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"Hello, Central!" Homosexualtiy Revisited

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: MD


Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 12:52 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Hello Central . . . Can you imagine a world without homosexuality? Wake up and smell the coffee Patrick. After First Contact it will become glaringly obvious that homosexuality exists in ALL species and in galactic society. It is not some "perverted" thing unique to planet Earth. When you can find the true courage to embrace diversity in ALL it's manifest forms, without limitation, then we\'ll truly have something to celebrate. I realize this was written 5 years ago, so perhaps your mind and heart have opened since then. If not, keep working on it . . . you're going to need it!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 17, 2007


Dear MD:

Thank you for writing again, and about a repeat subject. What about the Laws of God and Creation do you not understand? Apparently, you are a slow learner. Creator God Aton has made it quite clear that His Laws are absolute. I know, in this very permissive society, absolute is a word against which you rebel vehemently.

No one shall enter the Kingdom of God of fifth dimension, who insists on breaking the Laws of God and Creation, and has not advanced in his soul's progression to the point of sincerely obeying them. I did not write these Laws, and I do not enforce these Laws. My task is to be the messenger and to present them to you, as clearly and simply as possible. What you choose to do with the Laws of God and Creation is solely your decision. That is the freedom you have living on a free-willed planet.

Yet, you attack me, the messenger, thinking that I am the problem, that I am forcing you to choose, that somehow I should change the message and make it more acceptable to your moral and ethical standards, because I must be wrong.

Sorry, my friend, it is not I that is your problem. If you do not like God's Laws, you must take your disagreement up with the author, and ultimately the enforcer of those Laws, Creator God Aton. He has said that no evil is allowed in the fifth and higher dimensions. That means no liars shall be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven. No thieves and no murderers shall be allowed, but you demand to allow sexual perverts into the Kingdom of Heaven---on what basis?

Oh, you do not wish to change your lifestyle! You would rather condemn me for up-setting your self-serving life of distorting the perfection of Creation, than to choose to advance in your soul-growth toward perfection. I remind you that all souled beings on Earth Shan at this time are Returned Masters, who are here by contract with Creator God Aton to assist our planet and her people during this transition of Mother Earth into fifth dimension. I did not say that all the people would make the transition with her into 5D. Only those, who have faithfully kept the Laws of God and Creation shall graduate due to soul growth into 5D.

There is no excuse for any Returned Master not waking up to the Truth and following the Laws and completing their mission, for each one had set sign-posts and alarm clocks along the way to awaken them. Those, who do not awaken, because they have chosen to ignore their signs and alarms, shall not graduate into 5D with Mother Earth, as they had planned.

It would be far wiser for you to stop trashing and beating on me about what you do not like of the Laws of God, and get on with your lessons in soul growth. Creator God Aton has made it quite clear that every Returned Master, who does not graduate into fifth dimension along with Mother Earth, has agreed to spend a minimum of another 350,000 years living lifestream after lifestream in third dimension, before such an opportunity to graduate, as now into 5D, would be presented to us again.

Yes, I can imagine a world without perverted sex, and where perversion is not twisted to mean diversity with no limits. I do not know, if it is "New Age" coffee you are drinking, but human homosexuality and lesbianism do not pass muster with Creator God Aton.

You may wish to refresh your memory or read for the first time the Laws of God and Creation recorded in Phoenix Journal #27 ( ) by none other than our Elder Brother, Esu Immanuel Sananda, Archangel Michael, Violinio Germain and Hatonn/Aton Himself.

If your claim to fame is your stated connection to Archangel Michael, now is the time to get it right.

My friend, may you choose wisely the path you take!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer