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"Hello, Central!" The U.S. Government Numbers On War Dead Are Wrong!

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From: "G"

To: <>

Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 9:23 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear, Dear Patrick,

I was alarmed at your post which says that there are over 73,000 U.S. Troops "Killed in Iraq". I thought it was correct and truly appalling. I showed it to my father and he looked at it, then derived an interesting point about it which I think you should know.

The 73,000 veterans that died DID NOT NECESSARILY DIE IN COMBAT, NOR FROM COMBAT, IN IRAQ, NOR FROM THE IRAQ WAR. Also, around 55,000 of those veteran deaths were undeployed veterans and, therefore, did NOT die IN the war because they were never in the war. Even those whom WERE deployed in these statistics, are still counted if they died back in America afterward, like if they got in an accident, or things like that.

Upon further inspection, I think you'll agree that this death toll has NOTHING to do with how many U.S. Troops were killed IN COMBAT, or rather IN IRAQ, as the one presenting us with this PDF has most erroneously stated.

Any thoughts on this would be most appreciated, and I'm sure you'll do the right thing and correct your error, if my father is indeed right, because you are dedicated to presenting the Truth.

I am sure you and Anne have many e-mails to read and reply to after your three day visit with friends, so I don't mind if it takes a while for you to respond, but please do let me know what you think about my fathers findings. Right now, I agree with him. Do you?

However, I would like to see the real number of U.S. Troops who were killed IN COMBAT in Iraq since the 2003 war began. If you can find those statistics I would love to see them.

Bless you and your work at fourwinds. I've read all the first journals (some more than once) to read, along with number 37 which is amazing with the blueprint for the Zero Point Energy device. I wonder, and it never ceases to amaze me, why do scientists ignore me when I tell them about the device? I've contacted SEVERAL through e-mail... no response.

Looking forward to your insight.

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 19, 2007


Dear G:

Thank you for your letter and question concerning the accuracy of the data from the Department of Veterans Affairs on the number of U.S. Soldiers that have died in the Iraq War . Numbers are only as accurate as the people, who create them. You may wish to contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for clarification of their data.

The real message the world's people and especially those of the United States of America need to hear is the Lie they have been told for eighteen years about the numbers of casualties and injuries in the Afghan and Iraq Wars. These numbers have been distorted and buried to fool the people, as was done for the 9/11 U.S. Government orchestrated terrorist attack in the U.S.

Here are some numbers you may wish to consider. These came from my sources as being very accurate.

GULF WAR - 1991

1. U.S. soldiers killed------------------------------------------24,000

2. Iraq soldiers killed-------------------------------------------56,000

3. Iraq civilians killed-------------------------------------------43,000

4. Iraq civilians killed since

the war (1991-Mar. 2003)--------------------------------405,000

5. U.S. Veterans who died

since 1991 from causes of the war--------------------22,000

AFGHAN WAR - October, 2001 to Date

1. U.S. soldiers killed-----------------------------------------12,000

2. Afghan soldiers killed--------------------------------------35,000

3. Afghan civilians killed--------------------------------------30,500

IRAQ WAR - March 2003 to Date

1. U.S. soldiers killed-----------------------------------------50,500

2. Iraq soldiers killed------------------------------------------81,000

3. Iraq civilians killed---------------------------------------1,650,000

4. U.S. Veterans who died since March,

2003 from causes of the war---------------------------22,000



THREE WARS-------------------------------------------------------72,000

Truly, war is hell!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer