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"Hello, Central!" More On Jupiter and Stasis! (Updated Nov. 30, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Jess Anthony

DATE: Nov. 30, 2007

SUBJECT: More on Jupiter and Stasis!

Brother, Jess Anthony:

We walk the 3D pathway one last time, but you have chosen to walk in grave darkness. The course you are on shall surely bring your soul to the void in your ignorance of Truth. Your last statement of non-Truth you placed on the Internet on November 28, 2007 under your name and entitled, "Esu Speaks on Jupiter and Stasis", caused my Patrick Henry personality to explode with righteous anger at your audacity to challenge Creator God Aton of Light at the expense of Truthseekers everywhere.

I care not that you trash me, for I know whereof I speak, but to deliberately mislead those, who are sincerely, seeking Truth and have yet to learn clear discernment of such through their God Spirit within, is a grievous sin, indeed. Our brother, Esu Immanuel, some 2000 years ago spoke to this when he said, "If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." By intentionally leading your brother astray with your false prophecies you are heaping great Karma on your head and placing your soul in jeopardy.

Why is it that you do not identify of which Esu you speak? You intentionally mislead the people by claiming to have a message from "Esu", and the assumption is then made that you mean Esu Immanuel Sananda, when it is not him at all. Anyone with even a "beginners" understanding of Truth can discern that your message is false and not from the Lighted Being, Esu Immanuel Sananda. The energy of the message is negative and the words are lies. Why do you operate under false pretenses?

Is it that you are under the same mind-control, as is CIA operative Candace Frieze? She is the source of the fake Christ Michael messages and the garbage of the Jupiter Event and stasis, and she shall be held accountable for her evil actions of misleading the people and causing great fear. Oh, the evil U.S. Government is trying to use their Jupiter probe to blow up Jupiter and to cause the destruction of Earth Shan's surface, but that shall not be allowed.

The stasis event is pure nonsense. On what basis do you give this any credibility at all? Do you not understand that we live on a freewill planet? The Realms of Light are bound by the Cosmic Law of Non-Intervention. When did anyone have a choice to be put to sleep for six weeks by the Forces of Light, while they clean up our mess on Earth Shan? Such nonsense! This even flies in the face of the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect. We reap what we sow, and we are held accountable for our own mess. No magic is going to clean it up for us.

You claim that I am "holding on to an outmoded process that no longer works because of the freewill request that has led to the intervention". You say, "the scenario we spoke of in the original Phoenix Journals is no longer viable". You claim the population of Earth Shan has increased so much that the starship have the ability to remove only 10%, if there were to be a sudden evacuation. Such trash! How can you limit the Creator of this entire Universe to your foolishness? Do you really think that even the simplest of the Truthseekers would believe such prattle? If you are trying to fool the people, the least you should do is to understand basic Cosmic Laws.

I assure you that I am not holding on to some "outmoded process". Evacuation of our planet is very real and very close. You would know that, if you had the wisdom to read the signs of earth changes today. Yet, you choose to follow the foolishness of another blind leader.

I have come to warn you, yes, and to chastise you for your ignorance, for in your error you are leading others astray. It is one thing to choose darkness and suffer the consequences, but it is far more serous to have lead others into the darkness as well. I urge you to pause and take stock of what you are doing in this moment of time before our dear Mother Earth rolls over in her periodic cleansing.

I question if your frequencies are even high enough for you to make it safely through a beam of Light to board the ships, if you should choose to do so. I, also, question whether you have sincerely read from cover to cover even one of the 241 Phoenix Journals we have on the Internet. Hatonn has said that unless you have sincerely read every one of the Phoenix Journals, you have no basis for judging them.

From the very first words of Truth proclaimed by Esu Immanuel some 2000 years ago the Pharisees have discredited them and denounced him as a messenger of Truth. These many years the Darkside has continued to distort the Truth recorded in the Bible and revise it to fool the people. Even your "new prophet" Joseph Smith and Angel Moroni have presented "new" tablets of stone with "new and improved" Laws of God to continue this spiritual charade.

Now you tell the world that because the Phoenix Journals are fifteen to twenty years old, they have portions that no longer have merit? When will you learn to think for yourself and stop parroting what others tell you? The Phoenix Journals are Truth presented by Creator God Aton of Light and the Ascended Masters one more time before the "end of the Age of Darkness". They are also known, as The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms, and you are most unwise to trash them. Esu Immanuel said that Truth would go out to the four corners of Earth Shan one more time before the end of this civilization would come.

This is what is happening, and indeed, we are at that point of Earth Shan's tipping over to commence her cleansing, inspite of all the Guru nonsense to the contrary. I know that by this confrontation of the Lie I am opening myself up to another vile attack from Candace Frieze. So be it. It is not that, that concerns me, but the deliberate misleading of others into the Lie.

My brother, hear me well, for your very soul is in jeopardy!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


Esu speaks on Jupiter and Stasis

By Jess Anthony

Nov 28, 2007,


Esu, I ask for another update today after Candace’s comments this morning on feeling new ascension energy. Where are we at the moment? I can be ready this evening if necessary. I ask for the status of stasis, as well. I also read Bellringer’s comments that the Jupiter/ stasis information was a lie put out by the dark. It seems to me he is holding to an outmoded process that no longer works because of the free will request that has led to the intervention. Speak to that, if you will.

Jess, good afternoon. Things are moving. The progression you read about was the preliminary jolts of light that are preparing Jupiter for the effect you anticipate. This will be a spectacular event for the world.

Bellringer doesn’t know or accept what has been talked about. He is caught up in his twisted version of the truth that ignores what we have been saying through you and others for the last ten years. The truth is that Jupiter is happening. The truth is that stasis will take place. This is the response to the cries for help that Earth has been sending out based on the inhabitants’ free will ability to choose life or destruction. The evacuation scenario was the only plausible method we could envision twenty years ago when the destruction of Mother Earth in her present form was inevitable. You as a planet have awakened to your connection with us in sufficient numbers that it demands we intervene. The fact that this bears a resemblance to the Biblical story of saving the planet is coincidental, but ultimately beneficial. Because it sounds like a preconditioned eventuality, the true situation is more easily accepted by the masses. I am not coming in the clouds, but I will be returning to Earth in a space ship’s shuttle. This is a given and the prophecy’s comments in that instance are facts.

There will also be the return of Christ Michael himself in a form that is acceptable for the energy level you will have. We have split our merged form of 2,000 years ago and now are returning individually and as a Christed consciousness. This will happen when the energy allows this to be accomplished. The dimensional level has been gradually raised during the last year or so, and the God Event also triggered the molecular changes necessary for the raising energy to begin its changes in the physical embodiments you have adapted on Earth.

I will repeat this is not a Rapture. This is leveling the playing field of Earth so man can have a fair change once he wakes up again to re-build as he has been told he will need to do. This is not waving a magic wand. This is saving the Earth from the type of destruction what would have mandated an evacuation of sorts. The thing that Bellringer never speaks of in the evacuation is that only about 10% of the existing population could be lifted up successfully if this were to happen. The scenario we spoke of in the original Phoenix Journals is no longer viable. The population has increased too much, for one thing, and the teleportation methods we use are not suited to the still dense physical construct the Earth inhabitants continue to have. The only viable method we have now to preserve the Earth’s inhabitants as Mother Earth and Christ Michael intend is to engineer a stasis, or suspension of time for certain energy levels comprising most of the mammal population, and intervene within the paused stasis to re-engineer other levels of energy manifestations. This will have the effect of removing the worst hazards man has created with the help of their off-world advisors—hazards that man is not capable of removing in time to prevent Mother Earth from taking events into her own hands and bypassing her plan to save her inhabitants.

The ignition of Jupiter is another event that is inevitable in the Ascension process for the whole galaxy. This is necessary to trigger the raising of the energy level of the solar system you inhabit so that it can then lock into the changes that are already taking place elsewhere in the Universe. Christ Michael is determined that Nebadon will ascend as a whole, and Earth is a troublesome weak link in this chain of events. The quarantine imposed on it and the extraordinary development of dark resistance over the eons has contributed to it becoming almost unrecognizable as the jewel it once was in Christ Michael’s design. He allowed it to sink into such depths to allow his highest masters to agree to incarnate on it with its peculiar dual system of manifestation as a rigorous testing ground for learning all there is to know about counteracting this infestation.

This almost has been the death of the planet. But Christ Michael has been given permission from higher up to intervene as he sees fit to save and resurrect his original seed planet. This is what is happening now, and the process on Earth is key to the process that is happening to its Universal context. This is all tied together. Man is an element, but he is not the ultimate deciding factor. The Ascension of the Universe takes precedence over man’s free will choice to reject the help he has been offered.

This is happening now and the Jupiter ignition and the stasis will be events that occur. They are not figments of Candace’s or your imagination, nor do you work for the CIA, or for other religious voices speaking for the dark status quo. The insistence on evacuation is folly. It will not happen. There will be a period of turmoil, along with the change of governments and the installation of a new economic and financial system based on no credit as it exists now. Money all over the world will be based on hard metal currency. There will be no fiat printing. There will be no purchases without the money to back up the agreement.

The government systems all over the world will be based on true representative discussion and decision making. This will come from community groups that influence the elected representatives, not the other way around. The economic power structure that controls all governmental decisions now will be abolished, and educated choices by individuals will determine how the community is structured. This is a republic form of government, not a democracy with control given over to those who force their decisions on the less powerful.

This all is coming and will be announced from broadcasts beamed to Earth after the stasis is completed. The current elected officials will be removed and interim appointments supportive of these Universal ideas will be installed in their place. These changes are based on Christ Michael’s plan for his Universe. The only way his creation can ascend as a whole is when it has a unified acknowledgement of this truth. His decision is final and represents the wishes of the Creator Source.

This is a sufficient statement this afternoon. You may post as you will to whichever outlets you choose.

Esu Immanuel Kumara, Sananda and Planetary Prince of Urantia


----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 2:21 PM

Subject: Answer to him...Jess Anthony.

"The evacuation scenario was the only plausible method we could envision twenty years ago when the destruction of Mother Earth in her present form was inevitable." By Jess Anthony

That is not true!!! The planet doesn't die during a pole shift, she cleans herself up from all the thing humans have done to her; pollution, cutting down the trees, digging for oil, mining, atomic bombs set off on the earth and in the air, etc. The planet is being killed by us, the humans. So she has no choice but to do her Cleansing to survive!!! She's not dying, a pole shift is not the end of the world!!! It is life! That is why the evacuation is a perfect solution. The people she loves can get off the planet and take classes up on the starship to learn how to properly take care of the planet. Those that want to will be put back down on the planet to go on living, and those who want to go elsewhere can do so. It will take at least ten years for this planet to do her thing, and recover.

"The thing that Bellringer never speaks of in the evacuation is that only about 10% of the existing population could be lifted up successfully if this were to happen." By Jess Anthony

Not true!!! Where did you get that?? The number of people who can be beamed up depends on how many people have learned how to love and have love in their aura to protect them from the beam itself. So anyone with love in their aura can be beamed up. It is therefore left up to the people to learn how to love thy neighbor as themselves. Love raises the vibration of the body, and protects you. It is science, pure and simple. So many people have learned how to love that the number of people being evacuated is a good deal more than 10%. We can see your aura, so the people who are evacuating you knows who is capable of going or who is not. On a normal, unrushed evacuation process, there could be shuttles who would land and pick up as many of the others as possible in the time remaining. And trust me on this, there are literally millions of ships here for this evacuation. Plenty to handle this planet. I'm told that they can handle everyone on, inside and over this planet in 15 minutes.

Note; The clones and holograms will not be evacuated. They have no heart, and hence have no love.

"The Ascension of the Universe takes precedence over man’s free will choice to reject the help he has been offered." By Jess Anthony

Again, wrong!!! There is no reason that the people who have learned how to love need to be sacrificed. The planet will not die, she is ascending. The people who have not learned how to love will simply go to another 3D planet and continue learning. Just the body dies, not the spirit. It is totally up to each person if they learn how to love or not.

"The only way his creation can ascend as a whole is when it has a unified acknowledgement of this truth." By Jess Anthony

No way this can happen. As nice as this sounds, think logically. When have you ever been in a room where everyone agrees with a certain religion or government? This is the solid proof that he is lying to you about this. There is always going to be people that have their own idea of what truth is!!! Even in the Federation we have this!!! If they are saying that you have to wait until everyone agrees, you will have a very long wait!!! Because there is no way everyone can ever agree on this!!!

The way to tell if they are telling you the truth is to see if they are trying to force you to do anything. Telling you the facts is fine, if they leave the actual decision making solely up to you. That is how this works so well. The decision is up to you, if you want to learn how to love. If you decide that you don't, then it is up to you to blame yourself and continue your lessons. See that difference??? No one is judging you but you.

The Federation will not tell you what to do. You have to decide for yourself, and live with the consequences. That is how it works, pure and simple. That is why Esu Immanuel (Sananda) tells everyone to learn how to love. As I said before, you can't fake love. Either you love or you don't.

It is very clear to us who can see your aura.



----- Original Message -----
From: A&CM
To: "bellringer" <>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 4:16 PM
Subject: Response to the Jupiter-Stasis Message by PHB

Dear Patrick,

We thank you and honor you for the message and the strong words of Truth  you have spoken about the Jupiter-Stasis Lie and the point of origin concerning this Lie.  The Phoenix Journals are very clear, throughout,   that each one of us, here, now,  will be about  "Our Father's Business"  or will not be.  There is no in between,  gray zone.  Enough is enough.   Those who choose the Red Road of Truth fight not only  the energies of evil criminal political actions on this planet,  but also the evil  energies of spiritual fraud,  the double jeopardy of Lucifer's 2 edged sword.    Let this message assist us all in the release of the righteous anger we have been  experiencing in having to deal with these one's engaged in spiritual fraud!  We petition that Jess Anthony return to the One Light of Creator Source  and we petition that the Candace Frieze entity will learn that her personal tirades are useless.  Creator God wins, not her.

In Love and Light,