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"Hello, Central!" I Am A Longtime Lightworker, And I Have The Orgone Blaster To Protect Me! (Updated August 7, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ey also protect you from mind Control, Chemtrails and anything evil. Being a psychic and channeled myself, I used to receive false Information. I now wear an Orgone pendant all the time, as well as having them around my home And property. Nothing of the dark, can come near me any longer. They are the most powerful form Of protection, for these times. I now get clear and truthful Information all the time. I would suggest That you make yourself some and use them, when your channeling. Then you will receive the truth, All the time. If you go on google search and type In " Orgone Blasters " There's ton's of Information About them on there. I would suggest that you post this Information, on your site, so others can Benefit from them too. K. L.


Here's the directions on how to make the Orgone blasters ! the recipe calls for shaved aluminum, you can use aluminum foil, cut up very small, or even better, you can use pop cans, they are made of aluminum. they are quite easy to cut up. must be very small. or you can get some shaved aluminum from a auto shop, that does repairs on cars. you also need small pieces of copper. you can use those copper scrubbies, that you clean pots & pans with. just cut them up small. They must be 100 % copper. you will also need copper wire { real copper } you will need 7 - 8 inches for each Orgone blaster that you make. you will also need a quartz crystal, at least one inch long with a point on one end. you will wrap the copper wire around the crystal. you will need one copper penny for each blaster, your making. The pennies must be from the year 1983 or lower. do not use any pennies that were made after 1983 ! also a muffin pan or other mold. you must layer these ingredients on top of each other. { do not mix resin & hardener till all the muffin cups have been filled } USE ONLY LIQUID RESIN } [ NOT JELLIED RESIN ]! 1.First grease each muffin tin, then add ingredients, as instructed in this email. put a little copper shavings in bottom of pan, add your pennies on top, add shaved aluminum, a little more copper shavings, then wrap copper wire around crystal & place in tin. add a little more copper shavings. when everything is in place, mix resin & hardener & pour a little in each pan, let it absorb, then pour the rest in to fill up each one up. takes about an hr. to harden. place one on each 4 corners of your property, If they can be seen from the road, just place them as close to your home in all 4 corners of your property, as you can. put one at your front door, & back door, under stairs or porch. one at your computer, TV. one in your bed, put one in your car & I carry one either in my purse, pocket, or put one in a small crystal bag & hang it around my neck. wearing one on you all the time will protect you wherever you go ! any questions, let me know . good luck, K. L.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: K. L.

DATE: August 6, 2006


Dear K. L.:

Thank you for the information about the Orgone Blaster. I have something far better, and it's free! Did you know that at birth everyone is given two Guardian Angels, who protect you throughout your entire life from birth to death? The one problem is that people do not believe this, and therefore, do not ask for their protection. Your Guardian Angels are there to help you, but you must ask for their help. Otherwise, they will never enter in your freewill choices.

You can, also, ask for protection by the Golden Light of Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Crystal White Light of Creator God Aton of Light. Plus, you can have the super protection of an invisible plasma bubble to surround you, provided by the Lighted Realms, through which no evil energy, evil entity or Darkside technology can penetrate. You must ask Creator God for it, then believe that you have it. It is by your faith that you receive this protection. Believe, and you have it! Doubt, and you do not! It is that simple, and far better than the Orgone Blaster. We and Fourwinds have this triple protection. If we did not, we would have been destroyed by the Darkside long ago. We are living proof of what I say.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: KL

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 10:13 PM


That never worked for me. I prayed for years to be released. from this kind of work. Three Angels came to me and Told me, that rescue work, taking lost souls to the light, and Working with Angel Michael and The Armored angels to rid the planet of the dark entities Was one of the things, I signed up To do. It was my mission, here this time. Being an Empath, made it all the harder, as I picked up their negative feelings and also their pain. I still take lost souls and earthbound spirits to The light, but am no longer bothered by the dark ones. What works for some, does not work for Others. Especially if that's their mission, that they are here to do. When I prayed for help, I finally Got it, by being directed to the sites, that have these Orgone blasters, which are also called Holy Grenades. They also protect you from mind control & chemtrails and other dangerous things. Prayer And white light, just don't do the job anymore. I have proof of this, with all the people that come to Me for help with this same problem. sincerely, K. Lynn ps. I am well aware of our guardian angels And all the spiritual laws. I have been on the spiritual path for over 35 years, and am very aware And Awake. K L