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"Hello, Central!" What Is The Meaning of " Returned Master"?(Updated Dec. 7, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: CM

To: "bellringer" <>

Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 5:34 PM

Subject: Returned Masters

Dear Patrick,

I need your help. I want to ask you some questions about what "returned masters" really means, but I am not sure what my questions are!Does this mean masters of the darkside as well as the Light? Have we perhaps already gone through a "graduation" before? Are there more returned masters now than ever before because this is the end of and age? Can some masters of the dark have souls? Is a returned master different than an ascended master? Is there anything about the

"veil" that needs to be addressed here? Are there particular talents meant to be used but held back due to the veil?

I appreciate your comments.

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 6, 2007


Dear CM:

Thank you for your wise questions. Based on the discussions by Hatonn and others, who are enlightened on this subject, an Ascended Master is a souled being, who has graduated into the Higher Realms of Mastery and higher frequencies, and has great authority and responsibility in the Realms of Light.

Consequently, a Returned Master is a souled being of the Realms of Light, possibly an Ascended Master, who has agreed to return to the densities of 4D and 3D to accomplish a certain mission. Hatonn says all souled beings on Earth Shan at this time are Returned Masters, but most have not awakened to their calling and their mission.

Yes, there are more Returned Masters on Earth Shan at this time than ever before. I remind you that about 75% of our population on Shan at this time are clones. We have come to complete this third Grand Experiment of defeating the Darkside with no off-world help, and to assist Earth Shan's transition into 5D. This third Grand Experiment is another discussion for another day. There are some "Masters of the Dark", who have souls, but their spark of Light has nearly been extinguished, because they have chosen to walk in darkness.

As Returned Masters we agreed to come back into 3D without memory, and we agreed to wake up by placing "alarm clocks" along the way to awaken us. We also agreed that should we fail to awaken and remember our Mission and complete our Mission, that we would spend a "handicap" of at least another 350,000 years in the third dimension density.

Because of our experience of being involved in either one or both of the First and Second Grand Experiments, we were chosen to come to help with this Third Grand Experiment on Earth Shan. Please understand that we volunteered to do this. Even though we were in the "chosen" group, we did not have to do this, but all Returned Masters now on Earth Shan, volunteered for this mission.

What do you mean by "veil"? We have come back into 3D without memory of our past. To me the "veil" is a curtain of forgetfulness. As we raise our frequencies through awakening to Truth and began remembering our lost wisdom, discernment, compassion, Love etc., we match the higher frequencies, where the "veil" is thinner. Thus, the closer we come to the 5D frequencies, where we have full memory again, the more we remember, and the more easily we can communicate through our God Spirit within in clarity with the Lighted Realms.

Our former talents are available to us only as we reach the "level of knowing" to use them wisely, and on a "need" basis. Because we are Returned Masters at this most difficult time of "The End of the Age of Darkness", all the talents we have gained in past lifestreams are now available for our use at this time. It is up to us to discover (remember) them and use them to accomplish our Mission and fulfill the contract we made with Creator God Aton of Light, prior to our coming into this present and last 3D lifestream on Earth Shan.

I love Hatonn's statement, "when the student is ready, the teacher appears." So it is with our lives. When a challenge confronts us, our ability to overcome the challenge is manifested, if we so desire it to be.

So, Returned Master, may you complete your Mission with flying colors!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer



----- Original Message -----

From: PG

To: <>

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 6:26 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Your recent comment that as returned Masters, if we failed to awaken and remember our mission and complete our mission, we would spend a handicap of at least another 350,000 years in 3D. How do we know that we have had our frequencies awakened and remembering our lost wisdom. It seems that the punishment that you relate to is a rather severe one coming from a loving Creator? Free will or no free will! Also, you indicate that 75% of our population on earth are cloned beings. That surely does not give me a warm fuzzy, knowing that I may be one of the clones?

Please comment.

In light and love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 7, 2007


Dear PG:

Rest assured that, if you were a clone, you would not even be asking these questions. The same holds true, if you were still spiritually asleep. Clones have no soul, therefore no God-connection or compassion or discernment. Go within, my friend, for the answers you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: RW

To: <>

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 6:13 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear Patrick,

Thank you very much for your past relations with me and for the great assistance you have contributed to my awakening. I want to know some more about the clones. You said 75% of Earth Shan inhabitants are clones. Now obviously they are not physical human clones. Does this mean souls were cloned, and those ones are in many different physical bodies? If you are able to find the time please clarify this for me.

Again, I cannot express through these words how grateful I am to you. Thank you,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 7, 2007


Dear RW:

You are mistaken. I am talking about physical human clones. Only Creator God can create a soul. The Russians were doing mass cloning in the 1970's and the Rockefellers in the U.S. in the 1980's. Today the cloning technology has been perfected, so that an adult human clone can be produced within 36 hours. The brain is then downloaded with the desired information.

Hatonn says that genetic engineering of humans has been done since the time of Noah, so human clones have been around for a long time.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
