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"Hello, Central!" Who Are You Referring To, When You Mention Germain, Hatonn and Others In Your Writings? (Updated Sept. 22, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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rs, in your writings. I would like to better understand your messages...Thank You, LL


----- Original Message -----


To: LL

Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 1:03 PM

Subject: Reply from Bellringer

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 22, 2006


Dear LL:

There are over 200 Star Nations represented in the millions of

starships that are here around our planet at this time. They are our

brothers and sisters from the stars and have come by order of Creator

God as the "Hosts of Heaven" to help us at this time to defeat evil and restore our planet, Earth Shan, to goodness.

Violinio Germain is one of the Ascended Masters. There are many, who

are here helping with our planet's transition into fifth dimension or Heaven. The "Kingdom of God"is being established on our planet at this time. Hatonn/Aton is Creator God Aton of Light, Creator of our Nebadon

Universe. You may find it helpful to read some of the Phoenix Journals

for more information on these various Beings of Light. Journal #7 The Rainbow Masters speaks of the Ascended Masters, for example.

May you find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer



----- Original Message -----

From: LL

To: Cactus

Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 1:45 PM

Subject: Re: Reply from Bellringer

Thank you, for your reply--One more question...How do you comuni-

cate with these beings, so as you know what their feelings are on any

given situation? I havn't studied any thing like this, so am curious. I have wondered about this, since the first time I read your e-mails...Thanks again....L.L


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 22, 2006


Dear LL:

You communicate with the Lighted Realms and these Beings of Light

through your thoughts, through your God Spirit within. Every souled

being has a spiritual connection to Creator God, which is their God

Spirit within. Thought is the most powerful force in our world and in

the Cosmos, for it is by thought that Creation itself was made. Thought

is the "Internet connection" that we have within to everyone and

everything that has ever been created.

In our third dimensional world we have mostly lost our ability to communicate by thought (telepathy) due to deliberate misinformation

and ignorance caused by the Darkside. We must again learn to meditate

and to "think" and "listen" to our inner voice, for that is how we truly communicate accurately with the Higher Realms. I suggest that you read Phoenix Journal #34 "Phone Home, E.T." ( ) and also my "People of the Lie: Phone Home, E.T." (

ArticleDetails.php?ArticleID=1900 article. May you find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer