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"Hello, Central!" Please Comment on "Grandfather's Final Message!"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: PD

To: Bellringer

Cc: PD

Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 2:16 PM

Subject: What are your thoughts about this message?? URGENT MESSAGE!!

Happy Holidays to the Bellringer family!!

I hope you had a lovely visit with your friends, and that the icy weather hasn't hampered your travels. MANY friends/people recently have come across this message, and it is flying around the internet carrying great angst!! The Hopi messages are highly revered at this time, especially. Now, in light of what we have read in the Phoenix Journals, and elsewhere, there is great confusion. Perhaps Hatonn or Sananda will shed some light on the origin and truthful aspects of this message. Would you be so kind as to read this message and, perhaps, post it as a "Hello Central", including your thoughts and comments? Thank you for clarifying this most important issue, and for spreading the TRUTH regarding this important topic!

In Love and Light


PS: I am using a read receipt, as many of my emails are ending up in an "internet black hole" somewhere!!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 19, 2007


Dear PD:

Thank you for your letter and the Hopi information of "Grandfather's Final Message". I would be surprised, if you were asking about the truth of this message for yourself. Obviously, it runs counter to the messages of the "End Times" given to us by Creator God Aton of Light, as recorded in the Phoenix Journals.

The Hosts of Heaven are here to help Mother Earth and her people and to take to safety those, who wish such, when our planet begins her serious self-cleansing. The Star People are not evil or here to do harm. That is all Darkside nonsense to fool the people to fear evacuation and to, thus, stay in the Darkside's world of 3D.

I love my Red Brothers and Sisters, but they, too, can be misled by nonsense, as so many other races and peoples have been.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
