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"Hello, Central!" I Ask You To Send My Words To Creator God Aton And Request A Written Message. I Have Not The Strength or Desire To Struggle Any Longer (Updated May 27, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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a written message for ALL TO READ that can be posted on Fourwinds! ! ! ! I guess I'm asking for God Aton to give us some answers ! ! ! ! ALL DESERVE ANSWERS NOW . There does come a time when "enough is enough ! ! ! ! ! I have fulfilled my contract long ago and continued to hold the "LIGHT". I came here of my own free choice to help ! ! ! Most of the Light Workers have done this !!!!!! From what I can see, we have presented all that can be done, indictments to courts etc. . . . . MANY ARE HOLDING ON NOW BY ONE NAIL, ON ONE HAND. ( physically, emotionally and mentally ) I have NOT the strength or desire to struggle and survive in this 3D mess any longer! My heart is too soft and my emotional pain is great. It feels like we are all still being held captive by the "Dark". We have been told for years it is SOON. (A., my friend, and I have been in these prosperity programs for 21 years . . . a long time ) Is there any intervention NOW ? What is Soon ? ? ? ? ? I'm sooooo confused by that word ! ! ! ! PLEASE GOD GIVE US A TIME LINE TO HOLD ON TOO

I feel all of the people doing their job should be entitled to know in real earth times what to expect NOW.


I have a very, very good friend, A., who would like to talk to you in person. Would you give me your personal phone number to give to him? He is an exceptional Light Worker who was privileged to have a true master from another dimension work with him for 8 years. YOU WILL LOVE TALKING TO HIM !

I'm asking alot of you,

Love Forever,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 26, 2006


Dear M:

You have the same connections as I do or anyone else to Creator God Aton. He is only a thought away. I am not anymore special than you or others to communicate with the Higher Realms of Light. Maybe you are being stressed to learn your communication lessons. Maybe you are one of many holding back Creator God Aton's Plan 2000 for our time, because you are not utilizing the help and power of Heaven to "deal" with your 3D situation.

I am only expressing some ideas to consider. I do not have answers to the "why" or when" questions anymore than does anyone else. There are many mysteries that I cannot explain. I expressed a bit of my frustration at the seemingly lack of progress in the NESARA Mission when I said that "we hurry up and wait!"

I am well aware that Lightworkers around Earth Shan have been stretched to the limits of their endurance. None of us knew the full difficulty of our tasks, when we volunteered for this Earth Shan transition mission. We did not know how dark the Darkness could really get in these last days (daze!)

Too often we forget that we are never alone, that we are never without help. Our Guardian Angels have the resources of Heaven at their disposal. We need only to ask them and others of the Lighted Realms to have all the help that Heaven allows.

Patience and endurance are great virtues. When we feel that we have reached the end of our strength, and we are in despair, we need only to ask to be renewed. In the asking we must believe that Heaven has the resources we need, or they will never arrive. We must ever walk in faith, believing. Once help arrives, we then have the "knowing" as did Daniel, as he walked through the Lions Den!

Some parts of the Holy Bible are well worth reading. I suggest that all Lightworkers take the time to read Isaiah Chapter 40, which I am told I penned many years ago.

You do know that you have the choice to leave this 3D experience, whenever you so choose to do so. Your soul contract, mission and lessons are all determined between you and Creator God Aton, but He does not determine when you leave Earth Shan, as many erroneously believe. You do!

For reasons of both time and money, I must limit my communication to the use of the Internet. Therefore, I do not give out my telephone number. Have your friend send me an e-mail letter, if he so desires.

My friend, hold the Fort a bit longer! I believe that relief is on the way!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: RVD


Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:29 PM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Greetings Partick and Anne,

I read your two most current postings, feeling with great empathy those concerns that were being expressed.

Last year, I was rejoicing because God had provided for me to get on with my mission; but I no sooner got things moving when I was hit with a frivoulous lawsuit challenging the trust. My spiritual, non-judgemental Mom's ex-banker, who had tried to take her estate, sued me for undue influence in creating a trust that was based on two previous wills prior to their greedy involvement in which they (he and his even more greedy wife) would have taken virtually everything. Under the trust there were five beneficiaries; and I was going to end up with less than half (about $400,000) when the million dollar property sold. It reamins unsold.

Anyway, I had thought that justice would be done quickly, and the whole thing would be quickly dismissed. I was wrong. It has been dragging on for nearly a year with only the lawyers enjoying their windfall. Injustice reigns!

That's why I can feel so much empathy for those who are struggling. It seems we are all wondering when; and you're right: no one of us has any more a direct line to God than any other. Our strength in in encouraging and being encouraged by one another.

I am persuaded that cracks in the dam supporting the political and economic house of cards are becoming increasingly evident; and I know it will fall rapidly once it gives way. And if it takes First Contact, so be it.

Thank God there are many of us out here, even though it often seems we stand alone; and we always seem to have the strength and courage to go on one more day.

As my fundamentalist Christian mother used to say in every letter to me when I was a soldier during the Viet Nam era, "Keep looking up!" Then she would always add, "Romans 8:28." Even though she became critical when I started expressing non fundamental viewpoints, she left me a great hearitage of faith in the Almighty.

I wish I, too, could contribute; but I have had zero income in over a year now; and funds are running low.
