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"Hello, Central" "The End Game!"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: AM

To: "bellringer" <>

Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 5:11 PM


Dear Patrick,

Am I understanding the "End Game" correctly?

Frame of reference: USA from the Revolutionary War forward.

1. The Republic of America is, and was, the last land available for "Conquering".

2. The Rothschilds set their sights on this country first.

3. The Rockerfellers set their sights on this country second.

4. What became the Bush/Clinton crime family set their sights on this country third.

5. All of the above see absolute control of America as the "keystone" to absolute control of the globe.

6. All of the above capitalize on the use of Zionism protocols as a means to an end even tho the efforts are hidden within other "isms" such as communism, marxism, socialism, humanism, or Nazism as examples, to fool the people about who is in charge.

7. Most wars, if not all wars have been contrived, started, and ended by the Roths until the Rockys came along. These 2 groups began competing for the "King of the Hill", winner take all position. Anyone else involved were, and are , simply pawns, from presidents, to generals, to infantry men, the citizens of the countries involved, etc., except for a rare few.

8. Competitor # 3 arrives: The Bush/Clinton crime family.

Eustace Mullins considers the Bush clan to be lackeys of the Harriman family and that their elevators do not get past the ground floor at all. He points out in his writings that the Harrimans were, and are, servile to the Rothschilds. It is my understanding that the Bush clan decided to take on the Rothschilds, perhaps with the help of the Rockys, to prove who really is the "King of the Hill", got carried away with the idea, and are attempting to declare that the Bush clan is the one and only King of this world. Is this not the core issue fueling what appears to be the never ending story of Wantagate or the continued attempts to defeat the true NESARA mission? The Bush clan is broke, more ways than one, is more than desperate to "steal" what ever they think they can get their hands on, with no place to run to and no place to hide. Are we not seeing the playing out, the out pouring, that, truly, there is no honor among thieves and, truly, evil will "devour its own"? Do any of these ones realize that even if they combine the dollars of their accumulated avarice, it would simply be "petty cash" against Violinio Germain's Trust?

Also, what is your understanding of what really happened at the most recent "Cheney fire" situation.

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 20, 2007


Dear AM:

You are discussing only recent history. North America was occupied by the Native Americans for centuries. England laid claim to America and the White people proceeded to kill the native people and steal their land.

The White Pope in Rome forced England to place their empire under ownership of the Papacy, thus, America is "owned" by Rome today. Present ownership is only political. All nations today are only political governments controlling lands they do not own.

No one can own the land, the "good Earth". We are to be stewards of it, but we have failed to be good stewards, so Mother Earth is cleansing and starting anew. No one can own Creation, but ego and greed and the lust for power have caused the political control of land and the resulting wars.

The Family Dynasties, such as the French Dynasty, the Japanese Dynasty;, the Chinese Dynasty, the Spanish Dynasty, the Italian Dynasty, the Philippine Dynasty, the British Dynasty, African and South American Dynasties, etc. hold the wealth (corpus) of the world. The control over this wealth rests in the authority of the enlightened Global Family, who are cooperating with Creator God Aton's Plan 2000 for earth Shan in these "ending times", and who function at a level above the Dynasties.

The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are only small players on the stage of Mother Earth, while the Bush/Clinton Cabal are even less. These families are Satan's minions carrying on his evil plans for world control. Their credit money system has caused much harm to the people, but they have no wealth, for all nations today are debtor nations and have only "played" with someone else's money.

Now is the time of settlement of debt, for no nation can pay what they owe. Settlement of debt with the real owners, the dynasties, must be made to restore financial balance again to our planet. For example, the American colonies borrowed money from the French Dynasty, and the several united States of American did the same. This money was never paid back, and with interest owing it can never by paid, so settlement must be made. The same is true for all nations today. All must be brought back to zero!

This process is now going on, and a Global Banking System based on gold and silver has been established to return uniform value to our money. The Federal Reserve System of fake money is ending, and the conversion comes with NESARA, as does the end of the Bush/Clinton regime. They will have nothing, for they are fighting over the very money they created out of "thin air', which is worthless. They are fighting over entries in bank ledgers and numbers in electronic files in computers, but which have no value whatsoever. It is all a game of the Darkside of setting the "King's of the Hill" against each other.

Understanding their true demise, the Rothschilds are now beginning to cooperate with the Divine Plan, while the Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton Cabal continue on their evil ways. No one gets paid, not Wanta, not the Farm Claims and not the Prosperity Programs, until the money is released under the Global gold banking system. All else is futile games. Logistics are now being completed for funding the Global System. That ends the game of "King of the Hill".

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer