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"Hello, Central!" Please Help! I Am Extremely Confused! (Updated Dec. 20, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: TJ M

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 9:08 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Hello. I have been reading here for the last 4 months and recently became a donator. Wish I would of found it earlier. I found it looking for Sheldon Nidle channelings. BUT, I am searching for truth. I have been studing with a Jahovah's wittness for 7 years and have been completely fascinated by UFO's since I can remember. I had always believed that the stories in the bible where taught wrong. Jesus himself says at Matthew 24:30"and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation" wich says to me they realize they got everything wrong. I have recently started studing the teachings of St. Germain. All of these different religious directions say they are the truth. Even the ones I did not meantion. All religions say they are truth. All want blind faith as a basis for the truth. And all say that if I put my blind faith in the wrong religion, I am either going to have to start all over again on another 3rd density planet or just plain die and be done with or go to hell or what ever! Your Phoenix Journels don't help much either. They just confuse me even more on to whats truth and whats not. There is so much disinformation and NO ONE, I mean NO ONE can give me anything concrete! Some lightworkers and starseeds I have met tell me just to follow what my body vibrates to. I feel pulled to the teachings of Sheldon Nidle. Alot! I can't wait for them to come out. Also, No one can tell me this. Ever since my awakening to all these things with Sheldon and the Galactic Federation, Alex Collier, Billy Meyer, the governments zeitgeist ext ext ext. I have had a pressure on what would be my third eye. Even had a red mark for there for awhile. I have read that some starseeds, wayshowers, lightworkers from other world that incarnated here to do job sometimes feel pressure on their crown chakra. This is not my crown chakra thou. I the more I work on St Germains teachings of Alchemy and trying to connect spiritualy with myself so I can communicate with other beings, The more pressure I feel. Doctor says there is nothing there, Im starting to think since I haven't gotten any conformation on my prayers or meditations to me that, its just the mark and I have been wrong all the time. Please help! I am extremely confused and am having a hard time striving forward cause I don't know which road leads where and I have got no road map to follow. Searching within myself has gotten me nowhere and no one has been able to prove anything other than ET's exist, and they are here. As far as the truth of what they are doing is to be proven. I waited for the Jupiter thing. Well its late december now. They said early december. Thats passed now.

Maybe I'm just rambling and I am a part of nothing even though I feel I am a part of something great and I'm just fooling myself.

If I find myself wrong with what I believe and the wittnesses are right, I will just die and that will be the end of it. I'm fine with that. I won't have to go through the wake up proccess again. If the wittnesses are wrong and I follow them, I will have to go through this on another 3d world again and thats NOT what I want to happen.]

A little help and direction please!

A sincerely confused



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 19, 2007


Dear TJ M:

Thank you for your letter and your "cry in the dark". You are certainly not alone in your search for Truth. Many of us Lightworkers today went through years of searching to find the answers to our questions.

As a Truthbringer, I cannot tell you what to believe. I can give you information, and I can tell you what I believe to be Truth, but through your own freewill, guided by your God Spirit within, you must discern for yourself what is Truth and what is lie.

It is important to understand that your brain is not your mind. Your brain is the organ of your physical 3D body that is designed to control your physical body's functioning, and acts as a computer data bank for storing and recalling data. You do not "think" with your brain. You "think" with your mind.

Your mind is spiritual, etherical, your soul, your God Spirit, that fragment of Light given to you by Creator Source, that spark of Light that is connected to all Light, and therefore, to all Truth. I repeat, you do not think with your brain but with your mind, and your mind through thought is connected to the ocean of thought of the Cosmos, and to the very mind of Creator God Aton of Light, Creator of our Nebadon Universe, and to the mind of Creator Source, who is pure Light energy.

You have searched through the maze of the world's man-made religions, including the Mormon/Jehovah Witness cult and the teachings of Guru Sheldan Nidle, and have not found the Truth you seek. You have not found help in the Phoenix Journals either, because you are researching and storing data, using only your brain.

To find Truth you must go to the deeper level of your heart, your mind, your soul, your God Spirit level. Your God Spirit within knows all Truth, and through it you have the ability to discern, to know what you have stored in your brain is Truth or lie. What is your heart telling you? What is your "gut feeling" about certain data? When in quiet meditation, what are your thoughts telling you?  You are connected to the mind of God. Listen!

My friend, many travel the broad highway to brain knowledge, having spent years of storing 3D data in their brains, but very few travel the narrow path of soul knowledge and heart wisdom that opens one to the Light of the Cosmos, to all Truth simply through thought.

Stop searching the world of noise and religious nonsense and go within where there is no confusion. Ask your questions through your thoughts , and let your God Spirit guide you. If you truly seek, you shall surely find Truth. That is a promise from Creator God Aton of Light. Ask, and your Guardian Angels shall assist you.

You may wish to read the original words of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda found The Talmud of Jmmanuel, ( )a text miraculously preserved and restored to us in our time, as a source of Truth. Let your mind do the walking through the "yellow pages" of history, and you shall surely find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


Original Message -----
From: V
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 4:19 PM
Subject: TJM
Dear Patrick,
I wanted to offer a little bit of advice to TJM, I’m sure you will know how best to use it.
Like all lightworkers, I too have felt the pains and confusions that TJM speaks of. I have also seen many people stir and in effect perpetuate their confusion and discontent with the seemingly never ending search for Truth. During my time of questioning, I turned to science for an answer. I have been lucky enough to spend the past few years researching with biofeedback technology and have learned much. Just as you say, our Consciousness –our mind- is not our physical brain, it is an area of focused energy activity (that is an area of light) that we move in and around our body, shifting the position potentially every moment. Where we place the energy activity every moment has profound effects on our perception and balance for that moment. Holding our creation of consciousness in our physical body causes much turbulence in our own biofield (aura) and limits our perception, while directing the energy activity of consciousness outside the physical self allows the energy flow of our heartbeat to synchronise and our perception to reach its natural potential.
The problem many people begin with is they can meditate (balance) and remove the focused energy activity of their consciousness outside their physical body and explore their natural perception temporarily, but afterwards they investigate the truth once again with core attitudes that re-direct the energy activity back into the physical body and once again create turbulence in their perception, and once again find themselves unable to clearly understand. You are right, poor TJM is very focused on just his brain. The intellectual energies are dominating his consciousness and the other energies are being underused – he can’t balance.
Biofeedback technology is not common so it is difficult for most people to have the opportunity to watch the effect they are having on themselves by essentially trying too hard with focusing their motivation towards one narrow end. This being the case, they have to trust that what we are advising works. I feel that TJM would have the most success finding Truth when he stops searching so diligently. His soul is trying to give him all the answers he wants (and many answers can’t be ‘concrete’), but until lets go of his focus on intellectually knowing he won’t have the perception needed to sense his soul’s communications. (This of course has always been the dark’s greatest tool, convince us to stay unbalanced and we’ll never be able to perceive what they are up to…)
Often we find that the whole situation can only be simply explained with representative metaphor. I like your offering from the Hopi Elders. We truly are being swept along in something like a flooding river. When we just go with the flow and observe as we focus on keeping our own head above water – keep our balance – we can see clearly. Hindsight has always been a good tool for seeing Truth, so a time will come when everything we observed along the way will make good sense. While if we struggle and try to grasp the edges we will undoubtedly be injured. It truly is better at this time to comfortably float along in the deeper water and calmly watch with balance as we eagerly wait to see where the river will take us. That way we will be intact when we arrive.
I hope this helps a little bit.
In love and light,

----- Original Message -----

From: JR

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 1:12 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Sender Message:

"Hello, Central!" Please Help! I Am Extremely Confused! (Updated Dec. 19, 2007)

Dear TJM;

I am going to suggest a another option for you to consider.

First I must clarify where I am coming from.

Reality =Consciousness + Energy.

Mind = Consciousness acting thru the brain (upon the brain).

Memory is stored in the soul ,in that oversoul(an etheric electro-magnetic construct) which surrounds the physical body(our auric field; an orb).

The brain\'s neuro-synaptic clefs allow the brain and hence the human body to interact with that stored memory stored outside of the physical body in ,actually the Void of space existing between those synaps of the neuro networks of the brain.

They also allow the human body to interact with infinite mind and Truth...(oversimplified).

To access those other realms of \"knowingnes\" ,within Spirit,within Creator Source, one must move out of the thinking process which occurs in duality as one moves between the right and left hemisphers of the brain.

That requires whole brain awareness beginning with the ability to \"trance\" ie move into the \"Now\" and at the very least to mid-brain frequencies and Point Zero eventually.

At Point Zero intent and will are the dominant forces and such directed energies and can override all else...including confusion...and move one to intentfull knowingness...

You might consider spending sometime studying Sananda\'s Course in Telepathy...this is the link:

Go to the left hand list to the First on it...then you have links to enought sessions that you should be able to pull yourself out of the dualistic balltle that will continue to lead you to distraction ...

Be patient it takes a bit of getting use to the idea of \"not thinking and becoming a receiver\"..

You can apply these basics to any situation you need the truth about and to communicate with whom ever you wish to learn you learn to ask for guidance..eventually only from the Lord God of Your one of the Enlightened Realms will ever refuse your heartfelt request.

Light,Love and Power to you TJM

I hope this helps a bit...