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"Hello, Central!" What's Going On With Hurricane Rita?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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rricane to make it stronger and then they get the troops and FEMA in early to set themselves up politically since Bush's ratings have gone down through the tubes.


Love and Liight



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 21, 2005


Dear BR:

Do we want Hurricane Rita? Most people do! They create it by their thoughts. The weather forecasters say, "Oh, we are going to have a bad hurricane!" Without realizing what they are doing the people, who hear the bad weather forecast, turn to their family or their neighbor and say, "Did you hear the weather forecast? We are going to have a bad hurricane!"

What have they done? They have picked up the negative energy created by the weather forecaster, energized it to a higher level by their own thought-power and passed it on to others. If each person told only one other person about the dangerous hurricane, Rita, the negative energy would expand slowly, but that does not happen. Each person will excitedly tell everyone they meet that a terrible hurricane is coming, and the negative energy expands exponentially and creates the horrible hurricane, just as the forecasters said.

The forecasters are nothing more than prophets. They foretell what is going to happen. If the people believe it, it happens! If the people do not believe it and create positive energy to neutralize or cancel out the negative energy, it does not happen! The Darkside used mind control to intensify Hurricane Katrina recently. They know how to use thought-power for their evil intent, but we have not yet learned how to use thought power to neutralize their negative energy.

The Farmer's Almanac is a case in point. This publication was created to tell the farmers what kind of a season to expect along with other helpful information for planting, growing and harvesting of various crops. People became dependent upon The Farmer's Almanac weather forecasts. When the forecast was for a long and very cold winter, everyone believed that would happen and prepared accordingly. Guess what? That is exactly what happened. The farmers thought-created the same energy and made a terrible winter happen every time. I have learned to confront anyone who tries to create negative weather. I negate their negative energy with my positive energy.

A few years ago on the Art Bell radio talk show, Art Bell did an experiment to prove that a group of people can control events by their combined thoughts. Art Bell asked everyone listening to his radio show to think healing, wellness and perfect health for a man who was very ill. They did so and in a very short time the man was totally well. The doctors called it a miracle.

Then Art Bell was asked by some of his listeners to help the farmers in a certain area of Nebraska, who had had no rain for so long that the crops and livelihood of the people were being destroyed. Art Bell agreed and asked his listeners to think positive thoughts about rain for this drought stricken area. During the Art Bell radio show,a couple of nights later the people in the drought area began calling Art Bell to tell him that rain was falling. A long gentle rain fell in that area and saved the crops and livestock. Was that a miracle? It was the result of the combined efforts of many people using their thought-power to focus positive energy on a single event.

Do we want Hurricane Rita to be a category five storm? Apparently, because that is what is now happening this very night. We do not have to have another terrible hurricane. We can thought-create whatever it is that we want. Let us use our positive energy to neutralize the negative energy of Hurricane Rita into a mild tropical storm that cleanses and waters the land with no destruction of property and no harm to anyone. We, the people, can do it!

We can thought-create this storm into nothing at all. Remember, our lessons repeat until we learn them.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


From: RB


Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 12:35 AM

Mr Bellringer,

I sent the below to Alex Merklinger of Mysteries of the Mind InterNet Radio

Show. You ARE quite right with this one!

Sir Honorable Mr Merklinger,

Please share this with everyone you know.

From the following website, is a readers question about Rita. That post is

Mr Merklinger, I sincerely think that Mr Bellringer is quite right with his responce. These Huricane intensification are caused by the masses via SERIOUS mind control from the Dark Elite. We are going through a Dimensional Shift now, and things are ramping up fast. As part of this Dimensiaonal Shift thoughts can and apparently are VERY dangerous!

I have paid attention to the sky for the last LONG, LONG time. Over at least the last two months I have not seen a chemtrail. Nor have I seen the Scalar Grid patterns in the sky.

You will read about Art Bells experiment. Well, I think the Mystries of the Mind listeners worldwide need to have our own "operation". Spend a good part of the show with a mental "exercise" concentrating on the demise of Rita.




----- Original Message -----

From: J


Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2005 8:45 PM

Subject: Message from Rita Surviver.

Hello Mr. Bellringer,

I just wanted to say a few words about Hurricane Rita.

I live in Houston, Texas. More specifically in northwest Houston, close to the Beltway 8 & U.S 290.

Based on the information and lessons that I have learned reading you web site, I was not going to evacuate. Our city leaders, for good or bad, took in many people from hurricane Katrina. It was just the right thing to do. That is something that the people of Houston should be proud of. Many times you have said that in today's world we have to go inside to find the solutions to our problems. Or follow your "gut instinct."

The angels say that there is too much good will that has been done in Houston to be destroyed by hurricane Rita, or maybe that's my "gut instinct" telling me that.

What lesson's were learned?

You can not evacuate an entire metropolitan area. Only Galveston, southeast Houston, and the small municipalities along the coast were evacuated. Also, any one else who wanted to leave could go. The latest estimates are about 2 million people left the area.

I live and work along U.S. 290. That freeway goes from Houston to Austin. It was a parking lot for about three days. I personally know people who tried to leave. They loaded up their families and belongings in their cars and tried to evacuate. Many of them sat in traffic for eight hours or more,and only moving about 10 to 20 miles. They turned around and went home. You don't get good gas mileage sitting in traffic all day with the air conditioning on, remember it was about 100 degrees each day of the evacuation. After returning home, they could not get any supplies because the stores were closed.

I have personally seen lines of people waiting to get gas at gas stations. There were so many cars at these gas stations, that police officers were their to direct traffic and keep the peace. Also some people ran out of gas trying to evacuate and were stranded on the side of the road.

My point here is that keep enough supplies in your house for a week water, canned goods, first aid kits, ect. Also, if you have kids, think about how you can keep them busy. Although I only lost power for eight hours, my cable T.V. went out early. Some how telling your children to read a book is not as exciting to them as Cartoon Network or Niclodeon. I have been saying that for two days now.

If you decide to leave during an emergency you have your supplies ready, and you won't have to go shopping for them at the last minute with the other 2 or 3 million people.

Another point is this. This is a learning experience for everyone me, you, and the star people. They have said in their writings that an "experiment" like this has never been done. I don't think that this will be the last "emergency" for any of us. Also, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who prayed for us and helped us in Houston not make this another Katrina disaster.

Best Regards,


P.S. The pen is mightier than the sword.
