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"Hello, Central!" Help! I Don't Want To Turn Blue From Using Colloidal Silver! (Updated Jan. 16, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: MD

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 3:22 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear Patrick,

I have used colloidal silver for over 10 years. I saw on the news about the BLUE man from Fresno, CA that has turned blue from using colloidal silver for 15 years. He made it himself. Is he using a low grade or to much? Help- I have many friends I got to use it and now they are worried since you can\'t reverse the blue tone.

Thank you.

Love and light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 15, 2008


Dear MD:

As you know, colloidal silver (CS) is a natural antibiotic, and is very easy and cheap to make yourself, and is very effective against all viruses and bacterias and other microbes today. The medical profession used CS well into the 1920's as a very effective antibiotic.

Then penicillin was discovered, and suddenly doctors could make big money selling this new man-made antibiotic. Other bio-antibiotics have followed, but microbes mutate and adapt to these artificial antibiotics, and they lost their effectiveness. Not so with CS.

Doctors have discouraged the use of CS by creating stories of fear. In medial history in the 1800's a man was found to be using CS and his skin had turned to a bluish cast. He had been grinding silver into a powder, and drinking it in water for many years. He was perfectly healthy, except that his skin had taken on a bluish hue. This was due to the silver particles that had accumulated in his skin. The medical profession has used that story for a hundred years to scare people from using CS.

This is really a big joke on the public, because the medical profession know, that to be effective, the particles of silver must be small enough to pass through the cell walls of the body. This is done by the method called electrolysis or passing an electric current between two silver electrodes in distilled water. Thus, these small silver particles will suspend in distilled water and will move throughout the body and not lodge in the tissues.

Your "blue man" in Fresno, CA could not have been using a small particle CS. Many people make their own CS generators with no built-in calibration control. My wife and I have used CS at the rate of two or more quarts a day for many years, have not been ill with viruses, bacteria, yeasts, etc. and we have not turned blue, yet! We use a CS generator manufactured by Robey ( deluxe model with proper calibrations and automatic shut-off, and a dial to change the concentration as desired.

CS is a big threat to the medical establishment, because they can not make money from its use, and people can make their own very cheaply, and avoid the high cost bio-antibiotics the doctors sell. It is interesting that for over a hundred years now, silver nitrate drops have been put into the eyes of new-born babies at birth by their doctors to prevent the bacterias of syphilis and gonorrhea, if present, from causing blindness in the babies. CS kills the bacterias. Also, due to public pressure hospitals are now using a "new therapy" of CS on burn patients to prevent infection due to the destruction of the skin.

Is it any wonder the doctors trash CS? Truly, if the general public used CS properly, the Medical Profession would be out of business, except for broken bones and child birth and lacerations, because CS affects over 600 diseases and health conditions. Using a parasite cleanse of colon, kidneys and liver along with CS would pretty much clean up the human race.

No worries, my friend! Blue skin from CS is totally rare and is totally harmless.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


Original Message -----
From: VB
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:36 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Hi Patrick,

Just my input to the reader who is cared about colloidal silver.  My family and I have been using CS for about 16 years.  I make my own and gave my married daughter a generator for a Christmas present 15 year ago.

She has 2 daughters 15 and 13 and the have been brought up on CS. She gives it away to friends.  None of them get sick ever. My granddaughters have never been to the doctor.  None have turned blue.

I and the rest of my extended family the same thing.  I work at a school and I give CS free to 3 of my co workers. None of us are blue.

We use store bought Spring Water  and a home generator. I am 72 and my mother 92 and we take CS at the first sign of a coming problem and it goes away.

I thought this might help

In the Light



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  ViB
DATE:  Jan. 16, 2008
Dear VB:
    Thank you for your supporting information on CS.  It is most important that one use distilled water (non-ionized water) in making CS by electrolysis, where the natural minerals in the water have been removed, because these minerals can combine with silver and allow less silver particles to be dispersed in the water (CS) in their free state.  This could produce an inferior CS.
    Even though you have been using spring water rather than distilled water, you still have had good results in your health.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer