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"Hello, Central!" What Preparations Should We Make For Our Future?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: K

To: <>

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 3:58 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Brother Patrick,

Gloom and doom messengers are saying soon we will have little or no fuel to even go buy food, if indeed, there is food in the stores to buy. Get out your bicycles to go to work, if your employer is still in business. Get more warm clothes and bed blankets to survive the cold for a short period of time. Find an alternative means fo prepare food. And other such warnings.

Please comment on this. Many thanks for your input.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 1, 2007


Dear K:

I understand your concern about the future. We are to be wise and responsible for the immediate needs of our family. Creator God has promised that no further hardship would be placed upon the people, such as nuclear bombs in our cities, martial law in the U.S. or a stockmarket crash and worldwide financial meltdown.

All major countries including the U.S. have made agreements with Global Family a year ago to do these major things: 1) stop all war, 2) clean up the environment, and 3) provide for the needs of their people. The "noose is tightening" around the leaders of those countries, who are reluctant to proceed with their agreements. These agreements will be kept, absolutely, because they have also been made with Creator God Aton of Light.

The Global Banking System change to a gold standard and the demise of the Federal Reserve credit money system now happening is part of this process to bring abundance back to the people. Too long the evil, greedy bankers have stolen the resources of nations and of the people for world control. That is now being reversed, and the Prosperity Programs, Farm Claims and NESARA are a small part of that process.

How much of this Global Plan for the recovery of our planet and her people shall be accomplished, will be determined by Mother Earth and the time she allows before she begins her major self-cleansing. Creator God has said that we have moved well past the "point of no return" for us to restore our planet. We are in the "End Times", and we are to be ready for evacuation at a moment's notice.

The "sooth sayers", today, are presenting two schools of thought that run counter to what I have just said.

The one you have mentioned is that of gloom and doom. We are to expect great tribulation and suffering and death from many causes. The Jews kill the Arabs off and establish their "Promised Land", as God's chosen people, to rule the world from their Holy City of Jerusalem. It is unclear whether Jesus is to float down from the clouds in his white robes and whisk away the cult Christians or if he establishes his Kingdom on earth in Jerusalem.

The second scenario is what I call Plan A. Magically, the evil ones either leave Earth Shan or turn to the Light. Everyone is good and helps to bring harmony and balance. We call in our Star Friends, who bring their brooms and dust pans, and together we clean up our planet and live happily ever after.

I can not stress enough the fact that the Phoenix Journals were given to us by Creator God Aton of Light and Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters to be our guide, our "Bible" for these "End Times". Knowing that the Truth would be distorted and buried over the coming 2000 years, Esu Immanuel told his disciples that Truth would be given one more time at the "End of the Age" to guide the people. Therefore, no one would have any excuse in not having Truth available to them. This is now happening.

You may believe whatever you wish, but the only information that rings true to Anne and me here at Fourwinds, and, therefore, is our guide in these last days are the Phoenix Journals and whatever corresponds with them. All else we consider to be suspect of Darkness.

My friend, may you ever walk in wisdom, in faith and in hope!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer