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"Hello, Central!" As A Lightworker I Am Seeking To Know My Role In These Coming Times. Do You Have Any Answers Tor Me?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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we be freed from this dilemma once NESARA is announced? The BBB&Gs seem to find more ways to put a damper on the truth. I know, you know as well, that the time is short for the dark side. Thank God!!!!

I want to thank you for the important work you are doing. It is because of people like yourself, that we Light workers have a chance to learn the truth.

I am still seeking to understand my personal role in this important work. I have sought help from others I believe in and trust. Thus far, all I have gotten is vague belief system regarding my own role. Others are telling me the same thing, go within. I have been doing this and still no real answers are forthcoming. Time is short. There is no time to play games. I need a specific breakthrough. if you have any answers for me, I'd appreciate your help.

Thanks again for your understanding.

You are Loved and appreciated my dear Brother



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 21, 2005


Dear CB:

Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work at Fourwinds.

Evil never quits until the higher frequencies dominate, and that shall happen on Earth Shan sooner than we think. We are about to have major positive changes that will rock this planet. It is time that the Darkness leaves!

You ask about your role in all that is to be done in preparation for our coming Golden Age. I cannot answer that specifically for you, but I can give you some guidance. As Lightworkers, we will be needed to help all over Earth Shan. Dear brother, you may be needed right in your own community.

I suggest that you start by analyzing your own situation. What are your interests? What are your abilities and talents? How could they be used in helping to build a local "enlightened community"? The first step will be to help people get beyond the "culture shock" when NESARA, First Contact and the Second Coming happen.

Secondly, much education will be needed to bring people up to speed about the lies of our history and why this is all happening to them. They, too, will need to know their role in restoring our planet and bringing balance to society in preparation for our coming Golden Age.

Thirdly, direct action must be taken with the help of our Star People friends to clean up Mother Earth. We do this by starting where we live. I do not know specifically how this all happens, but I do have a vision of a pristine planet as the end result, where people are happy and healthy, the toxins and trash are gone, and nature has been restored.

I believe there will be much information and direction provided to us by the Star People and Ascended Masters via television, the internet and even newspapers about how to proceed in our local communities. Personally, you will be guided by your Angels, if you ask them for assistance. Having good intent, the willingness to help and being open to the opportunities being presented are basic to our mission.

This may sound strange, but I do not know at this time what my specific role is to be in these coming changes. Because we do not clearly know the future in our 3D free-willed world, we must be ready to move in the direction that we are guided as events unfold.

Do not be overly anxious about your future and the role you are to play. Be open and ready for all possibilities. Start where you are, and you may be led around the world or stay local in your work. It may be helpful to read the "Hello, Central!" to JCJ of August 13, 2005 ( ).

Together, my friend, with joy we walk the Red Road of Truth---The King's Highway in loving service to all. May your journey be most glorious.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
