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"Hello, Central!" How Does Creation Happen, And What Role Did Christ Michael/Aton/Hatonn Play In The Creation Of Our Nebadon Universe?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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I have been doing this for years with the Nidle’s Sirian updates, and many more.

I was the translator for Brazil of Mr. Oscar Magocsi books, the nice fellow from Toronto. (I learned to my grief that he passed in 2003 – have you reference on him? Or any, on the wanderings of the trio Argus, Micah and Spectron?). My conferences have been many through the years also, as I have published one book of my own, describing the G. Adamski years. (Got a lot of boycott, some readers, and a message from Ashtar S. from that.)

It is not difficult for me to accept that the god Michael, in the origin of this universe, has several fragments of him being scattered at certain beings, descending or ascending, while at the same time, he is himself united. Not difficult to accept that dear Commander Hatton is an Archangel (Aton fragment) using a custom-made android body, sometimes the Fragment, sometimes the united Aton. (I think it would be easier if he had said “the greys have” the same type of custom-made body that I have, instead of “I have a grey type of body”...) I wonder if the Hatton entity was born in Havona, or just the custom body was made there (?).

I write to ask you and our dear universal masters to enlighten me on two questions:

Hello Central:

1) The idea of “creation”, a god-being creating some universe... How does it proceed? Are the local universes developments of the creating entity herself, or does she stands apart from her creation? Is the Aton entity a source of greater consciousness in the Nebadon Universe, that imparts conscience to all beings there, or is it in the sense of active consciousness, that creates physicality?

2) Well, no one more glad than me to learn that the White House government is over, and several of them already imprisioned! Since I have proclaimed this to many friends, please explain to me how is it possible that Condolezza, Rumsfeld, and yesterday Bush, in the press conference, can be active in public, gay-smiling and self-confident? It is truth that their measures are all hollow, but still? Can the three of them be clones?? Have they surrended or not? Are they resisting?

I would be very happy to have comments from you and the masters.

Thank you so much for being around!





FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 29, 2005


Dear CMB:

Thank you for your letter and for holding high the Light of truth in Brazil. You honor me with your difficult questions, and I am not sure I can answer them to your satisfaction. I shall try.

All Creation happens through the power of thought, and all Creation is derived from the energy of Light. The Creator God of All That Is, also known as The Source, is pure energy of Light or pure Light. Therefore, to create anything one must receive that Creative Light energy from The Source. The Michael/Creator of every universe receives Creative Light energy from The Source to create the universe.

Christ Michael, Creator of our Universe of Nebadon received his power or Light to create from Source, from Creator God of All That Is. Therefore, Christ Michael stands apart from his Creation, the Nebadon Universe, but acts as a channel for the Creative Light from Source.

All greater consciousness comes ultimately from Source. Christ Michael/Aton receives greater consciousness (wisdom) from Source and imparts it to the beings he has created by thought through the energy of Light.

By thought, from Light Aton/Hatonn can create whatever form or body he wishes to use in returning to lower levels or dimensions. Even Sananda Immanuel has the ability to shape-shift into any appearance that is needed by us in 3D to recognize him, though his energy pattern remains the same.

All who are enlightened and have gained wisdom have the same thought-power to create. At some point in our progression in soul growth back to Source, we, too, will have the ability to create our own planet or universe and be responsible for its development, if we so choose.

I recommend that you read the information about Light, electricity, Creation and Creator God that is found in the Pleiades Connection series of the Phoenix Journals, for a better understanding of these concepts.

Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, etc. are only clones running around for public viewing until such time as it is appropriate for their removal. That will be very soon. May you find great rewards in your search for Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
