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"Hello, Central!" There Is No Vaccine!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: CH

To: <>

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 1:15 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


I own a Health food store & resist vacination,"Pandemic " does notadvocate Vaccination, in fact Dr.Ridnour states there is no vacine & when there is it will not affect the latest mutation. as in 1917 the virus had to mutate into one highly contractable. Pleace don't distort things to increace your donations. Even in epidemics more die from effects than a virus! Better Health.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 14, 2008


Dear CH:

Do not fear the latest man-made viruses and bacteria. Colloidal silver or gold or titanium will destroy them. A good small particle colloidal silver such as produced by the Robey silver generator will kill these pathogens. See Also, we can protect ourselves by asking Creator God for total and permanent protection by the White Light of Creator Source, the golden Light of Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Violet Light of St. Germain. Also, ask that these microbes by rendered harmless.

Dr. Ridnour is only repeating the lies of the medical profession. These viruses are created to kill us. Why would they want to produce a vaccine to stop the killer microbe? When public demand forces the medial profession to produce a vaccine, they put the killer microbe back into the vaccine, so that the vaccinations will still kill us. Great black magic!

You say you own a Health Food Store. Get your head out of the sand, my friend, for you are part of the health problem with your ignorance about vaccines and microbes. You are a great one to accuse us of distorting Truth to get donations This reveals your total ignorance of Fourwinds and our work of presenting Truth freely to the world.

I suggest you begin your homework by reading our entire section on vaccinations, located under our News and Information/Health category. Get back to me when you have done this, and then we can have an intelligent discussion.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer