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"Hello, Central!" How Can We Relate To A Personal Or To An Impersonal God, And What Are Their Names?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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sonal God is the highest being of absolute and eternal nature, unmanifest source of all different forms and attributes of relative existence - omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent.

Realisation of the impersonal God takes place, when the mind in meditation transcends all boundries of relative experiences and comes to the field of absolute Being, the light of God.

Personal God, we all can inagine, is on the highest level of all expressed creation. He or She is the highest Being of almighty nature. The personal aspect of God has a form, qualities, likings and dislikings.

Realisation of the personal God takes place on the level of human senses.

Now my short and simple question: How we can relate the nature of Christ Michael / God Aton / Creator Source / Father God of the Universe of Nebadon to the nature of the omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent personal God?

And what name Christ Michael would give to the personal God - creator of everything there is and ever will be?




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 26, 2005


Dear F:

Your discussion of God leaves a very huge vacuum. What God are you trying to describe? If you refer to Creator God, then you must mean our Creator God, Aton/Christ Michael/Hatonn. He is the Creator of all that is in the Universe of Nebadon.

Why are you using two categories of personal God and Impersonal God? That would surely be only your opinion of who "God" really is. Why would your Creator God be impersonal, if he created you? Would that be because you did not know or understand him?

Obviously, if there is a Michael as the Creator of our Nebadon Universe, there would be Creator God Michaels for other universes. We have been told that there are seven Super Universes, each containing 100,000 universes for a total of 700,000 universes in our present Creation. This would mean that there are 700,000 Creator Gods or Michaels for these universes.

The Creator God energy of All That Is resides in the Isle of Light at the Center of these seven Super Universes, and this Creator God of All That Is, is pure Light.

A Creator God in pure Light form would certainly be omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, for Light is everywhere all the time and all-powerful over all Darkness everywhere. Light is what composes everything in our third dimension and in every other dimension. Light is neither personal nor impersonal. It just is, and it is our choice to accept it or not, to become "enlightened" or not, to become Lightbodies or not. These terms of Personal God and Impersonal God are of man's creation and used in mind games. Any Creator God of any Universe or ofall the 700,000 Universes of All That Is, is as personal or as impersonal as we wish to make him.

We connect to the Light energy that flows anywhere any everywhere, and can communicate with whomever we will and at whatever depth we desire, be it personal or impersonal. We will never truly understand any "God" until we reach the Light energy and frequency level of that "God".

You would be most wise to read the Pleiades Connection series of the Phoenix Journals, where Christ Michael/Hatonn/Aton along with Violinio Germain explain many aspects of Creation, Light, and Creator God for our better understanding of such.

Am I to understand that by your definitions Hatonn would be a "Personal God", and Creator God of Pure Light (Source) would be an"Impersonal God"? Why do you need such distinctions? There is no simple short question or answer on this subject.

We relate to our Creator God through our God Spirit within and at whatever level we so choose. Knowledge gives us access to wisdom, and wisdom leads to enlightenment. As we expand our mind with wisdom, we grow in enlightenment. Thus, our frequencies rise and we reach ever higher levels of Light energy and new dimensions of understanding to explore. Our Creator will become as personal or as distant as we want to make him. The same holds true for the Source of All That Is -- Pure Light Energy. At some point in our return to Source, we, too, will become Pure Light Energy.

May you find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
