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"Hello, Central!" Three Possible Scenarios: Which To Choose?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: DC


Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:35 PM

Subject: Non deliveries

Dear Patrick,

I know you and Candace Frieze no longer see eye to eye, but her latest article, supposedly channeled through St Germain, explaining the endless NESARA delays and hold-ups has a ring of logical authenticity about it. How else could Bush and his gang alone hold up the announcement and delivery programs for as long as they have when supposedly the higher Forces of Light were involved on our behalf?

As I see it we have three possible scenarios at the present time:

1) Evacuation for those who so choose and who are sufficiently enlightened, the timing thereof decided by Earth Shan herself.

2) The Jupiter-into-a-Sun/Stasis event in which we wake up and evil in all its manifestations has been purged from the planet.

3) The "Announcement" as espoused by Sheldan Nidle, followed by First Contact 6 to 8 months later, and Ascension by Dec 2012.

I know you favour the first of the above, however most of the messages from many different sites and different chaneled sources presently seem to indicate that evacuation is no longer an option due to the fact that earth's inhabitants have evolved, and become sufficiently enlightened and awakened in the intervening years.

You always say to use discernment and ask for guidance, but with the ever increasing chaos as the darkside thrash out in their death throes, ANY of the above scenarios has to be an improvement on what is going on in today's world. As two-thirds of the planet are clones rather than souled beings - I presume these individuals were delivered by normal human maternal birth means, but for whom no soul chose to inhabit the body - then evacuation for the remaing 2 billion souls still appears a possibility. But what happens to the other 4 billion clones if we go the "Announcement" route - that's a lot of humanity to convert to the Light in a very short period of time - they can't all "die" surely?

Any comments, Patrick, if you have time, would be gratefully received.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 16, 2008


Dear DC:

You've got to be kidding! After all this time of presenting the Truth of the Phoenix Journals, given to us by Creator God Aton of Light, you say I "favour" (sic) your first scenario like it was my opinion? You are so wrong! My opinion is moot and has no part in Creator's Plan for our future. We shall follow Creator's Plan regardless of what any of us think.

I tell you Truth, and you choose to throw it aside. That is your choice, but some day you shall weep in agony for your choices. Your scenarios of #2 and #3 are nothing but man's Darkside foolishness to confuse and mislead the masses away from Truth.

You throw the latest blatherings of Candace Frieze/fake Germain channeling in my face, claiming that it "has a ring of logical authenticity about it." Say what? Is there Truth or "logical authenticity"? What do you prefer?

My friend, I have told you Truth so many times and still you doubt. Where is your discernment? You are like a willow in the wind that bends which ever way the wind blows. Now that Candace is blowing more trash, you bend in that direction. It is high time that you utilized your God Spirit within to know Truth.

Creator God shall wait only so long for you to learn your lessons and to make your choices. When He says, "enough time", you are stuck with your choices and the future you have chosen.

I quote your words. "You always say to use discernment and ask for guidance, but"----- There is no "but" about it! Either you learn to discern Truth for yourself or you rely on other people's opinions. Either you have Divine Guidance or you "blow in the wind", and that is exactly what you are doing, blowing in the wind of opinion.

To be very clear the Phoenix Journals are not my opinion or the opinion of anyone else. They present the Truth straight from the Lighted Realms of Heaven to the people of Earth Shan. They are Creator God's message to us in our "ending times". Who are we to deny it, to judge it, to say it is outdated or that we prefer a different message?

What happens to the clones? They go "poof", along with you if you don't wake up!

Time is running out for the people on Earth Shan to get it right! Choose wisely, my friend!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer