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"Hello, Central!" Can Our Freewill Choices Be Revoked By Creator God?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: AM

To: bellringer

Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:41 PM


Dear Patrick,

In reviewing your NESARA update today, and in another "waking up" moment, the question dawned on me, "Can people actually lose their freewill license"? Is this one of the meanings to "...and those who stand in the way of Aton's Plan for our time, shall be removed by the Forces of Light"? In other words, if one continues to violate aggreements/contracts with Creator God Aton over and over again, is not their freewill choice revoked by removal, based upon what they have earned in their stored up actions?

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 13, 2008


Dear AM:

Thank you for your response.

Question: As a teacher, what do you do with a student that refuses to learn his lessons and cannot pass the tests? As the coach, what do you do with a player, who does not play by the agreed upon rules of the game, or does not fulfill his responsibility to carry the ball to the "finish" line"

Answer: the teacher removes the student from the class, and the student repeats the class or grade later, when he is ready to learn.

The coach kicks the layer out of the game and another player takes his place. The player does not play again, until he has learned to keep the rules and carry out his responsibilities.

All souled-beings on Earth Shan today are Returned Masters and are here by agreement made with Creator God Aton to carry out various missions or to do certain work in helping the transition of Shan into her berthing in fifth dimension. You are quite correct in your discernment, for those not keeping their agreements to carry out their portion of Aton's Plan, can be and are asked by Aton to step aside to allow another Lightworker to fulfill the mission.

Know that Aton's Plan shall go forward to completion on Heaven's schedule, with or without the original crew. I would not say that our freewill is usurped or over-ridden by Creator God, but that we choose to allow another to take our place.

We are back to the hornets, again. Like the hornet's nest you step on in the grass, Creator God does not force you to go against your will, He just makes you willing to go to step aside for the greatest good of all. Remember, all lessons in soul growth are always repeated, until they are learned, for everyone must pass every test.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer