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"Hello, Central!" Are Sexual Relations To Be Purely For Pro-Creation?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: EH

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 3:13 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear Patrick,

My wife and I are reading the operators manual for the Phoenix Journal.

She now has the idea that sexual relations are purely for procreation.

Is her idea how you read the operators manual?

I will appreciate your answer to this question.

Thank you,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 15, 2008


Dear EH:

Thank you for your letter.

Yes, your wife is correct, strictly speaking, but within a marriage Sananda says you must be kind to one another, and grow spiritually together. Gradually, your physical desires will become less important than your spiritual growth, wisdom and understanding of your mission in life. I think the goal is to not be "possessed" or consumed by sexual desires at the expense or sacrifice of your spiritual growth and appreciation of one another at a higher level of Love and companionship.

We live in a sex oriented society, where people are programmed from birth. Everywhere advertising, music, movies, media, schools and even churches "push" sexuality and sexual desires and appearances as important. This is all the 3D physical level of being, whereas the spiritual level of being emphasizes values, morals, feelings and the inner beauty of the Spirit, as well as our created beings.

We are to take care of our physical bodies, for our body is the clothes we wear or the vehicle we use for our Spirit, the real me, to get around to accomplish our mission. We are to appreciate, who we are physically, as well as spiritually, and we have been given appreciation for the beauty of the human body, as a part of Creation. We are to love and care for our physical body and that of others, but not to exploit such qualities.

Husbands and wives need to discover, explore and enhance the inner beauty of themselves and their marriage partner in order to move from Eros Love to Agape Love and the level of True Oneness.

I honor you for your willingness to seek answers to difficult questions.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

NOTE:  The Phoenix Journal referenced in this discussion is #27, "The Phoenix Operator Owner Manual", which contains the Laws of God and Creation.