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"Hello, Central!" How Do You See Things At This Time?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: Sb

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 7:42 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Bellringer -

Re: Prosperiety Programs Deliveries

You seem to be a very honorible person through out these days and trust your opinion regardless how things turn out!

There seems to be an ugly rumor flying around this evening that the talk of deliveries are just a hoax. Supposedly, there was a 65% chance today but with today come and gone; there is only a 15% chance tomorrow. Doesn\'t sound like much to me. One guy told me that his sources are saying that if we do not get these deliveries right now (and he meant right now) that we will not likely see them until summer or later at this point!

I just received a phone call from someone else in our group that called me in tears. They have been and remain so desperate holding out for any sign of hope out there that these deliveries this week were real and now they are being lead to believe that all of these reports were some one\'s idea of a joke that is just crushing people spirits out there. Its bad enough to be without a job, totally broke and without presents for their children/ wife, but now their dreams for a happy Christmas are gone. They are devastated in every way.

Q. Is this true or is someone mean in spirit making this up to hurt others before the holiday\'s?

Q. What in your estimation will happen if these deliveries are not made now? will we ever see them?


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Sb

DATE: Dec. 20, 2007


Dear Sb:

Thank you for your letter. Too many people have not been responsible for their well-being, but have tied their hopes and dreams and their very welfare to the roller-coaster ride of bank packet deliveries, having money to bail themselves out of all their problems, and living happily ever-after. Over the years of waiting many people have died from the stress of disappointment and all the related health problems.

I have compassion for those of good intent, who have encountered unexpected difficulties and are now is despair. I agree that it is well past time for an end to this Dark charade. Mother Earth does, too. We have promises of victory before this Christmas. We pray that is so.

Believe me, the Darkside is still fighting hard to win. These are not fake reports from Casper and other good people. There is always hope! Know it, for the Light ultimately wins! How it wins is the question. I believe we shall have these deliveries, unless Mother Earth decides she can wait no longer.

Many years ago a very dear spiritual friend of ours had a vision, which she shared with us. She saw Anne and me boarding an evacuation starship, as we were handed our Farm Claim/Prosperity Program bank packet. Is that how it will be? We shall see. That would certainly solve all our problems, instantly!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer