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"Hello, Central!" You Have Made A Difference!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: LB

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 4:19 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear Patrick & Anne,

Thanks for all you do.From alternative health, world affairs, spirituality, etc..... You\'ve made a big difference in our lives.Bringing together all this important information has to be a lot of work and expense.

When I think of all the benefits we\'ve received, our donation to Fourwinds is a very small price to pay compared to the rewards.

It\'s not till I sit back and reflect on where we came from and where we are now that I realize the amount of influence you\'ve had in our lives.Fourwinds has been our homepage for 2 or 3 years now.I daily look forward to your latest postings.

You may post my letter. Maybe others will take a few minutes to reflect on the value of what Fourwinds has provided in their lives and if they are able make a contribution to help pay some of the expenses to run your website.

In love & light,



FROM: Anne and Patrick Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 12, 2007


Dear LB:

Thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds and your gift to support our budget. It is an honor to serve you and the many other Truthseekers and Lightworkers around the world, who value Fourwinds. You all help to create "The Wind beneath our wings". Together we travel the Red Road of Truth to the very end of our journey on Earth Shan. Then with lessons learned and missions accomplished, we shall return to our homes in the Stars. Aho.

May you have a blessed Christmas and a most joyous New Year!

In Love and Light,

Anne and Patrick Bellringer