always bragging about how powerful he was and that he used to work for the FBI, however the more he spoke of this training it sounded like a terrorist training camp. I should state at this time that he is Middle Eastern in dissent.

He told me that he had placed minute cameras in my home, the kind like the FBI has, that I'd never be able to detect, and then told me things that he couldn't have known otherwise. I watched him place a bug in my phone as he announced that he was doing so. I looked later but couldn't see anything but when I changed providers he popped off the back once again and said "Don't throw that away so fast. These are expensive." and removed a small, black barrel shaped device. He told me where I shopped, what I bought, who I talked to and even what we talked about.

The list goes on and on. I have contacted the FBI in various ways a dozen times. Their response has been anything but what one would expect. They did tell me that this man never worked for the FBI. I should add too that on two different phone calls they couldn't even pull me up by my social security number.

Whatever I am up against is big, evil, organized and high tech. I should add too at this point that I felt like this man drugged me one night and he told me the next day "I put a new life in you. You're going to die." He also claimed that he was the devil. He was God. (He had just told me something I had never shared with anyone. It was just a thought I had).

So, what would the government want with me? I am a nobody. I should reiterate that four dozen other people have heard my tapes and hear what I hear.

As far as my level of faith goes, I believe in Christ and it is only that belief that has gotten me through. I have gone to bed praying so hard that I have tears streaming down my face, only to wake up with a claw mark on my arm (that was positioned in such a way that I couldn't have done it to myself) and a recording of what sounds like a man carrying me saying to another "Help me"...stomp, stomp stomp).

It's all too weird. You say there are others that have had the same experiences. What is their take on this matter? Why would the government be doing such a thing? It is all so evil. It has to do with the subconsciousness, which is so hard to fight. It is a matter of messing with someone's free will.

I have fought the good fight. This man was a business partner of mine (so I had to stay in contact with him, until I finally walked away) and he would, from time to time, divulge honestly things to me. It was a little over a year ago that he told me to believe what I knew to be true (ie I wasn't crazy) adding that I was a very strong woman. Before hanging up he added that he was a piece of shit.

Well, thanks for listening and for taking the time to respond.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 20, 2008


Dear JE:

The use of mind-control technology is widely used around the world today against both the individual and the people at large for various reasons. Individuals are programmed on signal through such technology as MK-Ultra to be rapists, serial killers, school shooters, sex slaves, terrorists, etc. to fulfill the wishes of the Darkside controllers.

The general population is programmed by T.V. advertising, sports (i.e. football), GWEN, movies, HAARP, cell phones, religion, the cults, music, Masonic Order, etc. to buy, to be subdued, to lower their values and morals or for whatever reason the Darkside wishes, as a means to control the people.

You are being targeted specifically by technology for evil intent. Order it neutralized and all harmful effects reversed. Send the negative energy back to its source. Through the power of your God Spirit do it, and request Divine Protection. My wife and I and Fourwinds would not be here, if we had not done this.

Be in peace and joy.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer